; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, septembre 29, 2018

The Cats From the Woods

“My dad got mad and kicked me out one night. It started getting cold so I slept against a barn. I woke up to something touching my leg. It was a cat. Well, it slept against me. Then five more came from the bushes in the woods and crawled up and slept on me, keeping me warm. One of the cats went back into the bushes and started bringing her kittens out and placing them on my lap, like four of them so I was covered by cats and kittens. Next day I got up and started leaving. The girl cat carried her kitten with her and when I got home she had followed me and placed it on my doorstep. I gave her milk and went in. The cat started scratching and making noises until I came out. When I did, she picked up the cat and brought her to me and walked away. I kept the kitten and the mamma cat would sit on my outside window sill and look in the home watching us. Then, when I'd come out, she'd leave.

The kitten got big enough to go out and I'd let her but she never left the front yard. The mamma would come and lick her and then go back to the woods. I don't know what it was but the kitten didn't meow or anything. It would make a sound that sounded like my name, 'Wade.' Then it would use its paw to tap me if it wanted anything. The cat lived two years and then walked out to the woods where it walked off with the cat that looked like it's mamma. I hadn't seen it in two years and it left forever.

The next morning there was a scratch on the door and a kitten was there. It looked close to my old cat and in the bushes was the old mamma cat looking. I picked it up and it (mamma) walked off. Two years later, I see the old cat or one really close to it on the window sill but it would leave when I come out. Is this weird or do cats bring more to you like storks? The kitten didn't meow but made the 'Wade' sound also and it would tap me also. She slept in same spot even though I got her a new bed in another room, she'd crawl, dragging my old cats blanket to my dresser and place it on it and sleep. Weird or what? Another thing that's important I forgot is that it would get my attention and look me in the eyes and hold it there like it wanted me to know something so bad but couldn't tell me. It hid my keys when I used to drink like it didn't want me to drive. It hid my cigarettes because, I guess, it did not want me smoke. She'd place them in litter box that she hated to use. She would go on the little flower bed by the front door, same as the other they were like twins almost reincarnated. That's best way to say it, it was like the same cat and it wanted me to know it never left. She would put a picture I had of the old cat and me on the couch and I'd put it on the counter and she'd move it back until I put it on dresser where she slept and she was so so happy.... I never saw anything like it.

People say cats are dumb but they're not. They're thinking and have a soul (or a memory of a past). I don't know, I'm lost over it. We're connected by something like fate.” - Jeremy Wade

Beyond Creepy



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



Stunning 3D laser maps reveal the sprawling Mayan 'megalopolis' where more than 61,000 ancient structures lay hidden beneath Guatemala's forest canopy

Lake has so much methane you can set it on fire

The Strange Story of a Mysterious Bronze Hand Found in Switzerland

The centenary of the 20th century’s worst catastrophe

Bizarre glowing object spotted 'slowly circling' space station


Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Alien Abduction of The Wyoming Hunter: First person story of Carl Higdon, October 25, 1974

Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel

Occulture: The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward

Shadow Cats: The Black Panthers of North America

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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vendredi, septembre 28, 2018

Men in Black 'Hitman'

I recently came across the following account:

In the year 1999 my father was a taxi driver in North Dakota. In case you don't know 1999 was a scary year (Y2K) for hippies like my father. He and many others thought that the computers would reset everything to the year 1900 instead of 2000, and we would have to restart with old technology. He was preparing for the worst the whole year and my mother told him to stop because it was a stupid idea, but he wouldn't listen to her. He always thought the government was after him and watching him which made him even more paranoid.

He told me that in December of 1999 he thought he started seeing a stalker. A man who wore a black suit, a black tie, and a dark brown fedora. It was always at 8 am when he started work so he blew it off for awhile and thought maybe he was just on his way to work as well. That is, until he hailed my dad's taxi. It was less than a week before New Years and the man hailed his cab. My dad said he walked slower than a normal person did and had no facial features, as in no scars, blemishes, or discoloration in his face. He was about 5 foot 10 and had a high-ish pitched voice. He also had a briefcase handcuffed to his hand.

He got in the back seat on the drivers side and said "292nd Avenue, floor it." and handed him 500 dollars. My dad said it would have not even been close to a 500 dollar drive and insisted not to take all $500. The man said "You will need it soon, Patrick." as calmly as a human being could talk. My dad said he was flipping his sh*t at how he knew his name and how crazy the situation was. My dad tried to make small talk on the way there but the man just looked straight ahead at the road and never said a word.

He arrived at the road to find it was in the middle of absolutely no where. My dad kept driving until the man whispered "stop." The man said nothing as he slowly got out and started walking into the field. My dad looked at the man to see his briefcase handcuffed to his left hand, and a revolver in his right. My dad peeled out and kept looking to make sure the man never tried to shoot him, but he didn't. The man never stopped walking, looked, or changed his pace. Nobody believed my dad when he told them and tried to forget it.

New Years 2000 came and he never needed the money. The world didn't end, and he had a lot of canned food for nothing. He forgot until this year, when we were going to see a ghost town this summer on our way back from vacation. Google said to take the very same road he took the man on and he told me to stop the car. I did as he asked and pulled over. He told me this story and demanded we drive away and never go anywhere near there again. The man was never seen again by my father and I have no idea of this man's intentions. dhs1976

Men in Black: Evidence and True Stories about Earth’s Most Mysterious Cover Agents

The Real Men In Black: Evidence, Famous Cases, and True Stories of These Mysterious Men and their Connection to UFO Phenomena

Men In Black: Personal Stories and Eerie Adventures

Casebook on the Men In Black

Men in Black: The Secret Terror Among Us

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Tall Humanoids at Echo Lake, NY

Tall Humanoids at Echo Lake, NY

Warrensburg, NY - 2018-07-17 - 21:30: I was at Echo Lake meeting up with some friends drinking and having a good time. I was the first one there. Everything was eerily silent. You could have heard a pin drop. That's when something caught my attention. About 70 feet away is this humanoid creature. It's about 4-5 feet tall, skinny as hell, and naked. It's so white it's almost glowing. It's just staring at me. Like neither of us should be here. I can't move, I can't scream. I just stare. Then I heard some rustling in bushes behind me and I quickly turn and brace for a fight. I see another one of them things moving away from me. Then I turn and see the other one is gone. Now I don't know if that was the same one and they just move super fast or what but it sure spooked the hell out of me. I called my friends and said you best not come anymore and got the hell out of there. - MUFON


Large, aggressive mosquitoes swarm N.C. city after Florence

A North Carolina city dealing with fallout from Hurricane Florence has been swarmed by aggressive mosquitoes nearly three times larger than regular mosquitoes. One resident, Robert Phillips, describes their rise as "a bad science fiction movie."

North Carolina State University entomology professor Michael Reiskind told The Fayetteville Observer that Florence's floodwater has caused eggs for mosquito species such as the Psorophora ciliata to hatch. These mosquitoes, often called "gallinippers," are known for their painful bite and often lay eggs in low-lying damp areas.

The eggs lie dormant in dry weather and hatch as adults following heavy rains. Reiskind said the state has 61 mosquito species, and "when the flood comes, we get many, many billions of them."

He said a silver lining is the mosquitoes aren't transmitting many diseases. Read more at "A bad science fiction movie": Large, aggressive mosquitoes swarm N.C. city after Florence


Soldier and His Dog

Donna called to tell of her ghost sighting:

“I have been a paranormal investigator for over thirty years and today I saw my first apparition as I was going down a side road to come to my home. It was soldier in full uniform and he had a big dog next to him and they were just standing there waving and I stopped to see the dog and I turned around and they were gone. And that is my paranormal investigation site. That was my first apparition I ever saw. It was very exciting. Chills up the spine. It was great.”

Source: Beyond The Darkness – August 18, 2018

Beyond Creepy



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



These Flight Incident Reports Tell of Odd Occurrences Over the Famous Bermuda Triangle

Exploring Canadian Monsters: Prince Edward Island

Triangular UFOs: A Vivid Account of a Mystery Aircraft Over the Carolinas

Argentina's 2018 UFO Flap - So Far

The Mysterious Little People of Japan’s Far North


The Monster Book: Creatures, Beasts and Fiends of Nature

I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time

Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook

Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3

Real Monsters, Gruesome Critters, and Beasts from the Darkside

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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mercredi, septembre 26, 2018

Three Hooded Figures on the Road

Jim in New York called in to tell of a strange encounter he had:

“I don’t know where to start but...first of all, I’m not going to give my exact location. I'm a police officer in upstate New York. I was going to the store the other night. Actually, it was Sunday night (December 8, 2013) a little bit after, I want to say 9:00 or 9:15, going down a road that I travel every single day. I know it's gonna sound crazy. I haven’t said anything to anybody about this, not even my girlfriend because they are probably gonna think I’m nuts.

Anyway, I'm going down this, the main road that I live on. It sends chills up my spine when I think about this. I come up around the curb past the first stop-light and there was... I saw something I can't explain. (long pause on the call) I'm coming down the road, I see these... I know this sounds crazy but I see these three figures in the road. I drive a 98 Ford Explorer. I see three figures in the road that are like 12 to 13 feet high, black hooded, all the way across the road. And first I thought, 'Okay, maybe I've been working too many hours and I'm seeing things,' you know, you see things in the road that aren't there after you are so tired driving home from work, whatever. I slowed down. I noticed there was a car coming the opposite direction did the same thing. It actually came to a dead stop in the middle of the road. This was like, I don't know, a half a mile from my house. And this car stops. I didn't come to a complete stop but I almost did. And it just made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I was like, 'What the hell did I just see?' I'm not superstitious or any of that crap. I don't believe in any of that stuff. They lasted for like 3 or 4 seconds in the road. I continued on just like, 'What the hell did I just see? What the hell did I just see?' Even the other driver coming the opposite direction threw his arms up as he was coming by me, you know, going like, what the heck? Continued on. Went to get my gas. Drove back. I drove back very slowly.

I don’t know, for just the rest of the night it just made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I saw something and I can't explain it. I didn't know where to go from there. Like I said, I didn't tell my girlfriend because she's gonna think I'm nuts and I just had to tell somebody. (Lewis, the host, asks about the lights on the street) Actually the road that we live on has got street lights all the way down the road. It's a pretty heavy residential area. Like I said I drive it every single night and I come up around this curb and I started coming down the road and it was like it blocked out the light from the street lights and oncoming cars but only for a few seconds. It was enough to make me almost bring my truck to a dead stop. Like I said, the car on the other side of the road did come to a complete stop and it was just one of those things, you know. (Lewis asks about the beings) What it looked like and I know this sounds crazy and I’m not nuts. I'm a cop. I'm not nuts. I'm a Christian. All this stuff. Something just did not make sense. I saw three figures in the road. One standing in the middle. One standing in each lane. I mean opposite lanes. It was like black, hooded, couldn’t see the faces. Lasted three to four seconds and that was it. I had ten hours of sleep so I wasn’t deprived of sleep. They were just standing there. When I first saw what I saw, I stopped my truck probably I want to say within 100 feet. I didn’t come to a complete stop. I slowed down to like 100 feet. The other car in the other lane was like an older, I think it was a Chevy Celebrity, you know, older junk car. They came to a complete stop. Slammed their brakes on. I almost came to a stop. I'm looking, you know, I'm rubbing my eyes, maybe I need to put my freaking glasses on or something. Then all of a sudden it was clear and we went by and, like I said, the other driver came by in the opposite lane, he looked over at me, I looked over at him and he threw his hands up right in the air like, what was that?”

Source: Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis - December 10, 2013

Beyond Creepy

True Ghost Stories: Real Police Ghost Stories: True Tales of the Paranormal as Told by Cops and Other Law Enforcement Officials

Unexplained Encounters: Ridiculous True Stories of The Unusual, Creepy and Just Plain Strange (Unexplained Phenomena) (Volume 1)

Police and the Paranormal

Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

mardi, septembre 25, 2018

Two Pterodactyls Observed in Northern Wisconsin

Kevin in Wisconsin called in to tell of his creature sighting:

“Two years ago, on October 4, 2011, I was coming home from the Twin Cities. I live in northern Wisconsin. It was 2:30 in the morning. I was driving down my road. Came down a bit of a dip in the road. Was coming back up and two my left hand side, they did some clear cutting and some logging out. All they left were some maple trees and there was a big natural gas pipeline that runs right through the area. It's all clear. They keep it clean. And right about there, coming out of the west, heading east were two pterodactyls. I didn't know what they were the second I seen it. You know, if I only seen one, I would have never told anybody about what I had seen. I would be like, 'Wow, I need to go to bed. I've been up a little too long.' But there were two of them. It's October 4th. I don't remember if it was a full moon but it was super bright out...so the moon lit everything up. I had the high beams on.

I was the only one on this road so when I came up out of that dip, the headlights caught them. The moonlight lit them up and it was terrifying at first. They were just cruising right along about 50 feet off the ground. They were below the trees and I'm guessing the trees down there aren't much more than 70 feet, the tallest ones. They were below that. (Clyde asks how he knew they were pterodactyls and not regular large birds) Yeah, when I saw the spike off the back of their heads that runs at like a 45 degree angle or so, 30 degree angle or whatever... and the 40 foot wingspan. It was like, there are no cranes around here that are that big. We have Sandhill Cranes and some other big cranes but they don't have 40 foot wingspans. There are swans over to the east of us on Lake Superior but they're not 40 feet across. I mean, to this day, I don't really tell anybody about it because when I do, they just look at me like, 'Wow, you finally went off your rocker.' I'm just like, so after that I just kinda let it go. You can't get that thought... or that picture out of your mind. I did some research on them and I was like, 'Yeah, that's what I saw' and the more I did the research and found out about these things, I was like... I'm not going down there to wait it out and see. There was nobody with me in the truck. I had one of my dogs with me and he ain’t talking to anyone about it.”

Source: Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis - December 10, 2013

Beyond Creepy

NOTE: Pterosaur-like creature sightings are not uncommon in the upper midwest...particularly in Illinois and Wisconsin. During the Chicago winged humanoid investigation, several pterosaur eyewitnesses came forward with their accounts. Lon

The Van Meter Visitor: A True and Mysterious Encounter with the Unknown

Pterosaurs: Natural History, Evolution, Anatomy

Modern Pterosaurs: Human encounters with living "pterodactyls"

Live Pterosaurs in America: Not extinct, flying creatures of cryptozoology that some call pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs or prehistoric birds

Weird Winged Wonders: The Twilight World Of Cryptid Creatures

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs