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mardi, mai 28, 2019

USO Calls Out Eyewitness' Name

“About 4 years ago (2015) me and my aunt were swimming in the lake of Lake Chelan (in Washington) or however you spell that. Anyway, out of nowhere, I looked down and saw a blue lift emerging from the water right under me. I freaked out and swam to my aunt and she saw it too. Out of nowhere, it disappeared and about two hours later, when we were on the beach chairs, I saw the same looking light in the sky. No joke. I shoved me aunt's shoulder but she was already looking at it. It hurt my eyes to look at it but she was just motionless not blinking. I finally got her attention and she told me that it sounded like it was calling her name over and over again. She could have just been paranoid and made the sounds in her head but I know what I saw in the water and in the sky and I don’t like it.” GMV


Strange Reaction to UFO Encounter

“I am from Utah. I live just over an hour from Duchene, between where I live and Duchene its just massive mountains and desert. My town is small and high in the eastern mountain area. In 2013, my two daughters and I were walking back from the park and my oldest daughter says. 'Mom, what is that!?' She points up to the sky and sitting there in the sky is a HUGE object. It was silent, no lights. As soon as my eyes were locked on it, I felt deaf, like I couldn't hear any normal sounds that were around us. My youngest daughter pulls on my sleeve and I look down and she has thrown up on herself. We just stood there in silence for a good minute. All the sudden. I could hear the birds, cars, dogs barking in the distance just like before. That thing took off SO FAST, there was a huge mountain right in front of it, it should have crashed into it but it didn't, it just disappeared. It was a long dark brown/red color, no windows, holes or lights. We ran home and stayed there the rest of the day." Jenn Jeffs


'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog, radio and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



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How Dead Aliens Could Help Save Humanity

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Bigfoot: West Coast Wild Men: A History of Wild Men, Gorillas, and Other Hairy Monsters in California, Oregon, and Washington state.

Ultraterrestrial Contact: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into the Hidden Abduction Epidemic

Men In Black: Personal Stories and Eerie Adventures

Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact

Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on the Unknown

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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