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lundi, juin 10, 2019

Bizarre Humanoid Encounters

“Something happened ten years ago (2005) that I've never told anyone. I was about 15 or 16 back then and had never heard of Slender Man or Mothman or anything like that. I was walking down to the beach from on top of the hill I lived on to meet my buddies to get into mischief. I remember it was a very foggy night and around 2:00 AM in the morning. I was coming down a long street with street lamps at every intersection, when I noticed about 3 or 4 blocks down, there was something standing in the intersection. It was tall. Very tall, and skinny, and I can't remember seeing any clothes on it but it wasn't naked. It was silvery, I guess, and was standing dead still under the streetlamp staring straight up at it. It didn't seem to notice me at all, it just stared at the light. Then I noticed its legs. You know how an Ostrich leg looks? Bent backwards at the knee? That's how its legs were. I remember feeling an immediate sense of doom and I remember being so startled that I cut the entire 4 blocks just so I wouldn't have to get close to it. It never saw me that I know of. It just stared up into the light. I never spoke of this to anyone until now. Has anyone ever seen anything like this?” - Diego


“I was awoken out of my sleep to something standing at my bedside just watching me. I saw it for about two seconds then it was gone. It fits the same bill as this thing (the Mothman). It did not make a sound. It did not smell. It did nothing to me. I don't know how long it was there watching me sleep. I'm in Spokane, Washington. I have not seen it again but who's to say its not there while I sleep. I had a hard time sleeping afterward. For about three weeks I slept with my knife set sharpener. I was not frightened. I was more mad at being watched while I slept like you might be mad if a peeping tom was looking into your window. What I saw was about 6 foot 4, skinny, a brownish color and it had a skinny face. I could not make out what color its eyes were. It seemed like it had wings but I cant be sure of that. Whoever I tell this to blows it off like I am crazy but this has never happened to me before. I could see thinking I was crazy if I had other symptoms like seeing other stuff or hearing chatter that is not there. A month later I am still shaken and have a hard time sleeping.” - Tad Casper (discussing something that happened to him in his house in Spokane, Washington in 2015


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Facebook event announcement: Ronald Murphy - Folklorist, Paranormal Investigator and Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome folklorist, paranormal investigator and author Ronald Murphy to Arcane Radio. Ronald L. Murphy, Jr. has professionally published short stories, poetry, had a play produced, and this, his first novella. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in literature, Mr. Murphy studied medieval history at the graduate level at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. His interests include acting, playwriting, and photography. He lives in rural Western Pennsylvania with his wife and five children. - This should be an interesting show! Join us this Friday, June 14th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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