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samedi, juin 01, 2019

Girls Attacked by Huge Black Bird in San Jose, CA

“The guy that said that he Was picked up and carried (the 1977 Lawndale, Illinois bird attack incident), I believe it! Something just like that happened to me and a girl named Ida around 1969 or 1970 in San Jose, California. We were walking across the street in front of her house, when a huge black bird (just like the bird described in Lawndale incident), came swooping down the hill at the end of the street, straight at us, and tried to grab us. I remember it shrieking when it missed us. I remember the whole street getting dark as it flew over us. I also had bad dreams about it afterwards. I remember telling my parents about it and they didn't believe me and told me to quit making up stories. I have always remembered it very vividly. It cared the holy sh*t out of me!!” KB

NOTE: Here's the Lawndale, Illinois account...Lon


Law of Attraction

One night I was thinking to myself about an experience a roommate of mine in college told me. He told me how he remembered being about two years old and jumping up and down in his crib at night while his parents were watching TV in another room. He said that all of a sudden his closet door opened up and he saw a man-like figure. From what I recall of the story he described it as “static like” in form. Basically, a thin, shadowy, nondescript man.

He said he was scared stiff and the two just stared at each other for a long time. Then, all of a sudden my friend said “BOO” to the figure and the figure got scared and disappeared and the closet door closed. He said it was such a vivid experience that he remembered it even though he was so young.

Just as I remembered this story, you guys discussed the stick man, and how it’s sightings were more prevalent in children. Creepy!

This friend of mine was very special. He seemed to be in-tune with things. He also told me other stories, like how he dreamt about the 911 attacks the night before they happened (he was living very close to NY city at the time). He told me he never heard of Afghanistan before, but in the dream he had an intense feeling of hate for this country, so much so that when he woke from the dream he asked his wife “where’s Afghanistan? Is that a real country?”

There are other stories as well. There were a couple incidents where he would “manifest” things that he needed. One day he said to me that he would like to have a new leather jacket. The next day, we were moving into a new room at the college and in his room... there was only one thing left behind. In his closet was a brand new leather jacket. It was his size. I was shocked and thought he had planted it there to be funny. He shrugged it off and said “this stuff happens to me all the time”. Antonio


Giant Bat-Like Creature

“In June, 2009, in the Midlands, I witnessed a large bat-like creature with a wing span of at least 15 feet and with a body at least 4 foot. I heard it before I seen it. I could see the membrane of the wings inflate as it pushed its wings down. It was all black that I could make out and flying about the level of my bedroom window 30 ft away from my position. Never saw anything like it before or since.” Wayne Newitt

You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



“The Duke” and the FBI: A Strange Saga

Mysterious Flashes of Light are Coming From the Lunar Surface

11-foot alligator breaks into Florida home

Loch Ness monster study results 'surprising'

Chinese dissidents are being executed for their organs, former hospital worker says


Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs

The Chilling, True Terror of the Black-Eyed Kids: A Monster Compilation

Beasts of Britain

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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