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vendredi, mars 15, 2019

'Shimmering' Being Encounter

I received the following eyewitness account in 2014:

Hi Lon,

I am a relatively new follower of your blog. I recently read one of your books, “Phantoms and Monsters: Strange Encounters”. I have, for quite some time, searched through many different websites, books, magazines and television shows for an encounter similar to the one I experienced as a small child growing up in South Texas (Mission, TX). I recently read the post on your blog called “Actuality of Invisible Alien Beings” and it really made me excited, as well as quite upset. Excited because someone else had experienced something so similar to what I experienced; upset because it made it more “REAL”.

When I was approximately 7 years old, which would be around 1973/1974, we were living in a mobile home park in Mission, TX. We had just moved to this mobile home park as my parents had just sold the property we lived on. The park was was huge, probably 20 to 30 acres and it had just opened, there were only 2 or three other homes in the whole park, spaced far apart. The park was surrounded by orange groves so it was relatively isolated. I believe it was called the Trade Winds Mobile Home Park. I don’t know if it still there as I haven’t been back to Mission since I left in 1991.

One morning, early, before sunrise, I woke up to noise outside by bedroom window, I don’t recall clearly what the noise was but it was enough to rouse my curiosity. I figured it was probably coyotes and was quite curious to catch a glimpse. I had to stand on my bed to look out my window. I was scanning the yard below but didn’t see any coyotes. I then noticed motion to my left and turned to see a figure standing next to my mothers car. It was an “outline” of a large being, it had to be huge as it was several feet taller than the car. I would guess maybe 6.5 to 7.5 feet. The figure was big and bulky, the shoulders very wide and the legs very thick, but all clearly humanoid shaped. The inside of the outline was very dark shimmering-like light couldn’t escape (best way I can describe it) but the outline was clearly visible. It turned towards me and we just stood there looking at each other for several seconds. I don’t know how I knew it could see me, but I did. At this point I did not feel any fear, I was just stunned, trying to understand what I was seeing. It then slowly turned and walked off into the darkness.

At this point I jumped from my bed and ran to my parents room, I woke up my mother and tried to tell her what I had seen but she insisted it was a “bad dream”. I knew it wasn’t. She got up and continued to get ready for work. She tried to laugh it off but I kept insisting and did not want her to go outside because the big, invisible man would get her I feared. At that point she didn’t want to hear any more about it. I think I was somewhat in shock and traumatized by the experience. So I said nothing else about it.

However, several days later, there was a small article in our local paper “The Monitor” about a local woman who had see the same EXACT thing I saw, only she reported it to the police. As I recall the article made the woman out to be a “crazy lunatic”. My mother read this article to me and we both just sat there stunned. She then questioned me about it again and told me not to tell anyone. I suppose she didn’t want to expose me to ridicule. To this day she refuses to talk about the ordeal.

What is even scarier is that some time after this incident I began to recall more and more of the events that happened before I heard the noise outside. I remember laying in my bed, unable to move. This being shining a light in my eyes and “telling" me that they would be gone shortly (no words were exchanged though). I remember feeling like I was wrapped in thick jell-o. I could see another being in my room looking through my dresser drawers, for what, I have no idea. The being was shining a flashlight looking device into my draws only the light (greenish) was coming OUT of my drawers not going INTO my dresser drawers, but the light moved when the being moved the “flashlight”. I remember starting to panic then all of a sudden feeling calm. The first being again “told” me (without words) that they would be done soon and that I would not remember anything and it would be okay. The next thing I remember is waking up to stand up on my bed to look out the window.

I have no idea what they were looking for or why. Perhaps I had found something and they wanted it back. I don’t know and probably never will.

I have never told this story to anyone other than my mother. I have not even told my partner of 18 years this story.

Sincerely, M

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