; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mars 15, 2019

Talking Ernie / Haunted House

“My mom had an Elmo doll collection. That one had been given to her although she didn’t collect Ernie, just Elmo. She didn’t want to be impolite so she kept it. I was a teenager and she had been granted custody of us after a long battle with mental illness and drug abuse hence why we were taken away in the first place. Many evil things took place in the house. It was really old and many nefarious individuals came through that house due to her soon after relapse. Even some hardened criminal drug dealers had been scared out of their minds due to seeing something not of this world in the house.

The collection of dolls were kept in her bedroom, the main hub of the illegal actions although paranormal things happened all throughout the house. Ernie was the only toy that would talk by himself. I would be in the living-room and could hear him 'talking' inside the closet in her room. This happened even without batteries LONG AFTER. Although I want to believe any of the normal reasonable explanations, I know that in context to that house, the activity, and that room in particular, is too coincidental. Someone got possessed, we all saw ghosts/demon entities particularly around the old bathroom next to her room, and white sage would burn in every room except one where it would always go out no matter what.

After she finally went back to jail and long after we had all escaped the drug home, we saw the next tenants had on every wall in that house some Jesus/Virgin Mary/Saint/giant cross placed. Even on the front door and next to windows outside. I was too embarrassed to go and ask if they too had any paranormal activity because it was pretty clear they had that house blessed with whatever they could find and place. I could write a book about those years and that house. Sorry for the overshare. I never talk about it but see a lot of people divulge info on these stories. Anyways, have a good day!” - Yessie lara-ferrer

Beyond Creepy


Upside Down Gargoyle

I recently found the following account:

I never talked about this because it happened when I was younger and I thought I was crazy but after telling my SO I thought I’d share.

About 8 years ago when I was younger I let my dogs out on my back porch around 3am and I noticed something different near the sky. About two houses away is a power pole maybe 30 feet up and I noticed something on top if it, it was a silhouette like upside down gargoyle statue. I thought not much of it as a dumb kid would do but I got freaked out and locked all my doors after letting my dogs in it was not there anymore.

Nothing has happened since then at least that I can recall until 2 years ago and last year. Both times the same thing. Me being woken up by tapping on my window, nothing too weird yet my window is 12 feet above ground. First time it happened I just ignored it and slept but the second time we had cameras and one was backyard cameras so naturally I checked it and saw nothing. S



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