; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, novembre 09, 2018

North Georgia Bigfoot / Tactical Military Personnel

I recently received the following account:

I don’t like the term researcher so I would say I’m a Bigfoot enthusiast who has read a ton of books on the topic, seen every documentary, listened to many Sasquatch podcasts & have backpacked into what I consider a very active area in north Georgia. Haven’t seen a creature but I had 2 unbelievable experiences this year.

The first experience happened at a campground. I was awakened at around 4 a.m. by a pack of howling coyotes. About 3 seconds after the coyotes started howling all of a sudden this roaring 'yahoo' type of scream that sounded like it was coming from all sides...completely drowned out the coyotes. It was so loud and powerful that I could feel the vibrations coming up through the ground through my sleeping bag, clearly nothing I’ve ever heard before. I’ve heard other people describe a loud roaring yahoo sound with these creatures coupled with the fact that I have studied this mystery for so long I knew right away that had to be a Bigfoot. This roar was so loud that the creature couldn’t have been more than a hundred yards for me which is a little strange in itself because one side of the campground is a pretty busy road, but nonetheless the area in general of this campground is surrounded by forest.

The second experience happened 30 days later. Once again not far from where the first experience had occurred. This time I was staying at a second campground that was much more secluded and deeper in the forest in north Georgia. It was around 6 p.m., I and other campers were standing around talking about some of the hiking we had done earlier that day. Other people were out and about getting their campfires started. Also there was a campground host who was walking around introducing himself with a clipboard making sure people had paid and also joined in the conversations. It was at this time that all of a sudden roughly 50 yards uphill on a ridge overlooking the campground a tree comes crashing down. Moments after the tree had hit the ground I and all the others that were standing around talking heard what can only be described as a loud guttural grunt, the kind of grunt you would hear out of a Silverback Gorilla. All of us were startled, and were asking each other what the heck crashed that tree and then made that deep guttural grunt sound. One of the other campers even mentioned that it was probably a Bigfoot. The other campers laughed but I didn’t think it was too funny because if one of those creatures was nearby we possibly could be looking at a very dangerous situation. Thankfully nothing happened after that but here is where the story gets really weird.

At the back of this campground is a dirt road. This road can be used for hiking or travel during hunting season. One of my favorite things to do when I’m backpacking or camping is to wake up early, get a fire going and have me a nice hot cup of coffee. I got up that morning around 6am, got my fire going & fresh coffee made. As I’m sipping on my coffee out of the dirt road at the back of the campground comes this white SUV completely blacked out with a big huge sticker of a “Patty” silhouette stuck to the back window. Me being the believer in the existence of these creatures have a few similar stickers on my back window. So I took what I was seeing as a friendly visit from a fellow Bigfoot enthusiast. I took it upon myself to casually walk up and say hello and see if there was anything we could talk about regarding any creature activity in the area. As I approached the driver of the SUV rolled his window down about halfway and I immediately noticed something odd. First there were two guys in the SUV and they were both dressed in full tact gear, 2 AR-15’s on a gun rack at the back of the interior with both gentlemen having military style boots, pistols at the ankles, black beanies & sunglasses. I mean these guys were completely decked out like a law enforcement would be, but there was no badge, just complete tact dress from head to toe. I then playfully asked “are you guys looking for Bigfoot?” The driver of the SUV then said to me “why do you ask?” I replied “I see the Bigfoot sticker at the back of your vehicle, I have a couple of those on the back window of my car also.” The reply I received is very strange, the driver just looked at me without saying anything and then the passenger guy in a very stuttering kind of manner said “it’s just a practical joke sticker from my girlfriend.” After that response the driver then stepped on the gas and out of the campground they went. I just find it odd that there is a perfectly healthy tree pushed over followed by a gorilla like grunt and then these two tact/possible military guys show up the next morning out of nowhere driving a blacked out suv with an oversized Sasquatch sticker on the back window. Very very odd in my opinion. - Dan M.

NOTE: the presence of people dressed in tactical military gear, in areas in which Bigfoot and upright canines are seen, is becoming more commonplace. U.S. Special Forces Hunt 'Killer Bigfoot' Group in Western North Carolina - Lon



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