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samedi, décembre 22, 2018

Possible Abduction by 'Spider-Like' Entity

I recently received the following account:

This occurred in July 1975 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. It was early afternoon. I know that something very strange happened and I have a feeling that my brother, myself and our 2 friends were abducted back when I was the age of 12. I know that something happened on that day. We were sitting in the backyard of one of the friend's house at a picnic table. Behind their house is a small field with a path that ran behind the houses all the way down the street and into the park at the end. After the field was a 4-foot wire fence separating the houses from the railway property. After the fence is a small hill built as a noise buffer from the train tracks.

We were just talking and messing around when along the path in back of the yard came a kid about our age. To this day I can swear that I knew who this person was and we all knew him at the time of this story but I cannot remember his name or who he was. He came up to us and asked us if we wanted to see a giant spider. Being kids of course we all did so we followed this kid down the path almost all the way to the park. About 2 or 3 houses before the park he stopped in the path and pointed to the 4-foot wire fence. There on the fence was a giant spider. At least I remember it being a spider. And when I say giant spider I mean this thing was almost the size of the whole fence. So it had to be at least 3' tall. Now you may think I'm crazy or I'm making this up but I remember that spider clear as day and I'll remember it till the day I die. It was colored tan and black. The legs of this thing were very long. Probably about 20" to 24" long each and they were skinny. Now you can say someone was probably playing a joke, but the year was 1975 so I doubt you could find anything this realistic in order to play a joke. I remember it moving. Very slowly. That's about all I remember about the incident. I don't remember going home that day and I don't remember ever seeing that kid again. Ever. But that's not all.

I don't think any of us talked about this incident to each other or to anyone else. But when we did start telling people about this, my brother's friend and I always remembered the spider being 3' tall. But my brother and my friend always remembered the spider being maybe 4 or 5 inches tall (a big spider...but not a giant spider). I think this disagreement is what caused us to stop talking about this incident altogether.

Now years later, I've started remembering this incident again. I asked my brother about it, but he doesn't remember anything about it...not the kid or even seeing a smaller spider. But something else must have happened, because I occasionally get flashbacks of the 4 of us being taken to another location. This happens when I'm daydreaming or relaxing, and the events suddenly appear to me. I truly feel that it has affected our lives, to some degree. Our 2 friends both suddenly left our neighborhood a few months later, and we have never been able to contact them. My brother and I have have each suffered strange auto-immune illnesses and allergies since that day.

I heard your show on Arcane Radio last night, and the discussion about an abductee having flashbacks, I thought I'd contact you. PL



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