; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, septembre 22, 2018

Ghoulish Humanoid Running Between the Headstones

Back when I was in high school my friend and I saw something I've begun referring to as a crawler. This was in Rossville, IL. Night time and in a cemetery. I think it was probably late summer or early fall because I don't remember it being too cold out. Would have been between 2007 and 2010. Pretty sure the moon was full of close to it because visibility was pretty good.

My friend and I used to walk this loop. We would leave her place and go down a block to a side road that led to a park. We would then turn left and cut across the park to the side entrance of the cemetery. The cemetery and park sat at the very southwest corner of town. Beyond that was just woods and corn fields. If we went straight across the cemetery it would take us to another side road that then led to the main street, back to where her house was.

We made it to the cemetery and were walking the main drive that split the property in half. There was a sudden noise that made us both stop. My friend started laughing nervously and asked if I had heard the noise. I told her I had seen what made the noise.

To our left, I had seen something running behind the headstones. It was on all fours, but humanoid. It had extremely pale skin and no hair, and looked very thin. I remember it was so pale it almost reflected the moonlight. It moved so fast (too fast for any human I've ever seen on their hands and feet) that I couldn't see many details. It was in total profile, so I never saw the facial details. The way it ran was animal like as well in that it had that gait where its feet came forward almost between or past its hands. Watch a video of a big cat or wild dog running to see what I mean.

We were both terrified. We just stood there panicking and listening to it moving around, just out of sight, while we called one of her friends to come meet us and take us the rest of the way home. Her friend, a very typical high school boy, arrived and naturally wanted to stay in the cemetery and goof off for a while. For some reason with him there acting dumb it was less scary, but I remember it just kept making these wide circles around us. It always stayed out of sight, but you could hear it as it moved. Occasionally it would come a bit closer, then seemed to dart further away again.

Eventually we left. I spent a while researching it, and even reached out to a paranormal group in Champaign for advice. The guy I talked to had never heard of it, but wanted to document what we saw. We met up with him and did an interview, but the group never did an investigation.

Fast forward a few years and I'm living in Aurora, CO. I met one of my closest friends in about 2012. We really hit it off because we were into the paranormal. When I eventually told him about what I had seen, his jaw hit the floor. He told me he had seen the same thing and told me his story.

He described exactly what I had seen, but he had seen it under a porch while living in Thornton. It was crouched down and squatting. He thinks he startled it while it was eating, because he said it was hunched over something it was holding. He comes from a Navajo/Apache background, and when we first met his best guess was skinwalker or wendigo. But then and especially now he said he had doubts about either of those things being the answer. He was dating a girl at the time who's mom claimed to be a medium. She said she thought it was something that someone "woke up" and that now it was angry. We both have serious doubts on that one.

The stranger part came when he and I brought it up. We both started having very intense nightmares about it. His were worse than mine, and lasted much longer. This was also punctuated by a 6 month period of time filled with a lot of bad luck and anxiety for us. I always sort of brushed this off as us just psyching ourselves out, until I sent my story in to a podcast. After it was read, another listener sent in their story. They described what my friend and I had seen, and also described the sightings as being punctuated by nightmares. I couldn't write that off because he spoke about his nightmares in detail, and they matched my friend's nightmares exactly. I have never given out details of what actually happened in either of our nightmares.

I've read a ton of other stories by other users and people on the internet. I've dug through mounds of lore and cryptid lists. I still don't feel like I have an answer to what this thing is. My best guess at this point is that the nightmares aren't coincidental, and that this is something that is interdimensional. It seems like it can interact with physical things around it, but I've never heard anyone tell a first hand account of being physically attacked or even touched. I've speculated on what it could be for hours, and the only conclusion that I've come to is that I don't feel like there is an actual concrete answer. It doesn't act exactly like this or that cryptid. I think it might be something that's been around and inspired other cryptids and paranormal tales. But I don't think it's a wendigo, skinwalker, ghoul, fleshgait, etc. - nymphlotus



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