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samedi, mars 30, 2019

Newly Compiled Humanoid Encounters

A few more newly compiled humanoid accounts from the database of Albert S. Rosales:

Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Date: 2002
Time: night

The witness was a security guard working in a big fenced in yard in a rural area. One night he was getting ready to go to the restroom in the main building. One minute he was walking and the next he was in front of four, what he called “Bird People” that stood about 4 feet tall. Their face was humanoid, but sort of a combination between human and bird. Their bodies were shaped like a bird, but their faces were different. It was flat gray, their eyes were slit-like and the nose was kind of hooked like a bird’s, they had small mouths. They were standing apart and they were four of them and they stared at the witness as he stared at them. His next memory was of walking towards the restroom, he does not recall seeing the entities leave. The next night he was sitting in his patrol car as he always did when he heard a beautiful sound, between a bird and a human. It was like they were “singing” to him. It seems as they knew he had acknowledge them and they had acknowledged him. It was an enchanting melody, according to the witness.

Source: Coast to Coast – May 13 2006, transcribed by Jamie Brian


Location: Kandahar region, Afghanistan
Date: 2002
Time: unknown

A United States special forces unit was supposedly operating in a remote area on a mission to find a patrol with which they had lost radio contact and aid if they were in danger. The team was making its way along a goat path when they allegedly noticed that the ground was littered with bones and a piece of what ominously appeared to be broken communications equipment, as well as large, heavy rocks that looked as if they had been arranged into patterns by hand. It was claimed that as the unit examined these stone patterns and the piece of smashed equipment they were suddenly confronted by a creature with long red hair and a shaggy beard, that stood a truly enormous 12 to 15-feet in height. The towering, humanoid beast reportedly carried a long, pike-like weapon of some kind which it used to promptly stab one of the men and the rest of the team immediately opened fire on it, managing to apparently kill it. The entire violent episode only lasted around 30-seconds. It is then claimed that a military helicopter was sent to retrieve the body of the creature but was unable to, due to its massive size. One of the witnesses would say:

It was too big, we couldn’t move it, it smelled worse than a skunk – a corpse that’s been around for a while. The communication was sent out that we had a very large, possibly human creature.

One C-130 pilot later claimed that he helped when the corpse of what has come to be known as the Kandahar Giant was eventually moved to a military base in Ohio, and that it was revealed to be a humanoid creature that measured 12 feet long and weighed approximately 1,100 pounds. What happened to the alleged body after that is anyone’s guess. Witnesses claimed that they were later ordered to alter their reports on the engagement to remove all mention of the giant they had encountered, and that the government had gone to great lengths to cover it all up. As to what the creature could have been, those who believe the story point to the fact that its description matches up very well with a legendary race of giants written of in the Bible which are called the Nephilim, and are described as often carrying lances as weapons.



Location: Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: early January 2003
Time: 02:30 a.m.

Delfino Garcia Zarate was at his post as security guard at the Technical Secondary school # 98 Mariano Escobedo and was making the rounds in the patio area when he heard a strong sound resembling a bird moving its wings at a very high rate of speed. Curious he looked up in the direction from which the sound originated and was able to see a hairy man-like figure with two huge dark wings. Terrified he ran into the school and hid in one of the schoolrooms until the morning. Around the same time a woman living in the Unidad Puerta Grande suburb was out in her back patio washing some dishes when she also heard a loud thrashing sound overhead, at first she thought it could had been an eagle and looked up but was surprised to see a hairy man-like figure floating overhead on a pair of huge wings, terrified she also ran into the house. Also around the same time in Cocolapam suburb a man and his son were repairing the TV antenna on their roof when they noticed a winged creature, gray and hairy in appearance that was approaching their location from a northerly direction, the winged humanoid glided on a pair of huge wings and quickly disappeared from sight. Another woman reported being awake around 3:00 a.m. taking a shower when she looked out the bathroom window in the direction of nearby Cerro De Escamela was surprised to see a huge winged dark creature resembling some type of prehistoric being gliding slowly over the area. Others in nearby Cerro Del Borrego have seen a similar winged creature.

Source: El Durmiente de Orizaba, El Hombre Alado


Location: Florida, exact location not given
Date: January 27 2003
Time: night

The witness was asleep in bed with her boyfriend when she suddenly awoke and looked at the doorway and noticed two creatures that were “squishy” in appearance. They were dark colored and about three feet tall. By her bedside there was another creature, which was very tall, thin, and large yellow eyes, it was grayish to almost lime-green in color. Terrified she pulled the covers over her head, but suddenly she did not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very confused and does not know if she left her bed, she could not speak. At one point she was lying on her stomach and something was being inserted in her rectum. When her fear returned a creature that was somehow made to appear human comforted her telling her not to be afraid that she would not be hurt. The tall creature seemed very comforting towards the witness; he stood over her, patted her on her head and mentally told her that they were not done. Soon she found herself back on her bed, very scared and confused.




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Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs

The Chilling, True Terror of the Black-Eyed Kids: A Monster Compilation

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Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

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