In the year 1999 my father was a taxi driver in North Dakota. In case you don't know 1999 was a scary year (Y2K) for hippies like my father. He and many others thought that the computers would reset everything to the year 1900 instead of 2000, and we would have to restart with old technology. He was preparing for the worst the whole year and my mother told him to stop because it was a stupid idea, but he wouldn't listen to her. He always thought the government was after him and watching him which made him even more paranoid.
He told me that in December of 1999 he thought he started seeing a stalker. A man who wore a black suit, a black tie, and a dark brown fedora. It was always at 8 am when he started work so he blew it off for awhile and thought maybe he was just on his way to work as well. That is, until he hailed my dad's taxi. It was less than a week before New Years and the man hailed his cab. My dad said he walked slower than a normal person did and had no facial features, as in no scars, blemishes, or discoloration in his face. He was about 5 foot 10 and had a high-ish pitched voice. He also had a briefcase handcuffed to his hand.
He got in the back seat on the drivers side and said "292nd Avenue, floor it." and handed him 500 dollars. My dad said it would have not even been close to a 500 dollar drive and insisted not to take all $500. The man said "You will need it soon, Patrick." as calmly as a human being could talk. My dad said he was flipping his sh*t at how he knew his name and how crazy the situation was. My dad tried to make small talk on the way there but the man just looked straight ahead at the road and never said a word.
He arrived at the road to find it was in the middle of absolutely no where. My dad kept driving until the man whispered "stop." The man said nothing as he slowly got out and started walking into the field. My dad looked at the man to see his briefcase handcuffed to his left hand, and a revolver in his right. My dad peeled out and kept looking to make sure the man never tried to shoot him, but he didn't. The man never stopped walking, looked, or changed his pace. Nobody believed my dad when he told them and tried to forget it.
New Years 2000 came and he never needed the money. The world didn't end, and he had a lot of canned food for nothing. He forgot until this year, when we were going to see a ghost town this summer on our way back from vacation. Google said to take the very same road he took the man on and he told me to stop the car. I did as he asked and pulled over. He told me this story and demanded we drive away and never go anywhere near there again. The man was never seen again by my father and I have no idea of this man's intentions. dhs1976
Warrensburg, NY - 2018-07-17 - 21:30: I was at Echo Lake meeting up with some friends drinking and having a good time. I was the first one there. Everything was eerily silent. You could have heard a pin drop. That's when something caught my attention. About 70 feet away is this humanoid creature. It's about 4-5 feet tall, skinny as hell, and naked. It's so white it's almost glowing. It's just staring at me. Like neither of us should be here. I can't move, I can't scream. I just stare. Then I heard some rustling in bushes behind me and I quickly turn and brace for a fight. I see another one of them things moving away from me. Then I turn and see the other one is gone. Now I don't know if that was the same one and they just move super fast or what but it sure spooked the hell out of me. I called my friends and said you best not come anymore and got the hell out of there. - MUFON
Large, aggressive mosquitoes swarm N.C. city after Florence
A North Carolina city dealing with fallout from Hurricane Florence has been swarmed by aggressive mosquitoes nearly three times larger than regular mosquitoes. One resident, Robert Phillips, describes their rise as "a bad science fiction movie."
North Carolina State University entomology professor Michael Reiskind told The Fayetteville Observer that Florence's floodwater has caused eggs for mosquito species such as the Psorophora ciliata to hatch. These mosquitoes, often called "gallinippers," are known for their painful bite and often lay eggs in low-lying damp areas.
The eggs lie dormant in dry weather and hatch as adults following heavy rains. Reiskind said the state has 61 mosquito species, and "when the flood comes, we get many, many billions of them."
“I have been a paranormal investigator for over thirty years and today I saw my first apparition as I was going down a side road to come to my home. It was soldier in full uniform and he had a big dog next to him and they were just standing there waving and I stopped to see the dog and I turned around and they were gone. And that is my paranormal investigation site. That was my first apparition I ever saw. It was very exciting. Chills up the spine. It was great.”
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Jim in New York called in to tell of a strange encounter he had:
“I don’t know where to start but...first of all, I’m not going to give my exact location. I'm a police officer in upstate New York. I was going to the store the other night. Actually, it was Sunday night (December 8, 2013) a little bit after, I want to say 9:00 or 9:15, going down a road that I travel every single day. I know it's gonna sound crazy. I haven’t said anything to anybody about this, not even my girlfriend because they are probably gonna think I’m nuts.
Anyway, I'm going down this, the main road that I live on. It sends chills up my spine when I think about this. I come up around the curb past the first stop-light and there was... I saw something I can't explain. (long pause on the call) I'm coming down the road, I see these... I know this sounds crazy but I see these three figures in the road. I drive a 98 Ford Explorer. I see three figures in the road that are like 12 to 13 feet high, black hooded, all the way across the road. And first I thought, 'Okay, maybe I've been working too many hours and I'm seeing things,' you know, you see things in the road that aren't there after you are so tired driving home from work, whatever. I slowed down. I noticed there was a car coming the opposite direction did the same thing. It actually came to a dead stop in the middle of the road. This was like, I don't know, a half a mile from my house. And this car stops. I didn't come to a complete stop but I almost did. And it just made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I was like, 'What the hell did I just see?' I'm not superstitious or any of that crap. I don't believe in any of that stuff. They lasted for like 3 or 4 seconds in the road. I continued on just like, 'What the hell did I just see? What the hell did I just see?' Even the other driver coming the opposite direction threw his arms up as he was coming by me, you know, going like, what the heck? Continued on. Went to get my gas. Drove back. I drove back very slowly.
I don’t know, for just the rest of the night it just made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I saw something and I can't explain it. I didn't know where to go from there. Like I said, I didn't tell my girlfriend because she's gonna think I'm nuts and I just had to tell somebody. (Lewis, the host, asks about the lights on the street) Actually the road that we live on has got street lights all the way down the road. It's a pretty heavy residential area. Like I said I drive it every single night and I come up around this curb and I started coming down the road and it was like it blocked out the light from the street lights and oncoming cars but only for a few seconds. It was enough to make me almost bring my truck to a dead stop. Like I said, the car on the other side of the road did come to a complete stop and it was just one of those things, you know. (Lewis asks about the beings) What it looked like and I know this sounds crazy and I’m not nuts. I'm a cop. I'm not nuts. I'm a Christian. All this stuff. Something just did not make sense. I saw three figures in the road. One standing in the middle. One standing in each lane. I mean opposite lanes. It was like black, hooded, couldn’t see the faces. Lasted three to four seconds and that was it. I had ten hours of sleep so I wasn’t deprived of sleep. They were just standing there. When I first saw what I saw, I stopped my truck probably I want to say within 100 feet. I didn’t come to a complete stop. I slowed down to like 100 feet. The other car in the other lane was like an older, I think it was a Chevy Celebrity, you know, older junk car. They came to a complete stop. Slammed their brakes on. I almost came to a stop. I'm looking, you know, I'm rubbing my eyes, maybe I need to put my freaking glasses on or something. Then all of a sudden it was clear and we went by and, like I said, the other driver came by in the opposite lane, he looked over at me, I looked over at him and he threw his hands up right in the air like, what was that?”
Source: Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis - December 10, 2013
Wise River, Montana - Summer 2015: I lived alone and in this remote location. We didn't have cable so the only option is satellite TV. It was a humid summer night in July and the TV was acting up, so I needed to go out and adjust the satellite like usual. I took a flashlight and a gun with me. When I went outside it was unusually quiet. So silent it was unnerving. I brushed the thought off and went to the dish which is in the corner of my yard. I went to work, making sure all the wires were alright and pointing it to a different angle. Suddenly I heard I small snap of a stick to my left and turned the flashlight to the direction and I saw a creature standing there. I got a good look at it for what seemed like an eternity but was for only about ten seconds. I slowly backed off and ran back to the house and locked all the doors and windows.
The creature was unlike anything I have ever seen before. When I shined the light at it, the first thing I saw was the head. It has cropped ears that pointed upwards. Its snout was narrower than a bears and longer and I could make out large teeth protruding from the jaw. Its eyes were a deep red shade that seemed to reflect off the light I was pointing at it. The body was muscular and huge. It had long arms that appeared to be longer than its legs. Broad shoulders that tapered into a skinnier waist. It was slightly crouched over when I saw it, with one hand wrapped around a small tree. I could make out the legs which looked similar to a dog’s legs, it had obvious hocks. Even with the crouched position, it was about my height which is 6 foot. Standing up to full height this creature could easily be 7.5 feet tall. The fur was black and thicker around the neck and chest and the bottom half significantly less so.
I don’t know if it was aggressive or not. What I know is I had a feeling of dread unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Was it just observing me or stalking me? For a creature this large is was deceivingly silent. It got within 15 yards of me without me noticing. All I knew was I needed to get out of there and not find out. I don’t live on the property anymore but after the event I never had another face-to-face encounter. But I would hear sounds in the woods I couldn’t explain. They would start off relatively quiet, and work their way up to furious howls/screams then back down to quiet again. I don’t know if this was the same thing because it could be local wildlife. RedpilledChadd
Join me as I welcome Pennsylvania UFO / anomalies investigator and colleague Stan Gordon to Arcane Radio. Stan began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. He began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965 UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Stan is a former PA State Director for MUFON, and has been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious encounters throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His 3 books, 'Really Mysterious Pennsylvania,' 'Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook,' and 'Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures' are the culmination of his extensive field research. Stan was recently featured in the documentary film 'Invasion On Chestnut Ridge.' His website can be found at This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, September 28th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to
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It was winter of 2001 in Michigan. I work construction as an electrician and one particular evening I was working late and it just started to snow. As it got darker, me and my work partner decided we were going to pack it in for the day and go home. This was right around the time when cell phones were getting more and more popular but still not everybody have them yet. I had one through my employer and only had given the number out to a few people including my girlfriend at the time, so I still had a regular landline at my house.
My girlfriend called my cell phone and sounded pretty upset with me and asked me if I had a girl at my house. Confused, I asked her what on Earth are you talking about (as I have lived alone for the past two years). She stated that when she called my house a woman’s voice answered. My girlfriend asked “is Mark there?” and the woman responded (quite angrily), “Mark is dead”.
At first I didn’t believe her because she was kind of the jealous type and she may have been trying to catch me in some sort of act of cheating. I again asked her are you making this up and she quite adamantly said absolutely not and that the person on the other line abruptly hung up after she had stated Mark is dead. She then called back and nobody answered and then tried calling back one other time and again nobody answered. After grilling her with questions and trying to get her to confess that she was making it up she stood her ground and I told her I would call her back later and that this is all pretty strange. She was absolutely convinced that somebody was at my house. Once I got off the phone with her I turned to my work partner and told him what had just happened. He thought that was pretty concerning as well and suggested that he follow me home just to be sure that someone is not in my house. The significance of me stating that it had just began to snow is that I figured that once I pulled up to my house I would see fresh footprints or tracks leading up to the property. It was fresh billowy snow completely undisturbed so I knew once we got to the house that would be the first clue.
The jobsite was about 20 minutes from my house, so as we drove I called my girlfriend again and told her that my partner was following behind me and we were going to check out the house together. I tried calling my house phone while on the way and oddly enough the phone would only ring once or twice without voicemail picking up. Once my partner and I got to the house we right away noticed that the snow was completely undisturbed. When I entered the house I immediately felt a strange vibe which I don’t know how to explain, but it just felt different. Maybe it was the paranoia but it did feel strange to me walking in there. It was now completely dark outside which made it feel even creepier. I walked down the hallway to my office where I promptly checked my caller ID just to verify that my girlfriend had indeed called at the times she said she did. I noticed that everything was as she said it would be and that she had tried calling three times and someone had indeed answered the first call. This still wasn’t proof enough for me, so later on that evening when I seen her I checked her cell phone to match it up with my caller ID at the house and it was a perfect match. The first phone call was received as far as her cell phone read.
The strange vibe I was getting while in the house prompted me to grab a few clothes and drive down to my girlfriend's house over an hour away to stay the night there because it bothered me that much. As I was getting ready to leave the house my work partner was investigating and looking around various rooms to see if anything was out of place. As I was on the phone with my girlfriend discussing this I was thinking I might be making a big deal over nothing. My partner from down the hallway shouted to me asking if I had just used the bathroom? I was in my office which was all the way at the end of the hallway, where as the bathroom was at the front of the house and off way to the left. He said he was looking in my kitchen which you cannot get to my office without walking through the kitchen, and the toilet flushed.
At this point I didn’t know whether or not he was now messing with me due to the fact he could tell I was a bit nervous. However when I seen the look on his face I could tell he was 100% genuine and truthful. The toilet had indeed flushed itself and not only that when we walked into the bathroom the toilet lid was placed down, and being a single bachelor I very rarely had the toilet seat down much less the lid.
I have read before that people feel cold spots when there is a presence nearby or something like that and that was absolutely noticeable when I walked into the bathroom. In fact that bathroom is usually as hot as a sauna because there is a huge heat vent that comes from the ceiling and the door usually has to be left open so that heat can get out to the rest of the house.
The catalyst to this whole ordeal was when my work partner went from acting nonchalant about it to becoming visually shook up. He did not want to be in that house anymore and frankly I did not either. As we were leaving out the front door I was completely taken back when right there in front of us both were very small footprints that started in the middle of my front yard just below a tree. There was absolutely no disturbance in the snow when we pulled up and that much I was sure of and so was he. The footprints were leading to the street where we could no longer follow them but it appeared to head towards the lake I lived only four houses from.
Suffice it to say I stayed at my girlfriend's house for about two days before my father had convinced me I was being ridiculous and I should return to my house.
One last piece of information, about a week after I had returned home I was cooking dinner for myself one night when as I poured boiling water down the sink (making pasta). I heard a big thud sound on my roof pretty much right over my head. Again it was just turning dark and I went outside to investigate the sound. I had one of those giant flashlights that is about as powerful as a car headlight, and I shined it up onto the roof. It was the oddest thing but a full grown swan had crash landed onto the roof (in the middle of December!). I went across the street to my friend's house to have him come take a look at it and as he opens the door for me, before I could say anything he said to me, “oh my God something just fell right off your roof!” "I said OK that’s what I was coming over here to show you, you’ve got to come take a look at this." This bird actually had tumbled and rolled down the roof and into my driveway. My neighbor walked across the street with me and when we got to where the swan landed it simply stood up and in the most peculiar mannerisms it marched right past us and walked all the way down to the lake as if it was a drunken bar patron trying to make his way home.
Now I have always been interested in the paranormal and have always wanted to see evidence for myself and I am still on the fence on what I believe and what is real, but it’s like people say, when it happens to them then it’s pretty hard to explain away. MIE