; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mars 20, 2019

The Tuxedo Man

“After hearing these stories I'm wondering if I made a mistake identifying an entity my daughter saw. We had moved to a new rural area, our house was out in the woods, nearby was walking trails. Having walked nature trails deep in the woods in our hometown, my daughter (6 yo at the time) and I were well acquainted with the woods. As we began the hike, my daughter started freaking out and trying to grab my camera to take a picture of "monster" she said was further down the trail. I let her take a few pictures (one came out normally, one was completely black, but I don't know if she had covered the lense with a hand or hit the button before taking the cover off) Having had experiences like this before, I quickly got her back to the car. On the way home, I asked her about what she had seen. She described a man in a tall hat, dressed all in black with black shiny shoes and a black cape. I asked her if had any other colors on, she placed her hand on her chest and said it was white right there. She didn't point directly to her throat but to her chest in general. She also said he was from the empire and lived in the classrooms, that he spoke like my uncle (he is from Scotland) and hated children. How all of this was communicated to her in the few moments we we're on the trail is still beyond me. I assumed the white was a priest's collar due to the proximity of an old mental asylum that was at one time a school ran by nuns and priests after the asylum closed. I didn't see anything, she wasn't the type to make these things up. I had told her several times that just because I couldn't see something didn't mean it was there. That was very important that she not make up stories because if there was something there I had to know so I could protect her. Again, we had experienced situations where she would see things her father and I couldn't. We have both explained several times how important it was she not make anything up. Also, she wasn't familiar with the vocabulary she used, she had asked me what few of the words said to her meant. I had explained what I could in the context she told them to me.” - ParaMomal


“When I was about 7 years old, my sister woke me up, saying that a man in a Tuxedo and Top Hat walked out of the closet stood there and fell face first on the floor. She turned the light on and looked over the bed, but of course there was nothing there. I always believed she must've been dreaming or made it up until I watched some of these videos on the Hat man and the Tuxedo man. I sent her a link to this video. She said that is exactly what she saw.” - J Coltrane

Beyond Creepy


Alien in the Craft Window

“Years ago, in 1972 my older sister got a call about something strange hovering over a mountain in the city were we lived. Her and I walked down the street, in the afternoon, and we could see it (though I was only 8 years old and remember seeing a disk like object that wasn’t huge, like I’ve heard about in recent stories). I was at my sister's father in-law’s house later that evening, and when it got dark I looked out the window and saw a flying object zip from one side of the sky to another part in what would have been a second...the same craft that was above the mountain earlier that day. I remember a window in the craft, and seeing someone in it, who I perceived to be a child. I observed the craft off and on for maybe 10 minutes. I don’t know exactly what I saw, and it must have been pretty far up in the sky because I don’t remember a particular shape of the object, but oddly I remember seeing someone at a window in the object. Interesting memory.” - Isabella A R

Beyond Creepy


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Case Updates - Arcane Radio

This week, members of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team will discuss current cases and updates, including the continued sightings and encounters with winged humanoids in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Butch Witkowski (UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations) and Tobia Wayland (The Singular Fortean Society) will be a part of the discussion. Join us this Friday, March 22nd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com

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'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

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Woman Reports 'Sinister, Monster-Like' Growling in Woodstock, Illinois

Remembering Dan Blankenship and the Mysterious Treasures of Oak Island

Bigfoot: From Ancient Ape to Supernatural Beast

When Helicopters Go Silent and Change Shape

Maryland Man Reports 1971 Encounter with 'Thunderbird' in Backyard


Area 51: The Revealing Truth of UFOs, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies


Hollywood vs. The Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Disinformation

The Gods Never Left Us

Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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