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mercredi, mai 08, 2019

The 'Stickman' Entity

“I saw a stickman entity when I was a kid through the door hole in my parents' flat. I was going to the elementary school so this must have happened in early to mid 90s. Possibly around 1993-1995. This happened in Turkey, city of İzmir. It was a sunny afternoon in April and I was waiting for my friend to come and play PC games together. I heard a sound coming from the apartment's corridor and thought my friend arrived. Went to the door to peek through the door hole. I saw a stickman-like figure standing in front of our neighbor's door. It was not black. It looked like it was made out of clean light brown wood. It had black spheres for hands, feet and head. Visually its body, limbs and the black spheres were identical to giant matchsticks in color and proportion. Even weirder, it was wearing a yellowish fedora hat with transparent dark fabric hanging from the edges. I could still see that it had no facial features through the thin fabric. I was very confused but kept watching it and it did not move for about five seconds. Then it made a slightly quick wavy movement with its arms (like the motion is carried from one arm to the other) and that scared me off. My mom was at home so I ran to her and told her that there's something in the apartment. We saw nothing when we checked back. Later I discarded it as an optical illusion since I saw this through the door hole. Maybe there was some dirt or a bug with long legs on the door hole lens. Years later I found about the stickman, hatman and shadow people phenomenon and that really creeped me out. Below is an illustration I made of the entity I saw that day - Arethrid


“So I saw a stick figure, travelling back roads on the coast of North Carolina in a city called Cape Carteret. It was around 20:30. I distinctly remember looking at my radio for the time a few minutes prior to seeing the entity. I rounded a bend going 80 kmh, maybe a little slower, and out of he corner of my eye, I saw a black incredibly thin creature, with a bulbous head, walking up the side of a ditch towards the road, maybe a meter and a half off the road. Listening to this story it sounds very similar to a stick figure. It moved very fast... robotically almost or comparable to a cartoon. Moving fast and leaving particles of themself behind them.... like swiftly walking up the ditch side. Doing some math, going 80 kmh, I cover 22 meters a second, around 73 feet, I saw the creature for about 3 to 5 seconds and didn’t see anything in my mirror once I passed, albeit the night was upon the land and it was pitch black. What do you all think about this? My location was about 25 miles from a military base, the biggest base on the east coast! To add, 'big foot' and other cryptids have been spotted in the same area!” - Andrew


“OMG I saw one (a stickman entity) last year. I had never heard of this before. It was about 9:30 pm, and I had my two dogs out and we were walking back up the driveway to my house when they both started barking, looking down the street. I looked, and three houses down there was a black stick figure "zipping" up and down my neighbor's driveway. It seemed to 'know' I saw it and it stopped, then started heading our way!! I immediately got panicky when I saw it, and dragged the dogs into the house. I was terrified! I turned out all the lights and I kept looking out the window, feeling like it had come into the yard. Thank God I never saw it again. The dogs saw it first, which validates for me it wasn't my 'imagination', I saw it AFTER they started barking at it. It was only about 4-5 ft tall, I'm bad at measurements by sight It, but it was extremely frightening. It wasn't "walking" it was gliding very fast, almost robotic. I hope I never see it again!” - Renegade therapist


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Michelle Darnell - Belle Grove Plantation - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome owner / innkeeper at Belle Grove Plantation, Michelle Darnell to Arcane Radio. Michelle was born in South Carolina, the oldest of five children. Her grandmother, a very grand Southern woman, instilled in her the passion she has for cooking and entertaining as well as her deep love of history. Michelle’s family moved throughout her childhood which gave her insight into new areas and a diverse mix of friends. After graduating from high school, Michelle enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as a Field Radio Operator. Michelle and her husband Brett own and operate Belle Grove Plantation Bed and Breakfast in Port Conway, VA. Belle Grove Plantation is the birthplace of President James Madison and was established in 1670 on the banks of the Rappahannock River. They will be hosting the 2019 Paracon at Belle Grove Plantation on Sept. 27th - 29th. The mansion and grounds have also been investigated by several paranormal groups including SyFy's Ghost Hunters. The website is - This should be a fascinating show. Join us this Friday, May 10th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

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Lightforms: Spiritual Encounters with Unusual Light Phenomena

The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptics Discovery that We Are Not Alone

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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