; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, novembre 02, 2018

UFO Cross Formation / Ezekiel's Vision

Chris in Dubuque, Iowa called in to tell of his UFO sighting:

“I had seen amber-colored lights around April, Passover of 2008 in north Phoenix. We were all in school, on break. We got out early on break that day which never happened. I don't think we would have seen them otherwise. And they were cross-shaped at first just kind of hanging over the building, the one building. Could have been a good 500 feet up in the air and they sat there for a couple minutes. I asked a classmate of mine, 'Are you seeing this too, with me?' And he acknowledged it but nobody else in the class out in the parking lot would really look up or say that they were seeing it and there's Youtube videos from there of crappy cellphone videos so I know other people in the city seen it. (Clyde asks where and if this happened) Phoenix, Arizona (Clyde then asks if this was after the well known Phoenix Lights incident) Yeah, yeah. This was April of 2008, around Passover.

I wasn't a very religious guy at all and I had an accident in the fall of '07 that, I don't know, kinda got me asking questions, you know, about why we're here and all this, you know. It was a kind of 'cheating death' experience so I pondered on this for a couple of days, you know, what I saw and why I seen it. When they were in the cross shape they kind of one by one all lined up in a straight line and eventually they circled around and went off to the east and there's a little airport there. It wasn't a plane, I know that.

So a couple of days later I'm listening to a preacher late at night, you know, night classes, still in school 6 to 11 so I'd stay up all night listening to the radio and he would mention Ezekiel and I just got a Bible like earlier that year and I was like, 'Well, I'll just start reading Ezekiel.' I'm sure you're familiar with that. I started reading it and it describes how there were four amber colored fireballs in the sky, you know, and I'm not much for coincidences but it just really spoke to me because I was looking for answers to why I seen what I saw, I guess.”

Source: Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis - January 6, 2014

Beyond Creepy



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Race is on to solve the mystery of unknown materials

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