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mardi, juin 18, 2019

Huge Thunderbirds Encountered in California's Trinity Alps Wilderness

“I live in the Trinity Alps Wilderness of California. I have had two encounters with Thunderbirds up close and personal. The first was for about 10 minutes at a distance of 200 to 500 feet while it circled overhead. The second time one flew past me at a distance of about 15 feet. If I had any idea how big it was, I would have tried to shoot down the first one because I had time to get a gun. The one who flew past me was as big as I am, and the wings were 22 to 23 feet long as it flew between the trees on the driveway. It tucked in its wings to pass through the trees. I measured the trees and they are 30 feet apart. The birds looked like eagles except for the size and wing shape. The wings were straight from root to tip with no gaps at the end between the feathers. The wing tips were round, which is unusual for most birds. Other than size, the birds were not unusual in any way.” - HA


UFO and Aliens

“I am waiting for someone to come forward about a ship that quite a few of us saw one summer evening in Scarborough, Ontario in 1972. A ship came over a row of houses across from the parking lot of our home and sat motionless except for an electrical pulse that 'zapped' every few seconds. It was the size of a big house with a rounded front window where three 'aliens' like a family, one big, one medium and one small in height, stood as though through a screen looking at us as we stood looking at them. It was incredible!!!” - WWG1WGA


UFO Witnessed in Afghanistan

“In December of 2003, Afghanistan, we were preparing a raid on a small village in Khost province. Looking for a high target ID. It was around 0330hrs and were stationed just outside the village that was around 9,000ft. high in the mountains. What I witnessed that morning was exactly the same account that the people from Phoenix, Arizona witnessed back in March 1997. That only difference was that I had NVG's and a Thermal nuclear scope. That early morning it just finished snowing and the sky had just cleared up. I could see all the stars in the sky. There a few clouds as far a my eyes could see. I was a gunner pulling guard on top of a vehicle so I had a 360 degree view. That morning I saw what I believe to be a fighter jet flying over us since we had air reconnaissance, they were our eyes in the sky for this mission. But what I witnessed right after was breathtaking and shocking at the same time. The first thing I saw was a dim white light coming from behind us at a very slow speed almost like a floating balloon, moving very slowly. My first instinct was it was one our ours. But then the more I saw it moving I realized it wasn't one of our aircrafts. So I pull down on my NVG's to take a closer look and what I realize was that this light, as it was moving forward it was covering all the stars in the sky. So I looked up and behind me and I could see a triangular shaped with three dim white light on every corner as far as my eyes could see with the exception of a fourth light which was much bigger and brighter of an orange color. This orange color bright light was center to the triangular shaped object. And from this light I could see something burning like a white phosphorus light going from bright white light to bright red and then orange. And every time this happened a light was shooting down and it kept doing one after the other as if smaller light were flying off this colossal object. I try getting the attention of my squad and bringing it up to my NCO so I explain that there were some weird lights in the sky and he quickly dismissed it as of: we had air reconnaissance flying over us. So my next instinct was to dismount the Thermal nuclear scope I had on top of my cursor weapon so I could aim it at the object. What I saw with this scope was thousands of small fragments of lights following this object. It was like a scene coming out of a science fiction movie. This object covered at least 3/4th of all the sky and covered at least 3/4th of all the stars in the sky. Whatever this thing was, was enormous. To this day I have never seen anything like it. Just as it came, it left making no noise what's so ever. Like it never happened. I related my story to my wife many years ago and stand firm on the testimony I have written.” - Freddy Fernandez


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King

Facebook event announcement: Christopher Balzano - Writer, Researcher and Podcaster - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome writer, researcher and podcaster Christopher Balzano to Arcane Radio. Christopher is the current host of the podcast 'Tripping on Legends' and has been documenting the unexplained since 1994. He is the author of several books about regional hauntings, especially in the Bridgewater Triangle of Massachusetts. Christopher has also captured stories of everyday people who have accidentally allowed spirits into their house. He has been mentioned in more than a dozen other books, often called in to offer insight into a specific case. Christopher has been involved with several media presentations, including Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures.and the Spooky Southcoast radio show. This should be an interesting show! Join us this Friday, June 21st at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon


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Bizarre Modern Encounters with Real Gargoyles

Exploring Canadian Monsters: Nunavut

The Hunt for the Giant Horse-Headed Eel Begins Soon in Ireland

What Really Happened to Malaysia’s Missing Airplane

Russian Village Invaded by Apocalyptic Swarms of Flies

Ronald Murphy - Folklorist, Paranormal Investigator and Author - Arcane Radio

New 'Phantoms & Monsters' Archive - Important posts from the past 15 years - Updated and adding daily - Make sure to bookmark


UFOs and the ET Presence

Mack Maloney's Haunted Universe

The Templars: The Rise and Spectacular Fall of God's Holy Warriors

Slender Man Is Coming: Creepypasta and Contemporary Legends on the Internet

UFO Cases of Interest: 2018 Edition

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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