; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, mars 30, 2019

FREE Kindle Book: Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

FREE Kindle Book
Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters
March 31st - April 2nd

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

Newly Compiled Humanoid Encounters

A few more newly compiled humanoid accounts from the database of Albert S. Rosales:

Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Date: 2002
Time: night

The witness was a security guard working in a big fenced in yard in a rural area. One night he was getting ready to go to the restroom in the main building. One minute he was walking and the next he was in front of four, what he called “Bird People” that stood about 4 feet tall. Their face was humanoid, but sort of a combination between human and bird. Their bodies were shaped like a bird, but their faces were different. It was flat gray, their eyes were slit-like and the nose was kind of hooked like a bird’s, they had small mouths. They were standing apart and they were four of them and they stared at the witness as he stared at them. His next memory was of walking towards the restroom, he does not recall seeing the entities leave. The next night he was sitting in his patrol car as he always did when he heard a beautiful sound, between a bird and a human. It was like they were “singing” to him. It seems as they knew he had acknowledge them and they had acknowledged him. It was an enchanting melody, according to the witness.

Source: Coast to Coast – May 13 2006, transcribed by Jamie Brian


Location: Kandahar region, Afghanistan
Date: 2002
Time: unknown

A United States special forces unit was supposedly operating in a remote area on a mission to find a patrol with which they had lost radio contact and aid if they were in danger. The team was making its way along a goat path when they allegedly noticed that the ground was littered with bones and a piece of what ominously appeared to be broken communications equipment, as well as large, heavy rocks that looked as if they had been arranged into patterns by hand. It was claimed that as the unit examined these stone patterns and the piece of smashed equipment they were suddenly confronted by a creature with long red hair and a shaggy beard, that stood a truly enormous 12 to 15-feet in height. The towering, humanoid beast reportedly carried a long, pike-like weapon of some kind which it used to promptly stab one of the men and the rest of the team immediately opened fire on it, managing to apparently kill it. The entire violent episode only lasted around 30-seconds. It is then claimed that a military helicopter was sent to retrieve the body of the creature but was unable to, due to its massive size. One of the witnesses would say:

It was too big, we couldn’t move it, it smelled worse than a skunk – a corpse that’s been around for a while. The communication was sent out that we had a very large, possibly human creature.

One C-130 pilot later claimed that he helped when the corpse of what has come to be known as the Kandahar Giant was eventually moved to a military base in Ohio, and that it was revealed to be a humanoid creature that measured 12 feet long and weighed approximately 1,100 pounds. What happened to the alleged body after that is anyone’s guess. Witnesses claimed that they were later ordered to alter their reports on the engagement to remove all mention of the giant they had encountered, and that the government had gone to great lengths to cover it all up. As to what the creature could have been, those who believe the story point to the fact that its description matches up very well with a legendary race of giants written of in the Bible which are called the Nephilim, and are described as often carrying lances as weapons.

Source: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/02/bizarre-encounters-with-the-weird-in-the-middle-east-wars/


Location: Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: early January 2003
Time: 02:30 a.m.

Delfino Garcia Zarate was at his post as security guard at the Technical Secondary school # 98 Mariano Escobedo and was making the rounds in the patio area when he heard a strong sound resembling a bird moving its wings at a very high rate of speed. Curious he looked up in the direction from which the sound originated and was able to see a hairy man-like figure with two huge dark wings. Terrified he ran into the school and hid in one of the schoolrooms until the morning. Around the same time a woman living in the Unidad Puerta Grande suburb was out in her back patio washing some dishes when she also heard a loud thrashing sound overhead, at first she thought it could had been an eagle and looked up but was surprised to see a hairy man-like figure floating overhead on a pair of huge wings, terrified she also ran into the house. Also around the same time in Cocolapam suburb a man and his son were repairing the TV antenna on their roof when they noticed a winged creature, gray and hairy in appearance that was approaching their location from a northerly direction, the winged humanoid glided on a pair of huge wings and quickly disappeared from sight. Another woman reported being awake around 3:00 a.m. taking a shower when she looked out the bathroom window in the direction of nearby Cerro De Escamela was surprised to see a huge winged dark creature resembling some type of prehistoric being gliding slowly over the area. Others in nearby Cerro Del Borrego have seen a similar winged creature.

Source: El Durmiente de Orizaba, El Hombre Alado


Location: Florida, exact location not given
Date: January 27 2003
Time: night

The witness was asleep in bed with her boyfriend when she suddenly awoke and looked at the doorway and noticed two creatures that were “squishy” in appearance. They were dark colored and about three feet tall. By her bedside there was another creature, which was very tall, thin, and large yellow eyes, it was grayish to almost lime-green in color. Terrified she pulled the covers over her head, but suddenly she did not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very confused and does not know if she left her bed, she could not speak. At one point she was lying on her stomach and something was being inserted in her rectum. When her fear returned a creature that was somehow made to appear human comforted her telling her not to be afraid that she would not be hurt. The tall creature seemed very comforting towards the witness; he stood over her, patted her on her head and mentally told her that they were not done. Soon she found herself back on her bed, very scared and confused.

Source: http://www.greatdreams.com/



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog, radio and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



Fossil Site Reveals Day That Meteor Hit Earth and, Maybe, Wiped Out Dinosaurs

Strange Encounters with the Boogeyman

Our mysterious cousins—the Denisovans—may have mated with modern humans as recently as 15,000 years ago

The Lost History of One of the World’s Strangest Science Experiments

Enormous shark found with head bitten off by an even BIGGER beast off coast of Australia


Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs

The Chilling, True Terror of the Black-Eyed Kids: A Monster Compilation

Beasts of Britain

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Subscribe to the Phantoms & Monsters / Arcane Radio YouTube channel


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jeudi, mars 28, 2019

Blog Comments

Hey folks...on a conditional basis, I'm going to start allowing comments on the blog. Be advised: if it starts to become a problem I will discontinue the comment accessibility. Please...no spam or links. No profanity. My tolerance level is low, so productive comments are advised. Thanks...Lon

Experiences of High Strangeness

About a year or so ago, I asked my readers to send their possible alien related experiences in order to aid in my research for my upcoming book. The following account is one of many that was forwarded to me:

My personal experiences are the following:

One December night in 1957 when I was six years old and living in Jupiter, Florida I saw a face peering in my ground floor bedroom window. There was a lighted lamp in front of the window and it illuminated the face peering in. The face was that of what I would much later learn to be that of a typical 'Grey alien'; a long, oval grey face with no visible nose or ears, but with large black almond shaped eyes. I saw the face for about ten or fifteen seconds before it moved down and away. I was scared and had trouble getting to sleep. I never told anyone about it because I rationalized that it was probably just a neighbor kid wearing an old Halloween mask fooling around, and because I did not think I would be believed. Of course in 1957 the 'alien Grey' appearance was not in the public consciousness so I did not associate my experience to be one with an alien entity. I have no idea what I saw or if I truly saw something because I was only six years old and perhaps I imagined the whole thing or I experienced a 'sleep paralysis' related type of event. Nonetheless it is curious that I believe I saw what I now know to be a Grey alien face rather than say a 1950's science fiction or horror movie trope face such as a 'robot from outer space' face or the face of Frankenstein's monster because I had no idea what a Grey alien was in 1957.

One moonless night in July of 1970 a friend and I were on the beach in Westhampton Beach, NY. We had been on the beach for about an hour and our eyes were accustomed to the night sky. It was a fairly clear night sky considering that most summer nights on the east end of Long Island tend to be foggy or cloudy. We had seen both commercial and military aircraft in the sky that night, in 1970 the Air Force base in Westhampton trained fighter pilots for Vietnam and also operated search-and-rescue airplanes and helicopters, so we were very familiar with what lights normally appeared that night. We were facing south towards the ocean. All of a sudden I noticed a very bright white light to the west, my right, about 30 degrees over the horizon, roughly 2-3 miles out to sea and about 8-10 miles to the west. I knew it was 8-10 miles away because it was in line with a lighthouse I knew to be in that location. I poked my friend who was on my left side and said, "Hey, what's that white light in the sky to the right?". Almost as soon as my friend turned his head to look where I had indicated the white light moved at an incredible speed in a straight line to a spot over the ocean about 2-3 miles out and almost directly in front of us and still about 30 degrees over the water and it just stopped and hovered there. We both started laughing and simultaneously said words to the effect of, "Holy s***, that's a UFO we're looking at!" The light cast no beam and was the whitest light I have ever seen. At the time I thought it looked like a 10+ million candlepower driving light that did not cast a beam just sitting in the sky. The light hovered there for a few seconds and,after a slight movement back towards the west, in the blink of an eye it continued to the east in a straight line and once again stopped and hovered at a point that I calculated to be off of one of the beaches in East Hampton about 12-15 miles away. It hovered there for about another 2-3 seconds before shooting 90 degrees straight up at an unbelievable speed and disappearing. Our entire sighting lasted less than 10 seconds during which time the light hovered for about 8 seconds and moved 20-25 miles horizontally and God knows how many miles vertically. Tangentially, I was watching THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW one night in the late 1960's or early 1970's when his on-air sidekick Arthur Treacher casually mentioned that over the weekend he had visited Westhampton Beach and witnessed a UFO land on the beach in front of the hotel where he was staying. Much audience laughter and many jokes about his drinking. Additionally, the flight path of the UFO I mention in this story was exactly that of the one taken by TWA flight 800 in 1986 albeit at a much lower altitude. When I first heard about TWA 800 and recalled how incredibly fast the light I saw in 1970 had shot straight up before disappearing I thought to myself that if the light I saw in 1970 had any mass it would have totally obliterated any object in its path.

One night in 1994 I was driving my wife and three sons back from a trip to upstate NY to our home in Manhasset, Long Island. It had been a long trip and it was about midnight. Everyone in the car was asleep, or so I thought. About two blocks away from our suburban home I glanced to my left for about 2-3 seconds and saw what looked to me like the right tail corner of a huge black triangle, its edges lit by an untold number of multicolored lights. Judging by the piece of it I saw the triangle must have been at least a thousand feet long and cruising at just above treetop level at around 30 MPH right down the middle of the well populated street parallel to the one we were on. It's impossible, I thought, my eyes must be tired from driving and watching car lights for five hours! I continued home and was in my garage two minutes later. When we were getting our boys out of the car my seven year old looked at me and said, "Daddy, what were those bright lights over the trees on Bonnie Heights Road?". I was shaken, but told him it was nothing and that he was probably just dreaming and thought he was awake. Now that he's older we often speculate about what we saw.

On the night of 8/18/14 at our house in Southampton, NY my wife called out to me in our bedroom from the adjoining bathroom. "Look at that orange light in the eastern sky!". I went out onto the eastern facing, second floor porch off our master bedroom. To the southeast I saw a glowing, dull orange colored bell shaped object traveling very slowly from the east to the west seemingly parallel to the beaches of Southampton Village 3 miles to the south. The orange glowing object was shaped exactly like the Liberty Bell and about the size of a small plane such as a Cessna, not that it looked like an aircraft at all just that it was roughly Cessna sized if the Cessna was somehow reshaped into a bell shape. There was no sound. As I had recently seen quite a few Fourth of July celebrations I knew what both fireworks and, more importantly, floating Chinese paper lanterns looked like and the object we saw looked like neither of them. It traveled much faster than a Chinese lantern carried by the wind would and much slower than the stall speed of light aircraft, about 50-60 MPH. It wasn't very high in the sky, perhaps 300 feet. I remember thinking how the village would be abuzz tomorrow with talk of the previous night's orange bell, but I never heard anyone ever talk about it! By this time my wife had joined me on the porch and we watched the object move at a consistent speed to the west until our view to the south was obscured by large group of very tall trees close by our property. I reported the sighting to MUFON, case #59187. We did not wish to be interviewed, but I did exchange several emails about the sighting with the MUFON investigator. Several months later I saw online that our case was reported in the MUFON Journal. I much later saw what might have been the object we saw in a YouTube video shot by another Long Islander on the same night, but in a location about 30-40 miles west of us. It might still be online.

Thanks for the chance for me to revisit my episodes of high strangeness and to compile them all for the first time.

Lastly, and for what it's worth, my opinion of my encounters is that reality is not only far more complex than traditional science recognizes it to be, but also that its true nature may be beyond the capability of the human mind to fully comprehend.

Keep up your excellent research and reporting and may good health be your constant companion.

Sincerely, EB

UFOs Over Long Island, New York

The Road to Strange: UFOs, Aliens and High Strangeness

The Best of John Keel

Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into High Strangeness

High Strangeness

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Subscribe to the Phantoms & Monsters / Arcane Radio YouTube channel

mercredi, mars 27, 2019

Bigfoot Observed Near Green Lakes State Park, NY

I recently received the following account:

Hello - I found your email address after searching for 'Bigfoot sightings' on Google. I live in East Syracuse, NY and was driving home on Monday, March 25, 2019 at around 9:15 pm after spending the day with friends near Chittenango.

I was traveling westbound on Green Lakes Rd. and near the intersection with Pierson Rd., on the northeast edge of Green Lakes State Park. As I approached the intersection, I noticed a large hairy 2-legged creature step out onto the road on my right, from the direction of the water. I'd estimate that it was about 30 yards ahead of me.

When the creature looked in my direction, it quickly ran across the road and into the woods in Green Lakes State Park. By that time, I had slowed down in order to avoid hitting it or possibly others following.

The creature was, what I would identify as, a Bigfoot. It stood easily over 6 foot and the eyes glowed a light orange color when it looked at me. From what I could tell, the hair covered most of the body and was a dark brown. The facial skin was very dark. I may have seen it for about 5 seconds. It moved quickly when it started to run.

When it reached the woods on the other side of the road, several deer quickly exited and ran in front of me.

I told my husband about the incident. He acknowledged that it was most likely a Bigfoot. He is a hunter, and told me that he caught a glimpse of a similar creature in 2015 while hunting in the mountains. Thanks for taking my report. SK

NOTE: I was able to talk to SK by telephone this afternoon. Her account remained the same. She went back to the location with her husband the next day, but they were unable to gather any evidence. There was a reported sighting in nearby Madison County in July 2017. Lon

Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us

Bigfoot Encounters in New York

Sasquatch, The Native Truth

Squatching: A Guide for the Novice: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Bigfoot/Sasquatch Investigator

Yetis, Sasquatch & Hairy Giants

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Subscribe to the Phantoms & Monsters / Arcane Radio YouTube channel

Strange Experiences / Possible Abductions

I recently received the following account:

Hello Lon...Over the past few years, I've had many experiences that I cannot explain.

I've even begun writing about these experiences in my spare time. I haven't gotten very far into my writing as I was more so writing these experiences to keep track of them. I haven't had the time to write them all out, but after the incidents that occurred below, I have had many, many more, including what I think would be considered "repeated abductions" and a UFO sighting on my actual street of residence.

First experience:

The night started and ended as any other on a warm July night. Reading a few chapters and ending the night in meditation. During this time in my life, I was working on a lot of third eye opening techniques. Meditation was my time to reflect on the day and let go of the day’s burdens. After a 30 minute meditation, my mind was open and free. I was ready to rest for the evening. As I lay in bed, I felt restless. Usually after meditation, I drift peacefully into a deep sleep, lucid dreams included. This night was much different. Something was holding back from my usual deep slumber. I laid in bed for hours tossing and turning, desperately trying to fall asleep. As I finally started to almost drift off, I felt something happen. It was as if a flip had been switched to “on”, and in that very moment a force field of blue light entered my room. It felt as if an electric current swept over my entire room and myself. My ears started to ring. I was still awake but my eyes were closed. I could sense an unseen, yet powerful energy consuming the room. I could see an intense blue light pulsating from between my closed eyelids. I felt as if something or someone was standing right over my body and watching me closely. Fear was starting to consume me, but I knew I had to take a look. I quickly jolted upright from my bed to see something so unbelievably beautiful staring right back at me.

It was a large blue glowing figure. The shape of the figure was definitely human, but it had no definable features. It looked as if it were made of flame or gas, but shone vividly almost with a crystalline effect. It was standing right over me, looking directly into my soul. I could somehow feel it peering inside my mind. It was breathtaking. I stared in disbelief for no more than 3-4 seconds as the figure seemingly let me take a good look at it. After those few seconds, it quickly ran out of my room, right through the open bedroom door. It was almost as if it was letting me get a good look at it to see that it was very much real. My jaw was on the floor at this point, with so many questions going through my mind, along with utter disbelief and astonishment. Whatever this being was, it was clearly not of this physical world. The fear instantly subsided when the being left my room. I felt a sense of peace sweep the room, a deep calm. It felt as if everything was as it should be, albeit; simultaneously questioning my sanity. I kept this experience to myself, as I do most things. It was and is way beyond my own comprehension. I know what I had witnessed, and didn’t need to be labeled as “crazy” from others to understand the importance of this event. I’ve tried to this very day to make sense of it, since coming to the conclusion that maybe it isn’t supposed to make sense at all. Some questions do not have answers, and this was to be the first in a long line of questions.

Beginning of the "Voice" and Visions:

Exactly three days after witnessing the being in my room, I was celebrating the Fourth of July at my mother’s house. Food and fun was had and I was ready to retire home for the evening. I told my mother I was ready to leave as I knew it would take her some time to prepare food to send me home with. I was standing in her kitchen looking down at the dining room table where she was sitting when out of nowhere a strong feeling came over me. It was reminiscent of the same electric feeling as I felt when I saw the being in my room. My ears started to ring loudly, consuming my mind. I spaced out from all conversation in the room and in that moment, an image and words appeared in my mind’s eye. The image was a car wreck, and the words were “you’re going to get into a wreck on your way home”. I can’t explain how I heard the words, it was almost as if it was own inner voice telling me that I was doomed. My ears stopped ringing and everything returned to normal. I tried to brush off the thought as just some weird subconscious fear of getting into a car wreck.

My mom packed up my food and I was ready to leave. My boyfriend at the time was with me, and he decided he would be the one to drive us home. Once I got into the car, I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I felt a darkness in the air and a heaviness in my heart. It felt like a foreboding of doom. The image of the wreck kept coming back to me, as I kept fighting it. I was just being paranoid, I thought.

As my boyfriend got onto the highway, the feelings or paranoia started to intensify. I started feeling claustrophobic, I knew it was coming. The clouds in the sky got dark rapidly, a storm was coming. My ears started ringing, again, this time much louder and almost deafening. The rain started pouring down, heavily and violently. I sat there clenching the side of the door as if I was hanging on to my life. This was really going to happen. As I sat there not wanting to insult my boyfriend’s driving skills, I told him I was scared. He told me not to worry, we’d be fine. During this brief exchange, he was in the fast lane, which is the furthest lane to the left. The rain was not letting up, it was only getting more violent. Visibility was gone, windshield wipers did nothing, it was an absolute downpour.

As we were nearing the exit in a few miles and I was getting more and more anxious to make it home safely. I felt it again, the ringing. The same voice was telling me to get out of this lane immediately, it was going to happen now. I told my boyfriend “get over in the other lane, now.” He replied, “We’re fine, relax.” No more than 3 seconds later, my vision finally came to life. I felt the whiplash go through my body as the car was struck from behind. With quick thinking on his part, my boyfriend safely pulled the car to the side of the road to avoid the rest of the oncoming traffic (which was barely visible in the heavy storm). Aside from whiplash and a destroyed car, we were both relatively unharmed.

I can’t help but wonder where the voice came from. I’ve had moments of seeing future events before they’ve taken place, but never an actual voice warning me of such. I first chalked it up to “woman’s intuition,” but when the voice came back, I started to think again. Something had changed inside of myself, I felt more aware. I thought again about the being in my room. I felt as if the two incidents were somehow related. I knew I couldn’t explain it, but I was determined to find out more. - BL


The Small Being

I recently received the following account:

So I’ll start off by saying I’m a 28 year old male. This is about the events, encounters or maybe overactive dreams as a child. I have not found the truth yet. But I have not begun looking until now. This took place starting from my earliest memories until I was 6-7-8 years old. Somewhere around there. I’ll try to paint you a picture of my childhood house layout best I can there was my house and behind that about 60ft of grass and behind that woods. Think of the house as a long rectangle. A long hallway going from the back of the house where the backdoor was to a 4-step staircase. Bedrooms living room kitchen all branches of on sides of the long hallway. At the top of the small staircase was the bathroom on the left and master bed on the right. My room was about 20 feet to the bottom of staircase. So here it goes.

I would would wake up in the middle of the night having to use the bathroom, so I would go out of my bedroom walk down the long hallway up the stairs and did what I had to do. On the way out you could see down that hallway to the back door. The backdoor has a window for its top half. I would start to walk down the steps when I froze in my tracks. Looking down that long hallway thru the window on the door I saw the top quarter of a small being who’s head was almost football shaped with a long neck. It was just standing there starring at me. I was frozen and could not move. And then...black. This repeated every night for years. Sometimes I would make it halfway down the hallway before seeing it standing there. And then black. Sometimes it would be standing inside in front of the door. And then black. The nights that I didn’t get up to pee or didn’t want to get out of bed because I knew what would be waiting for me. I would feel something standing behind my bed. Or would wake up with the creature standing next to my bed. And then black. It got to the point where my child mind would try to make these potions in a spray bottle and spray the entire room. Every night in hopes that it would stop them from getting me. I wish I could remember what happened all those times after it went black. I think I need to look into hypnosis maybe. But mainly writing this to see if anyone can relate or experienced similar things so I don’t feel so crazy. I often have what they call sleep paralysis. Every blue moon that comes with a different more gray alien being standing over me. This is my story maybe some input or someone who can relate can help guide me from here. Thanks for reading. - SN


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Shawn Graham - Near Death Experiencer / Radio Host - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome near death experiencer and radio host Shawn Graham to Arcane Radio. Shawn Graham is the host of the "Chasing the Truth with Shawn Graham" podcast, dealing with the paranormal and all things unexplained. Shawn spent more than fifteen years in the medical field. During his tenure in the healthcare sector, he suffered a leg amputation stemming from a very serious flesh-eating infection. He was on life support for more than a week. During his time on life support Shawn had a lengthy Near Death Experience (NDE). While in a coma, he had encounters with God, souls, angels, demons and other entities. Graham later recovered completely with a new, heightened sense of the world with full knowledge of God’s existence and bond with all of God’s creations. Following this life-altering NDE, he has been searching for fellow travelers who have experienced paranormal events and other Near Death Experiencers. - This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, March 29th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog, radio and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



Anthropologist Claims UFOs are Actually Time Machines From the Future

Why the Nessies of Scotland are Supernatural

Couple sees 'demons' in black items...dumps household goods

The Strange Adventures of a Nazi Holy Grail Hunter

Your Climate Change Survival Plan


The Custodians: Beyond Abduction

The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee

Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality

Communion: A True Story

Keepers of the Garden

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Subscribe to the Phantoms & Monsters / Arcane Radio YouTube channel


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