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vendredi, janvier 18, 2019

Bigfoot's Cousin...'The Aapman'

Bigfoot's Cousin...'The Aapman'

We had strange interactions and sounds while camping in the Drakensberge in South Africa on holiday.

Now we had been sitting around the fire having a couple drinks and having a laugh when we started feeling like someone was watching us, this feeling just got worse, after a while we started shouting into the cliffs like a bunch of idiots making jokes just to calm ourselves, we decided to go to bed and call it a night. Whilst in the tents we could literally hear something moving on the cliff sides, but we shook it off and thought it's just a baboon or something.

Then we had small rocks and sticks thrown directly at the tent. This scared the sh*t out of us. We then started making jokes just to chill ourselves when we heard the LOUDEST scream/yell I've ever heard. It was very very loud; sounded big and aggressive. We all stopped joking went dead quiet and I could literally hear my own heartbeat.

The scream was repeated 4 times all from above, rocks had been thrown. Next morning we asked the camp manager WTF that was and he spoke about a local legend of the Aapman(Apeman), he seems to fully believe in the Aapman.

Needless to say we didn't go anywhere alone rest of the trip and at night times we got scared of everything that moved.

Didn't hear anything or witness anything for rest of the trip. But completely scared of the outdoors now - CD


(NOTE: This will be my only post today...working on additional evidence from David Eckhart. Will publicly disclosed soon. Lon)


The Mechanic

Somewhere in Manchester, UK. My uncle used to be a mechanic. He's working on a friend's car at home and needs a particular part as the one he's looking at is severely damaged. He takes the part to another garage, hoping to negotiate price on a replacement, and asks the only guy working if he has one. The guy smiles, takes the part from my uncle and then returns ten seconds later with the same part and one completely identical. By 'identical', I mean that my uncle described it as a duplicate of the original - damaged in the exact same places, with the same blemishes and tells. Confused, my uncle takes the parts from the mechanic and as he studies them, the mechanic bursts into hysterics. Thinking it a prank, my uncle calls bullsh*t and asks where he got the part, to which the mechanic replies that he 'made it.' My uncle left the shop with both parts, dumbfounded as to how the mechanic had produced the identical part.

Without reason, my uncle insists that this mechanic was an alien or something otherworldly, but I always thought his mind was titled towards this explanation as per his alleged saucer experience. As for a possible explanation, it makes sense that car parts would be subject to similar examples of damage, and perhaps the mechanic in question noticed my uncle's part looked uncannily similar to his own and saw room for a prank of sorts. Certainly explains the laughter. I'll have to apologise for the sparsity of detail in this one; I regret that I don't know the name or details of the part but could find out fairly easily if anybody gives a sh*t. Always thought of this story at its best to be weird and at its worst to be casually explainable. - NG


Phantom Dog

An anonymous caller described what he saw when he was a child:

“I'm 28 years old and when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I was asleep one night. I was sleeping on the bed with my mom because my dad had been out of town, so I was sleeping in the bed with her. I had got up to use the restroom and the room was a little room, and it had a restroom and the bed was about six feet away from the bed. And I got up to use the restroom. I used the restroom, walked back to the bed but I forgot to turn off the light so when I turned around... I turned around to go turn off the light and I seen a dog and it was walking... and it was walking towards me. And, at the time, I didn't have a sister. It was just me and two older brothers and my mom. And I didn't know why we had a dog in the house. I guess my mom was scared of them. I don't know. Anyway, I seen the dog walking towards me. I'll never forget it and I just turned around and I jumped into the bed and I tried waking my mom up. I shook her and she finally woke up. She's like, 'What's wrong?' I couldn't even talk. I was saying, 'There's a dog!' But the words wouldn't come out. And my mom looked and she said, 'There's nothing there.' And I know I wasn't dreaming either. I know what I seen. It was crazy. I ain't seen the dog ever since. That's my story.”

Source: Beyond The Darkness – January 5, 2019

Beyond Creepy



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. Arcane Radio offers informative and entertaining guests and commentary, either live or by podcast. Both survive solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog, radio and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



Spirit? Ghost? Poltergeist? Gef the Talking Mongoose Baffles Researchers - Author Tim Swartz will be my guest on Arcane Radio - Friday Feb. 8th - Gef The Talking Mongoose: The "Eighth Wonder of the World"

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Voices From the Cosmos

Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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