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jeudi, mai 30, 2019

Kenosha 'Wolfman'

“I live in Kenosha, Wisconsin were werewolves have been sighted for centuries. I was walking back in May 2017 around 3:00 AM to a girlfriend's house. When I was close to her street, I looked behind a house with an alleyway in the back. I seen, at first, what I thought to be a big deer, but when I looked closer, it was a big humanoid creature bent down sniffing. It turned its head. It was a wolf head. It was big. So I looked even closer. It was a wolf-like man on two legs, bent down. It was huge! I ran down the street because I did not want to get its attention. In my mind, I wanted to go back but something told me not too.” DD

NOTE: There is talk of a wolfman in Kenosha, BTW. Some people have associated it with the Beast of Bray Road even though Kenosha is along Lake Michigan. Lon


Cat Used Up All 9 Lives

"As a child a cat of my sisters was run over by a car in the road out in front of our house. Being the oldest child and dad not home my mother made me go out there and get it out of the road and bury it. I went out there and picked it up. It had been out there all night so rigor mortis had set in and the animal was stiff as a board. I picked it up and put it in a trash bag. Walked back to the garage and set it down to get a shovel. I fooled around a few minutes before going to get the cat in the bag to bury when all of a sudden right when I picked it up the cat started thrashing around inside the bag. I mean going crazy. It scared me to death, a total surprising shock. That cat was dead and stiff, but within minutes this cat was more than alive, it was frantic.. I ripped open the bag and the cat took off like a rocket around the side of the house. It was the craziest thing I’d ever seen, that cat was dead, it’s body was clearly smashed and stiff. My sister was standing there crying over her kitty and she just about crapped her pants screaming when it started moving in that bag...anyway that’s my crazy cat tale. Brent Slack


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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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