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samedi, juin 22, 2019

Close Giant Bird Encounter in Colorado

“I can personally attest that giant birds do exist. I have seen one at a close up distance of about 20 yards. It was at least four feet tall, although I could only see its feet up to it's shoulders as its head was behind a tree branch from where I stood on a path to where it sat at a stream crossing the path in front of me. I froze solid, totally unable to move. It sensed me, it took off, and the wingspan was literally 25 feet and 3 feet in depth. I thought if it turned on me, I was dead, but it did not turn down on me. I only glimpsed the wings momentarily and then it was completely gone in the densely treed area I was in. I was on a hillside path here in Colorado and it sat originally uphill from me. From the difficulty it had in taking off I reckon it was impossible for it to turn on me and attack, especially with all the trees in the way. The sound of the wings was incredibly loud and to tell the truth, unearthly, a 'whoosh' sound while it got going - something I will never, ever forget.

I was a carpenter for two decades and can tell you lengths very accurately on any length of material. This thing was 40 pounds at least. I have also seen Golden Eagles myself with 9 to 12 foot wingspans, standing 3 feet tall in Colorado. Those Golden Eagles can pick goats up off a cliff-side and carry them off under their own flapping power. The scientists are lying about the carrying power of large raptors in this video. There are youtube videos of Golden Eagles taking goats off and up. These giant birds are out there, very very elusive , but very very real.” RS


Man Witnesses Spectre of Girlfriend's Deceased Father

“I was a skeptic, believe me. About a decade ago my girlfriend's father had passed away. We went to the funeral and afterwards she wasn't doing well, understandably, so I went back to her house with her. She wanted to be alone for a moment so she went to lie down on her bed and I sat in the living room on the couch in case she needed me. I saw her father for a brief few seconds standing next to the hallway entrance. She had beads there hanging instead of a door and he was standing there with his arm extended like he was confused about it. He wasn't looking at me at all. It was just a few seconds and then he was gone. I never ever told her about it because I didn't want to upset her, of course. Maybe my mind was tricking me. Believe me, I have thought that. All I know is that it happened.

If you are interested there is a little I didn't say in the story above because it was long but when her father died, it was very sudden and unexpected. His heart burst and he dropped in his backyard. I am no expert, just a person retelling an experience but I truly feel that those few seconds I saw him he didn't realize that he was gone and couldn't figure out what was going on. It was brief but I will never forget the confused look on his face. Honestly, it left me with a pretty sad feeling for awhile. Just for those few seconds when I saw him he wasn't looking at me but I could see his face and he was not happy. He looked very confused or upset. Not to sound girly but after it happened, my eyes were watering. I don't see the girl seriously anymore but we remain friends. There have been a couple times I have thought I will tell her about it but I never did.” b242


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