; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, janvier 12, 2019

Black-Eyed 'Grunge' Girl

I recently came across the following account:

I’m still not exactly sure what happened - all I know was that it was very unsettling and I still get the creeps thinking about it.

This was years ago I think around 2013-2014. It was early fall, late afternoon but it was a bit dark and gloomy as it was an overcast day. I was driving home from shopping. I was by myself. So I came around a corner and on my right was a fire station (it was empty though). I had to slam on my brakes because the couple cars in front of me had stopped and I figured someone was turning. Then I noticed 2-3 cars in the other lane coming towards me were also stopped. The guy in the first car then stuck his head out the window and I was like 'wtf.' so I was trying to see what was going on.

Then I saw her. She was just slowly walking down the center line - no care that the road was busy. Just walking straight down the yellow lines. The guys in front of me were yelling, trying to get her attention, but she stayed facing forward. She had her head down a bit, but her eyes were facing up....reminded me of a 'grunge girl.' She was maybe 14 or 15 years old.

I started to get the creeps because this looked creepy in itself with all these cars stopped and this random person just walking down the middle of the road - oblivious to all traffic. As she neared my car I actually rolled up my window because I was starting to feel panicked. Right as she was passing I decided to knock loudly on the window. Much to my surprise, she turned and looked right into my car. I can’t explain her face...but her eyes were totally black. Something was seriously wrong with her. But when I saw her eyes my heart rate sped up and I didn’t know what to do, but she had stopped and was just looking into my car. I cracked the window a bit and was going to ask her if she was ok. She said,

“I’m going to die...”

Honestly I freaked out. The cars in front of me had left so I sped off up the hill. But I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach so I turned around at an elementary school up ahead and called the police. They told me they were actually already on their way so I stayed parked and watched her in my rear view until I saw the cops show up. Cops came with their lights on and I saw her try and jump in front of the officer. They didn’t hit her but once they got her I just drove home. It creeped me out for weeks.

I’ll forget about it and then remember it when I’m out driving or when it’s a gloomy day and I get a chill right up my spine. JK



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