; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mai 31, 2019

The 'Dark Walker' - Greene County, PA

I received the following correspondence in May 2012. It was forwarded by 'John' a retired Federal employee who lives in northern Nevada and who wishes to remain anonymous. The story centers around an experience John had while living with his Grandfather. John later stated to me that the property was in a rural area of Aleppo Township in Greene County, Pennsylvania. He did not want to pinpoint the location but did say that he wanted the anecdote dedicated to his Grandfather - Samuel Hill, who he considers the most remarkable man he has ever known.

John seemed quite sincere in my opinion. He decided to come forth with the account after he had a rather strange encounter a few months ago (which he did not want to discuss). John did mention in his most recent email that he was 81 years old and a veteran of the Korean War. He also stated that he truly felt his Grandfather's actions were taken in defense of his family:

When I was a boy my mother and I lived with my grandfather who had a farmhouse in a rural location in southwestern Pennsylvania. My grandfather was a handyman who also worked a small blacksmith shop in his old barn. My grandmother had died before I was born and my father had also passed away while serving overseas in the U.S. Army.

Beginning in the summer of 1946 we noticed strange howling sounds coming from the woods that surrounded the property. The activity came at night and was very frightening when the howling came close. The sounds didn’t seem to bother my grandfather though my mother and I were shaken when it would begin. The sounds continued off and on for about a year but we never noticed any animals. My grandfather and I would hunt for deer and squirrel in the woods during the colder months but we never saw signs of unusual animal activity.

One late afternoon in the spring of 1947 I was helping my grandfather in his shop when I noticed something moving around the edge of the woods near an area where by grandfather had a few junk cars and other items. It was about 200 feet from our location but I clearly noticed someone or something moving around. I told my grandfather to look. He walked to the door, lit his pipe and said nothing. After a minute or two he turned around and got back to work. About that time this thing moved into the woods and disappeared. I couldn’t judge how big it was but it sort of reminded me of a magazine picture I had seen of a large ape that was said to inhabit in the Asian jungles.

Later that evening I told my mother what I had seen. She was shocked because she knew I wouldn’t lie to her and that the howling sounds had been closer lately. I also told her of my grandfather’s response when I pointed the creature out to him. She immediately stood up and walked into the sitting room in order to ask my grandfather what it was. He started to shake his head slowly and said that he was hoping that we wouldn’t ‘see it’ because he was worried we would be scared and leave him.

After assuring him that we’d never leave him my mother again insisted that he tell us what this creature was. He looked away, took a deep breath and said ‘it’s a Dark Walker’ and said that it had lived in the woods for many years. He said the native Indians called it ‘Stone Spirit’ and they thought that it was an evil spirit who would appear when someone was about to die. The last time he had seen the ‘Dark Walker’ was the night before my grandmother died. My mother was skeptical of the ‘harbinger of death’ angle but she sensed that there was something unnatural nearby.

The howling continued each night though we hadn’t seen any signs of the ‘Dark Walker’. One warm evening we were sitting on the back porch. There were a few howls but it seemed like the sounds were further away. We were listening to the radio when all at once my grandfather stood up and looked out towards the barn. He turned to me and said 'John, go get my pistol and ammo - hurry now'. I ran into the sitting room and grabbed the .455 Webley revolver and a handful of bullets from the old steamer trunk. I handed it to him and watched him load the gun. He then picked up a hatchet and slid it in his pants belt. 'Now both of you get into the house – now!' We were in the kitchen looking through the screen door and watched my grandfather walk slowly towards the barn. We saw him turn and walk out of sight into the dark. I decided to grab my shotgun and keep it nearby. After a minute or so we heard three gunshots and a blood curdling scream emanate from the woods near the barn. Then it suddenly stopped and there was complete quiet. We were frozen and wondering if we should go look for my grandfather. A few seconds later we heard him yell ‘stay in the house until I come back.’

I heard the pickup truck start up. I looked out the storage room window and saw my grandfather drive to the back of the barn and park. Several minutes later he backed up and drove by the side of the house out onto the road. I could see that there was something in the back covered up with a tarp. It was getting late so my mother told me to go to bed.

The next morning I came downstairs and sat beside my grandfather who was reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. My mother was sitting at the other end of the table staring at my grandfather. Not long later she said ‘well dad, tell him’. My grandfather put the paper down and looked at me. ‘I killed the Dark Walker’. That was all he said. My mother told me not to tell anyone and that the matter was closed.

We never talked about it again. My grandfather lived another 15 years and my mother stayed with him until his dying day. When I grew older I moved away and raised a family. I would return home to visit each summer – and never heard another howl. John

NOTE: I asked John if he thought the 'Dark Walker' was a Bigfoot or hominid. He responded by stating that he wasn't sure. He thought it seemed more animal-like than human and that it moved lower to the ground...at least during the brief time he observed it. John mentioned that there were Shawnee legends of similar creatures but he never found a reference to a 'Stone Spirit'...Lon

Bigfoot in Pennsylvania: A History of Wild-Men, Gorillas, and Other Hairy Monsters in the Keystone State

Don't Look Behind You: Following Ghost Roads Into the Unknown

Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook

Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3

A Menagerie of Mysterious Beasts: Encounters with Cryptid Creatures

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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Huge Bird Encountered in PA State Game Lands #180

I recently received the following account:

Hi Lon,

This sighting happened this past Friday, May 24th, 2019 of Memorial Day Weekend. It was around noon, and my family and I were driving to our extended family's lakehouse on Lake Wallenpaupack in Pennsylvania. It was a sunny, clear day and we were heading west along Highway 6. This long stretch is heavily wooded and rural on both sides, and at that instance we were driving through State Game Lands Number 180.

I was driving so my eyes were fixed upon the road ahead. There was another car roughly 50 feet in front of us. Then, from the left side of the road, I saw something emerge from the treetops and fly across the road right in front of the other car, so I would say it was about 60-70 feet from my point of view. I got a very good look at it as it crossed in the air, and it had all the features of a bird, except this animal was gigantic. I'm aware and have seen all the different types of birds in the area, the largest ones being bald eagles, hawks, and vultures. I'm also very familiar with all the different types of waterbirds (this did not resemble a waterbird whatsoever). The profile of the flying animal was as long as the car in front of me was wide, which was at minimum six feet. The other car quickly braked as it flew past them obviously astonished by the sight as well. The animal flew over the road and disappeared into the thick forest on the right side of the road.

My wife, who was in the passenger seat, saw it clearly as well and said aloud, "Wow, what's that?!" What we saw was evidently a bird, but an unusually massive one. - Keith in NJ


Gigantic Dragonfly

“It's not a giant bird but me and my younger brother saw a huge dragonfly spanning well over a feet and half long in Bolton, England in 2002. It must have been over an inch in diameter as well at the centre. I would have questioned myself but as it was witnessed by someone else too. I'm pretty sure it wasn't just me seeing things. Sometimes I think was it an RC helicopter? But no way could it move with such swiftness, agility and silence especially with 2002 technology. I went to the Manchester museum and checked with the insect experts and they said it sounds like you've seen something from the prehistoric and that no species of dragonfly that exist today are that large. Has anyone ever seen these massive dragonflies? I would love some confirmation some more witnesses across the world. Cheers people!” Hassan Uddin


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Nighttime Terror: When the Men in Black Won’t Leave You Alone

Only You, Smokey and Bigfoot Can Prevent Forest Fires

Cadboro Bay Sea Monster Hunt is Underway in British Columbia

Flying Saucers, the Men in Black, and Mysterious Cars

North Carolina’s Mysterious Brown Mountain Lights Caught on Camera


Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters

UFOs over Florida: Humanoid and other Strange Encounters in the Sunshine State

Voices From the Cosmos

Toward the Light: Rescuing Spirits, Trapped Souls, and Earthbound Ghosts

Cops' True Stories of the Paranormal: Ghosts, UFOs, and Other Shivers

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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jeudi, mai 30, 2019

Large Bat-Winged Creature in Lebanon, Ohio

I recently received the following information:

I don’t know how exactly you guys function but I saw an article about a large black winged creature that flew without flapping its ‘wings’ and I have seen something like that before. It was at my old house, I no longer live there and don't know if it would still be around, but what I saw only came around at night. It was huge and blacker than the night sky. It never really moved, but when I looked away and back again it would be gone.

I am also very convinced I saw a shadow person while I still lived at the old house, though it was only once and I haven't seen one before or since that incident. It walked just like a normal person, but as it moved it gave off black smoke. It had no eyes that I could see, which I have done research on shadow people and know that that is a bit different than what others report. But the experience was overall the same as what is typically reported.

My current house seems to be haunted to some degree though. I've seen what looks like a woman, though only once, but I’ve felt her, or something else, multiple times. I never hear voices and for the most part am left alone, but every once in a while I get a bit more activity than usual. Like something in the basement getting knocked over, but when I go to look for it, nothing is out of place. Or when I was walking through my dining room I felt a strong presence right behind me, on my heels, but when I turned around nothing was there.

I live in Ohio, but the article said something about Illinois. I was really looking for was some advise or insight as to what I may be dealing with or what I was dealing with while at my old residence.

Thank you for your time, LB

I asked the witness for further information and received the following:

I can't remember the dates very well, but it was less than a year ago. I’d say around September/October of 2018 is when I saw the black winged figure for the last time. I moved in December though, so I have no idea if it would still be there. As for location - Navaho Drive in Lebanon, Ohio. My old neighborhood had a small creek that ran through the backyards. It divided the houses and gave privacy because there were trees too.

What I saw was a big black bat. But it didn't really have any defining features. It was like a silhouette of a bat. It didn't move at all, no flapping its wings, nothing about this thing moved, but the second I took my eyes off it it was gone. LB

NOTE: The witness is going to follow up with a sketch. I will add to this post. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature? Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoMothman #ChicagoPhantom

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

Weird Winged Wonders: The Twilight World Of Cryptid Creatures

The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

Kenosha 'Wolfman'

“I live in Kenosha, Wisconsin were werewolves have been sighted for centuries. I was walking back in May 2017 around 3:00 AM to a girlfriend's house. When I was close to her street, I looked behind a house with an alleyway in the back. I seen, at first, what I thought to be a big deer, but when I looked closer, it was a big humanoid creature bent down sniffing. It turned its head. It was a wolf head. It was big. So I looked even closer. It was a wolf-like man on two legs, bent down. It was huge! I ran down the street because I did not want to get its attention. In my mind, I wanted to go back but something told me not too.” DD

NOTE: There is talk of a wolfman in Kenosha, BTW. Some people have associated it with the Beast of Bray Road even though Kenosha is along Lake Michigan. Lon


Cat Used Up All 9 Lives

"As a child a cat of my sisters was run over by a car in the road out in front of our house. Being the oldest child and dad not home my mother made me go out there and get it out of the road and bury it. I went out there and picked it up. It had been out there all night so rigor mortis had set in and the animal was stiff as a board. I picked it up and put it in a trash bag. Walked back to the garage and set it down to get a shovel. I fooled around a few minutes before going to get the cat in the bag to bury when all of a sudden right when I picked it up the cat started thrashing around inside the bag. I mean going crazy. It scared me to death, a total surprising shock. That cat was dead and stiff, but within minutes this cat was more than alive, it was frantic.. I ripped open the bag and the cat took off like a rocket around the side of the house. It was the craziest thing I’d ever seen, that cat was dead, it’s body was clearly smashed and stiff. My sister was standing there crying over her kitty and she just about crapped her pants screaming when it started moving in that bag...anyway that’s my crazy cat tale. Brent Slack


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Study Finds Most Atheists and Agnostics Believe in the Supernatural

The Terror That is the Tall Man Spirit

'Wolf dogs' could wipe out Europe's wolves

When All Humans Disappear, This New Species May Dominate the Earth

Khufu Ship Mystery Continues 65 Years after Discovery Under Great Pyramid


Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past

Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact

Unexplained World of the Chestnut Ridge: A Hike through the Goblin Universe of Western Pennsylvania

The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter

More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell their Stories

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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