; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, août 08, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: The Night Aunt Milly Died -- Fisherman Recalls 'Sea Monster' Encounter -- Saudi Arabia 'Crucified' Condemned Man

The Night Aunt Milly Died

Stacy wrote to tell of her bizarre experience:

“I'm in my 50s and do not have many encounters. I'm not a ghost chaser and I'm not good at spinning yarns but I have had two experiences in my life that have convinced me that there are ghosts, hence, something after death. One has actually taken me 40 years to find out the truth about - my Aunt Milly.

When I was very young, my Aunt Milly and I had one of those special bonds. She doted on me and I loved her to death. She would always bring me Pop Tarts when she visited. When I was about seven she came to spend the night at our house as she often did. I went to bed and then in the early AM hours, I woke up to hear my aunt crying and I figured out she was feeling sick. Then I heard the ambulance arrive and the paramedics coming in the house to help her. I heard them climb the stairs to go to her room. When they arrived, her crying became worse and I could hear the terror in her voice. It was tearing at my heart to hear her fear. She kept talking to my father saying, 'Please, Bobby! I don't want to go! Don't let them take me!' It was just heart-wrenching. I can still hear that fearful crying to this day. I guess you could say it was haunting me my entire life. Well when I got up in the morning, my parents told me she had died.

Over the years I never talked about that night with my parents as it was so upsetting to me. Finally, 40 years later my mother and I were talking about Aunt Milly. I finally told her I was awake when she got sick and heard her cries and fear. My mother then told me that it wasn't possible, that she had actually died in her sleep and was dead long before the ambulance arrived to take her away. How had I heard her cries and fear if she was already dead? Why did no one else hear it? It took me 40 years to realize that I'd heard her from wherever comes next.”

Source: Darkness Radio – October 17, 2016

Beyond Creepy


Saudi Arabia 'Crucified' Condemned Man

Saudi Arabia executed and crucified a Myanmar man in the holy city of Mecca on Wednesday in a rare form of punishment reserved for the most egregious crimes.

Elias Abulkalaam Jamaleddeen was accused of breaking into the home of a woman from Myanmar, firing a weapon in it then repeatedly stabbing her, which led to her death, the official Saudi Press Agency reported, citing an Interior Ministry statement. He was also accused of stealing weapons and trying to kill another man whose home he broke into, as well as attempting to rape a woman.

The ruling was supported by the country’s supreme court and endorsed by the king.

Crucifixions in Saudi Arabia entail hanging a body in public after an execution, and are unusual. A Yemeni man was crucified in 2010 for raping and killing a girl and shooting dead her father. - Saudi Arabia Carries Out Rare Crucifixion for Murder, Theft


Fisherman Recalls 'Sea Monster' Encounter

CAPE SABLE ISLAND, N.S. – The 1967 Shag Harbour UFO crash is not the only strange, unexplained occurrence that has happened in Shelburne County over the years.

Shag Harbour UFO Festival goers were treated to an eye witness account of a sea creature encounter, experienced by Cape Sable Island fisherman Rodney Ross in July 1976, while fishing with his father on the fishing grounds known as Pollock Shoal.

The opening night of the UFO Festival (Aug. 3) was only the third time that Ross has told the story to an audience. He is the last of the five fishermen aboard three different boats that saw the creature during a one-week period 42-years ago.

“Some like to call it the South Side sea monster and I think I probably agree it looked like a monster,” said Ross.

The story begins on a Monday when a fellow fisherman, the late Eisner Penney, was out fishing on the Pollock Shoal. He had finished fishing for the day and started for home when he turned around and saw this strange looking creature following behind him, said Ross. Read more at Cape Sable Island fisherman recalls 'sea monster' encounter 42 years later


ARCANE RADIO IS BACK! on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Amy Major - Psychic, Rescue Medium and Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome psychic, rescue medium and author Amy Major to Arcane Radio. Amy has been a successful medium and healer in the New England area for 17 years, conducting many spirit investigations and rescues. Always interested in her development, Amy has studied under some of the best mediums in the area as well as specialized schools focusing on psychic and mediumship abilities. Amy is a spiritualist and active member of the Church of Spiritual Life in Derry, NH for over 12 years, where she provides mediumship and gallery readings. Her first book, "Toward the Light: Rescuing Spirits, Trapped Souls, and Earthbound Ghosts" has gained popularity throughout the spiritual and paranormal communities. Her newest book is "Light the Way: A Guide to Becoming a Rescue Medium." Amy's website can be found at www.amymajor.com. This should be a very informative show! Join us this Friday, August 10th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com


A big 'thanks' to Paul Lucas - my newest Arcane Radio patron!

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Thanks! Lon



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A Strange Case of a Real Vampire in England

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Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality

Time Slips: Real Stories of Time Travel

Inspected By Extraterrestrials: Gray Barker's Extreme Book of UFO Abduction

Visitors From the Void: William Cooper's Extreme Book of Flying Saucer Skullduggery

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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