; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, octobre 08, 2018

'Man in Black Hoodie' Haunting

I recently received the following account:

Hey Lon! I really love your books and blogs. There is a lot of great info. I have an encounter you might like to hear about.

Until I got married I was always on the fence about ghosts. According to my parents we lived in a haunted house and I had some odd experiences. I had always believed in God but was unsure of ghosts until I got married.

When I got married my wife and I moved into a nice little townhouse. When we originally were looking at it I got a strange vibe in the place. I took it as nerves. When we moved in the feelings got worse. It always felt like something was there. I would always hear what sounded like talk radio in our place. Whenever I laid my head down I would hear it. As soon as I sat up you could not hear it. I would hear footsteps in my room when I would be downstairs by myself.

While all this was going on I had just started working in a soap factory. I worked third shift. On my shift we would all see this man in black. It looked like a man in a black hoodie with black glasses. He would always kind of power walk past the room we worked in. After a few months I noticed this black figure was gone. We all noticed it and thought nothing of it.

A few weeks later it was Thanksgiving and I was on my way to my mom's. I forgot my wedding ring and ran back to my place. As I ran inside I closed the door behind me but not completely. I was the only one there. It was closed to a crack. When I came back downstairs I went to pull the door open but it would not budge. Not only did the door close completely but the dead bolt activated. My wife and I never used the deadbolt because it was so hard to activate.

A few weeks later I was getting ready for work when I seen the man in black pass from my guest room past my bathroom into my bedroom. He was moving swiftly. From there on things kicked into high gear. The feeling of being watched got worse. You know that feeling as a kid you got when you pissed off your parents and you could tell they were mad? That was how the atmosphere was in my place.

My alarms would change. I originally used to have three alarms to wake me up (I am not good at getting up). One particular incident all my alarms were be set for buzzer and I woke up an hour after they went off. Alarms were set to radio and turned all the way down.

One night I came home early from work. My wife got up out of bed and as she was gone I noticed what looked like shadows of trees swaying on my way. I immediately got scared because there were no trees behind my place and it was not windy outside. In fact as soon as my wife came back the shadows were gone. I was wide awake when this happened. It was too early for to sleep. I also began to have a re-occurring nightmare of being held down in my bed by this little girl. I refused to sleep in our room. Keep on mind it was daylight out. Even if my wife was home I would not sleep upstairs.

During the day when I would try to sleep on the couch I would hear footsteps upstairs. No one was home. It got to a point where I never slept anymore.

One night after my wife and had just got over an argument I laid down upstairs against my will. I was wide awake when my foot my grabbed. I looked over and my wife was curled up asleep. It was not long after that incident we moved out. Even though my wife really had no incidents I was becoming a wreck. I had other experiences after this but it never felt like I was being personally targeted like I was in our townhouse. JM


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Rita Louise - Medical Intuitive and Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome medical intuitive and author Rita Louise to Arcane Radio. Rita is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio. She is a Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human Potential Field. Her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant illuminates and enlivens her work. She has written several books, including her latest title 'Stepping Out of Eden.' She has also produced a number of feature-length videos, as well as video shorts. Dr. Louise has a degree as a Naturopath and a Ph.D. in Natural Health Counseling. She has also received the distinction of Reiki Master and Certified Hypnotherapist. You can find her website at www.soulhealer.com. This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, October 12th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



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