; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, août 29, 2018

The Moon Is a Venusian Colony - Part III

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning “Venus Rising” Trilogy (Headline Books, Terra Alta, WV, 2015-2017), available on amazon.com while supplies last

Viking Probes to Mars a Diversion

By the time that the United States Bicentennial was being celebrated in 1976, the world’s attention towards all matters extraterrestrial had been diverted to the Viking 1 and 2 Mars missions, which were scheduled to land on the Red Planet on 20 July and 3 September, respectively, of that year. The Viking probes were to scoop up Martian dirt and then heat it up in built-in ovens to determine whether or not microorganisms existed there. The results were inconclusive. Some were suggesting, however, that the Viking missions were just a diversion for keeping us from more closely observing strange occurrences taking place on the Moon, just short of 250,000 miles away versus Mars, that is, on average, about 140 million miles away.

Tracks lead to a spire near crater rim on the Moon. Photo from National Geographic magazine 2015 television documentary, Aliens on the Moon. Apollo 17 was launched on 17 December 1972 and was allegedly the last manned mission to the Moon. There are rumors of an Apollo 18 mission, where astronauts encountered extraterrestrials and were given a warning to take back to authorities on Earth, delineating areas of the Moon where future explorers were prohibited entry.

The Moon is Inhabited

In the seven years since the Apollo 11 mission, most Americans had moved on from paying even the slightest attention to the Moon, but not all. One of these consistently observing our closest celestial neighbor was former National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientist and photographic analyst, the Harvard engineering graduate George H. Leonard. Making some pretty shocking claims about the Moon, Leonard backed these up by securing the original, massive prints of sundry classified photos taken by the various Apollo mission teams while in orbit or carrying out a reconnaissance of the lunar surface by foot or Moon buggy.

Leonard kept asserting that the Moon is inhabited. He compiled his photos in a wonderful book, Somebody Else Is on the Moon (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: David McKay Company, Inc., 1976). Leonard’s book opened a floodgate. Many NASA personnel, currently employed, fired, or retired, came forward to declare that everything stated in Somebody Else Is on the Moon was thoroughly accurate. They were just sorry that they didn’t have the courage that Leonard displayed. They wished they had come out with full disclosures about what they had discovered about the Moon a lot sooner.

Despite official denials since hurled against Leonard and his book, the author accomplished much more than just spinning a fanciful theory. His exhaustive study and analysis of thousands of sundry Apollo missions’ Moon photographs presents a convincing case that not only does the Moon have life on it, but that it is inhabited by intelligent beings that arrived there long ago from other planets, both inside and outside of our solar system, and colonized it for the express purpose of monitoring the spiritual and technological progress of humankind down through the ages.

Leonard maintains that the evidence for the presence of alien beings on our Moon is everywhere to be found: on the surface, on the far side and near side, in the craters, in the maria (Latin for “seas,” but here indicative of vast lunar plains) and even in the lunar highlands. He believes that the extraterrestrials on the Moon have literally been changing its face with various construction projects underway for the longest, but undetermined times. Leonard held a sneaking suspicion that astronomical discoveries, like those mentioned in this series, triggered both the United States and Soviet Union’s Moon programs. They may really be not so much the manifestation of a space race as a “desperate cooperation.”

In Leonard’s book, extensive attention is paid to photographs of the mysterious structures mentioned in Parts I and II of this series. There is also a photograph of a massive piece of machinery measuring five miles in diameter. The object in question is clearly a machine, because gears and teeth are visible. Leonard speculated that if the Moon machine were dropped down on Manhattan, it would literally “obliterate everything from midtown to the bowery.” There are also huge “super-rigs” and “X-drones.” Apparently, these are employed in moving significant amounts of lunar regolith. In the photos, these mechanisms seem to be knocking down ridge lines, carving away at the rim of craters, and more or less altering the very shape of the lunar landscape.

There are also strange sprays of dirt, sand, and even water that have been seen and photographed spewing out from craters. Leonard wonders what else might be emerging from the Moon’s many craters. Similar sprays have been observed on Saturn’s small moon of Enceladus and Neptune’s largest natural satellite Triton. This orb is so big that astronomers speculate it is not a moon at all, but was once a planet on the edge of the Kuiper Belt that was captured by the gravitational pull of Neptune countless eons ago. These sprays on our Moon, Enceladus and Triton seem to be indicative of aquifers or underground seas, possible sources for extraterrestrial life.

It’s not just Leonard’s word versus the assertions of the whole NASA establishment that the Moon is a dead, lifeless orb. Leonard presents his readers with official photographs along with line drawings that help us to select the more intriguing details that he discovered, pinpointing the areas and features that have long puzzled astronomers and others in the world scientific community. NASA Plate 14 (designated 67-H-1135) clearly shows two long trails, 900 and 1,200 feet long. The objects that made these tracks are light-splashed by the Sun; so some details are blocked out. However, they clearly do not look like boulders or anything else in the surrounding area of the photograph.

Leonard speculates, “Do you know how much force it would take to set in motion a rock 75 feet across? Volcanic action might do it; but we have NASA’s word for the fact that the Moon, on the surface at least, is seismically quiet.” The engineer further explains that, “The smaller object in the photo- the one making the longer trail- came up out of a crater before it continued down the hill. Repeat: It came up out of a crater.”

The former NASA engineer also points out a “fascinating tread mark on the trail of one of the ‘boulders.’ There is also a symmetrical design on the ‘boulder’ itself.”

Two Engineers Share Moon Data

In my opinion, this Leonard’s Somebody Else Is on the Moon is one of the more important books that the ufologist should maintain in her or his personal research library. I know for a fact that many persons inside of NASA helped Leonard obtain the hard-to-find and often classified information that he needed to write this fantastic book of Moon revelations. He mentions one engineer with a doctorate in physics, informed on all aspects of the Moon missions and lunar and the obstacles that our astronauts would encounter in the lunar geology. Leonard dubs him with the pseudonym of Dr. Samuel Wittcomb. What follows is the summation of a conversation between Leonard and Wittcomb.

Leonard: What did you mean when you said the Moon had “giant tailors?”

Wittcomb: Well, you see a lot of wreckage on the Moon, don’t you?

Leonard: Agreed.

Wittcomb: That wreckage could have taken place a thousand years ago or millions of years ago.

Leonard: Right. But what does this mean?

Wittcomb: One argument the people use for the occupation-eons-ago theory is just that many of the artifacts we see are part of the wreckage. It’s easy to believe there were aliens once on the Moon, pulling big pieces together- and they weren’t finished?

Leonard: It would seem logical, then, that they are still around. They are still repairing. But where is it taking place?

Wittcomb: Several places, but I am surprised that you have not found them. Someone in the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) sketched some out for me. But I already knew they were there.

Of course, the engineer Leonard kept up his own investigation and found many more lunar anomalies on his own. One can appreciate Somebody Else Is on the Moon for its very capacity to cut through the official smokescreen surrounding our nearest celestial neighbor, opening our minds to an enigma of historic and profound proportions.

Some who have sought out this information under the Freedom of Information Act have run into brick walls. Here are the comments from the field investigator of a major UFO group, retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean at the Exopolitics Summit in Barcelona, Spain, in 2009:

“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”

In my own second book in the Venus Rising series, Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2017), I continue where Leonard left off and present you with more of the amazing United States and Soviet/Russian discoveries regarding the long-standing extraterrestrial presence on the Moon, especially with the Venusian colony Clarion on the hidden side that only a few select astronauts and contactees have enjoying the privilege of seeing.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Pioneers of Space: George Adamski's Lost Tale of a Journey from the Moon to Mars and Venus

My Flight to Venus: A True Mystical Experience - Long Before The Advent of the Flying Saucer - Heralding the Coming of Interplanetary Spacecraft

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs