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mardi, janvier 15, 2019

Paranormal Encounters / Weird Experiences

“I wanted to tell one of a few ghost encounters I've had. In October 2014 my wife, oldest daughter and I were living in an apartment in Monterey, California while I was stationed at the Presidio learning Russian. My wife constantly talks about how she "feels" and "senses" things. At the time she was pregnant with our youngest daughter. She has a few health issues and as such developed a severe outbreak of kidney stones and had to be hospitalized for them due to the pregnancy. We decided it was better for me to return home with our oldest daughter (18 months old at the time). The apartment complex was a bit older and for months my wife kept talking about feeling ghosts and seeing a little boy at the foot of our bed at night (and one time he apparently tickled the sole of her foot waking her up). Anyway that night I decided it was better for our daughter to sleep in our room with me rather than in her room (I was notoriously bad at not hearing the baby monitor). I stayed up late that night texting my wife and around 1 AM, the bedroom door that was latched closed swing open and the entire room went cold. I damn near sh-t myself right then watching the door swing open. We had lived there for about a year and never once did any door or cabinet just swing open so the apartment wasn't un-level or anything.

I called my wife immediately to tell her what happened and her answer scared some too. She simply said, "I thought this would happen tonight. Tell him DJ is safe with her dad". Then she hung up on me. I was scared but tried it her way. No sooner had I finished the mantra when the cold vanished and the door closed. I sat in bed frozen in fear until the sun came up. I was gonna head straight to the hospital but as I entered the living room the front door was wide open. The day before I had locked it and latched it with a deadbolt just for added security (it was my first night ever by myself with our daughter and any other dad will tell you how security conscious you become when the mother isn't there). I would have just chalked the whole thing up to wind or the warping of wood due to the sea salt air, but I saw the door handle turn.” - Aaron Proctor

Beyond Creepy


Thomas in Minneapolis wrote to tell of his experience:

“This is just a little bit strange. When I joined the Navy, I went to bootcamp in Florida and I met a good buddy of mine in bootcamp there. When we were done, we both went to different... I went to the west coast, he went to the east coast for our schooling before we could get to the ships. So it was about two years later, I hadn't heard anything from him and when I went home one night my telephone rang I looked at my roommate and I said, 'That's Eddy Stacks.' And sure enough, it was. He was calling from Virginia where he was stationed. And he had called because he got my name out of a phonebook. The fact that I knew it was him when the phone rang after two years of not hearing anything from him was very strange. My roommate flipped out.”

Source: Darkness Radio – January 4, 2017


Dallas in Minnesota wrote to tell of a weird experience he had:

“This story takes place when I was 15 years old. All day had been just terrible. I got into a really bad argument with my mother. I had done something that was very wrong and to this day I feel very bad about it but at the time I ran away and I went to an abandoned house that was near my house. I decided to shack up there for the night. Now I had heard rumours that this place was haunted but being a naive skeptic teenage ne'er-do-well I really didn't believe in ghosts at the time so I really felt no qualms with this building. Boy was I wrong. I got there about 9:00 PM. It was dark and the house had no electricity being abandoned. I wasn't even there for a half an hour, I heard something get thrown in another area of the house which I found out was the kitchen. I go to investigate and all the cupboards are open which they previously could have been. I couldn't figure out the source of the noise so I decided to check out the basement. I walk down and I faintly see through the darkness, I see a giant hole in the wall with spray painted near the wall that reads, that's pointing towards the wall: 'Monsters Inside'. I go to enter the hole and I hear the cupboards slam. I run upstairs to check it out and all the cupboards now are closed and a doll is sitting on the counter. All of a sudden, I get shoved. I stand up and haul ass out of there. I was terrified. I go home and plead with my mother to let me in. I get in and tell her of my experience. Afterwards I go to take a shower and as I remove my shirt, I noticed three scratches on my back in a row. I'll never enter that house again.”

Source: Darkness Radio - January 11, 2016


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Jason Offutt - Journalist, Author and Anomalist - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome journalist, author & anomalist Jason Offutt to Arcane Radio. Jason grew up on a farm near the little town of Orrick, Missouri. In his life he’s been a farm hand, journalist, photographer, bartender, and the mayor of that same small town. Jason now teaches journalism at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville. He has written many books including “Darkness Walks: The Shadow People among us”, “Haunted Missouri: A ghostly guide to the Show-me State’s Most Spirited Spots” and “Paranormal Missouri: Show me your monsters”. You can find his website at This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, January 18th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog, radio and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



Paranormal Encounters along the Appalachian Trail

Preserved Tasmanian Tiger Skin May Have DNA to Resurrect the Species

Mysterious Pillar of Light Appears in Sky Over Canada

The Day of the Death Ray

Creepy Accounts of Mysterious Phantoms in the Forest


Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past

Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact

Unexplained World of the Chestnut Ridge: A Hike through the Goblin Universe of Western Pennsylvania

The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter

More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell their Stories

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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