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vendredi, juin 28, 2019

'Giant birds do exist!'

“Giant birds do exist having seen -- and heard -- one myself. I was deer hunting and heard a slow swishing sound for about 3 minutes then saw what looked like a giant white hawk fly over (about a 16 foot wingspan -- and that's on the conservative side). I've flow RC airplanes and seen different size aircraft, and it is possible to get a fair idea of its size and height from a distance. I've also seen ordinary hawks with as much as a 6 foot wingspan but the bird I described was absolutely huge and likely a freak of nature. Condors have a span of about 10 feet; however, the bird I saw was definitely significantly larger then that.” L


“I saw a Thunderbird a few months ago (2017) early in the morning while I was driving on the highway to catch the bus for work. It was still a little dusk, but it caught my eye because it was huge and flying relatively low. Long beak with the pointy head and the long tail with the arrow tip. What I found really fascinating was how the wings almost flapped in slow motion. They were flapping at 1/4 the speed of Canadian geese. If I wasn't on the highway, I would've pulled over to get out of the car just to get a better look. There wasn't much time for anything else. It was flying perpendicular to the way I was traveling. Truly amazing to witness. Just wish I had someone with me to see it too.” PP


“I saw a Thunderbird for sure. It scared the crap out of me. I was in Muskegon, Michigan, about 1975, spring time. So, they definitely exist. If someone is still doing research on this contact me, I'll give you all the details.” BC


Giant Black Triangular UFO

“14 years ago myself and my 2 kids saw something very similar. We were driving to Seattle in the middle of the night to beat Thanksgiving day traffic from our home in Kalama, Washington. We took the 512 McCord Air Force exit and a few miles later I saw a gigantic black triangle a mile or so ahead of us hovering low in the sky. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I'm a skeptic so I was trying to figure out what kind of military craft it was. My 16 year old daughter spoke. I thought she was sleeping so I looked at her. She asked me, 'WTF is that Mom?' 'I don't know,' I said. We all three turned to stare. My son woke because we were talking. Anyway when we looked again the thing multiplied, there were 3 now. The other 2 were smaller but the same shape, all had lights on the outer perimeter. We stared for a good 5 minutes because I slowed down to get a good look. After going straight under it we saw military jets banking hard and heading straight for it. Suddenly they all disappeared. I don't know if they just hit the lights out or if they left. All three of us are sceptics so to this day we aren't calling what we saw alien aircraft but definitely a UFO.” RP


You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



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Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research and Leprechan Press

Wood Knocks Volume 2: A Journal of Sasquatch Research and Leprechan Press

Wood Knocks Volume 3: Journal of Sasquatch Research and Leprechan Press

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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