; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 07, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: 'Shadow Figure' Blamed For Infection -- Stench Plagues Utah City -- Westall UFO Case Audio

'Shadow Figure' Blamed For Infection

Mike in Nevada wrote in to tell of a weird experience he had:

“I'll share my scary dream or whatever it was. I'm 47 years old and have never had anything like this. Last Tuesday night, early Wednesday morning, I suddenly woke up. Or at least I felt like I woke up. I looked up and there was this shadow figure, a tall, thin man, leaning over me. His arm reached down and he was touching my privates with his long, skinny pointer finger. He didn't have a face or anything, just a shadow. I freaked but I couldn't move, speak, scream, kick, punch, run, nothing, I was frozen. I kept telling myself, Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! But I felt like I was already awake. Finally I was able to move and pull the covers over myself and sleep peacefully the rest of the night.

When I woke up in the morning, I remember it felt like it had actually happened, like it wasn't a dream. I was fine that day. but Thursday I ended up feeling like crap. I was achy all day and I felt like I had a bladder infection. Even though I felt like crap, I was busy all day. That night my wife barely touched my arm and said that I got a fever. I said, 'You can't tell that I got a fever by brushing my arm. Give me a thermometer, I'll prove I don't have a fever.' She did and sure as heck, I had a 101 fever and my bladder felt like it was full even when it was completely empty. I'm feeling better now and I don't know if it was related to the shadow figure in my room or if it was an odd coincidence but I hope it never happens again.”

Source: Darkness Radio – October 17, 2016

Beyond Creepy

NOTE: 'Shadow Figures' have been blamed for illnesses, and a lot of other maladies. In this instance, I believe that it was possible since most of these entities are malevolent. Lon


Invasive Tick Spreading in US

For the first time in 50 years, a new tick species has arrived in the United States — one that in its Asian home range carries fearsome diseases.

The Asian long-horned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis, is spreading rapidly along the Eastern Seaboard. It has been found in seven states and in the heavily populated suburbs of New York City.

At the moment, public health experts say they are concerned, but not alarmed.

Although domestic U.S. ticks are a growing menace and transmit a dozen pathogens, no long-horned ticks here have yet been found with any human diseases. In Asia, however, the species carries a virus that kills 15 percent of its victims. Read more at An invasive new tick is spreading in the US


Audio Sheds Light on Westall UFO Case

In 1966, over 300 children and staff from a Melbourne school reportedly witnessed multiple UFOs silently flying through the sky before landing in a nearby field.

It is the largest mass UFO sighting in Australia, yet hardly anything was reported on it at the time.

Rare audio on Westall UFO Encounter - James E. McDonald talked to Westall teacher

Over the years, there have been differing reports about the details of what happened on April 6 at Westall High School, such as people claiming there were three saucerlike objects, while some thought there was just one.

In the 52 years since, there has been wide speculation about what people saw, with some believing it was an alien encounter and others pointing the finger at the government testing new technology.

Throughout all the years of speculation, however, one particularly interesting piece of audio has been greatly overlooked. Read more at Audio reveals creepy details of UFO mystery


Stench Plagues Utah City

WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah -- A mysterious odor is plaguing neighborhoods here.

"It’s terrible. It’s gross. I can’t even describe it," said Ronda Britton.

"Sometimes when you’re walking by it’s like death," Nicholas Britton added. "You’re like, what in the heck? You’re looking around thinking 'What the heck’s around?' Maybe an animal or something."

The foul smell has even reached West Valley City Hall.

"It’s kind of a sewer type smell," said Sam Johnson, the city's communications director. "It’s just a musty, sewer smell that is very noticeable and very unpleasant that you can smell in certain parts of the city stronger, but it even comes down here to City Hall."

For a year now, West Valley City leaders have been documenting complaints about the stench. A fresh round complaining about a ripe smell came in on Tuesday night. Read more at A foul odor is plaguing West Valley City and residents are being asked to ‘smell something, say something’


ARCANE RADIO IS BACK! on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Amy Major - Psychic, Rescue Medium and Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome psychic, rescue medium and author Amy Major to Arcane Radio. Amy has been a successful medium and healer in the New England area for 17 years, conducting many spirit investigations and rescues. Always interested in her development, Amy has studied under some of the best mediums in the area as well as specialized schools focusing on psychic and mediumship abilities. Amy is a spiritualist and active member of the Church of Spiritual Life in Derry, NH for over 12 years, where she provides mediumship and gallery readings. Her first book, "Toward the Light: Rescuing Spirits, Trapped Souls, and Earthbound Ghosts" has gained popularity throughout the spiritual and paranormal communities. Her newest book is "Light the Way: A Guide to Becoming a Rescue Medium." Amy's website can be found at www.amymajor.com. This should be a very informative show! Join us this Friday, August 10th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com


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Thanks! Lon



Mysterious 'Alien' Photograph Found in Virginia Farmer's Market

Mysterious Samurai Ghosts of Japan

Haunted Wild Places in Japan

La Brea Tar Pits And The Fossils Within

Owners of famously haunted Quebec asylum say red tape is forcing them to sell


The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported

The Untold Story of Champ: A Social History of America's Loch Ness Monster

Angels: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why It Matters

Beasts of Britain

The Killer Angels: The Classic Novel of the Civil War (Civil War Trilogy)

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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