; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, août 23, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: More Sesame Street 'Visitors' -- 'Electrical Phenomena' Haunting -- Blood-Sucking Sheep-Killer in Ukraine

More Sesame Street 'Visitors'

Hi Lon

I love your books. I've also been getting your Phantoms & Monsters daily emails for quite some time now and really enjoy them. But, yesterday, there was a story that popped into my inbox that amazed me. It amazed me because I had an experience that was eerily similar to the one told, and I felt compelled to write you and tell you about it. The story that I am referring to is the "Fozzie Bear" Alien story. I also had an experience like this one, and like the original storyteller, the year would have been 1972.

This happened when I was an infant. I was born in November 1971, which is why I believe that my experience happened sometime in early 1972. It is my first memory, and I remember it clearly. This experience occurred in Downey, CA.

My mom laid me in my crib and left the room. I was laying in my crib, when out from under my crib emerged Big Bird. Big Bird sang songs to me, made jokes, and entertained me. I remember that I liked it, and it made me giggle. Then Big Bird crawled back under my crib. A few seconds later, Ernie came out from under my crib. Ernie also made jokes, talked to me, and made me giggle. Ernie then crawled under my crib, and a few seconds later, out came the Count. The Count began to perform magic for me, but I wasn't as keen on seeing the count. He was a vampire and he frightened me. I began to cry. The Count became upset when he saw me crying and tried to "shush" me. He kept asking me not to cry, and to be quiet. The Count then looked back at my closed bedroom door, looked alarmed, then rushed under my crib.

A split second after the Count had disappeared under my crib, my grandmother came in. I was screaming by this time, out of fear. I remember my Grandmother changing my diaper, then leaving the room. I was angry with her because I wanted her to pick me up and take me out of the room, because I was terrified. Unfortunately, I couldn't yet talk, and my screams did nothing to make her pick me up. I also believe that I was a young enough infant that I couldn't yet roll over because the entire experience happened as I laid on my back.

I shared my experience with friends growing up, but was never believed, and was typically told I must have been dreaming. I don't believe I was dreaming. I always believed that this was some strange paranormal event that left enough of an impression that I remember it, even though I was so young at the time. My belief that it was real was confirmed one day. In my memory of this event, I can remember a specific wallpaper that was in my bedroom at the time of the "visit". Years later, as a teenager, I asked my mother if I had such wallpaper in my room as a baby. She confirmed that, yes, I did have that wallpaper, but she couldn't believe that I remembered it because I was an infant at the time. She also told me that right after she had me, we lived with my grandparents for several months until she could get on her feet and find a place for the two of us, and that it was at my grandparents house where the wallpapered room was. I have no recollection of living with my grandparents as an infant, but the fact that my grandmother came in to change my diaper after my experience further confirms to me that this must have been an actual memory, and not a dream.

I also find it interesting that in my experience, the "visitor" also seemed to know when an adult was approaching the room and made a hasty exit, just like the experience that the other storyteller had. I wonder how many other children were visited during this time by "friendly Sesame Street characters".

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading. I wish I knew who the person was that originally told their story, I'd love the chance to chat with them! I guess I'll just have to settle for the knowledge that I'm not crazy, and someone else actually experienced this same thing!

Thanks for listening! LBJ

NOTE: I wish my memory could extend that far back. The 'Fozzie Bear' Alien post sparked the memory of many people. I have read several recalls since the post. Lon


'Electrical Phenomena' Haunting

From the 'Great Falls Tribune; on August 4, 1957:

Tulsa, Okla--Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilkinson and their 12-year-old daughter packed their belongings and moved out of the house they claim is "haunted" by an electrical phenomenon.

"I'm about to crack up," Mrs. Wilkinson said. "I wish someone would come forward and tell us what's causing all this."

The family thought their troubles had ended after Wilkinson, an oil company employee, dug up water pipes around the house and removed a new metal fence he believed responsible for creating a magnetic field.

The family slept in their car after tables and chairs went on a weird "dance" and overturned. They are puzzled as to what's causing electrical plugs to blow up without being connected, a sweeper to go on an aimless course through the house, and various household articles to start hopping around.

The "mystery" has damaged their $1,300 electrical organ, caused the refrigerator motor to blow out twice and knocked the clock from its shelf six times.

Wilkinson said be had lived on the property for 23 years without prior incident, until this month. "We don't know if the thing is a magnetic field, uranium, an old gas pocket under the ground, or what," said Wilkinson, "but it has us completely unnerved and so upset we can't live a normal life here. We're moving."

A later article stated:

One night, the Wilkinson daughter came into her mother's room complaining that the sweeper was "crawling over her stomach." When Mrs. Wilkinson went into the girl's bedroom, she saw that the sweeper's extension cord had been wrapped around the bed several times, and the vacuum itself was sitting on the bed, apparently waiting for someone to tuck it in for the night.


Blood-Sucking Sheep-Killer in Ukraine

Several mysterious deaths occurred in the village of Matveyevtsi in the Ternopil region. There, during the night, someone killed eight sheep in a koshar in the open air. An unknown creature drank more than ten liters of blood and did not even touch meat. In massacres villagers suspect a wolf, who allegedly roams the surrounding villages. However, veterinarians and hunters deny involvement of the wolf, since they did not even try mutton.

Last night was a serious test for the herd. A mysterious creature put eight 70-kilogram sheep on the scapula. The master, who at dawn came to expel the flock from the koshara, was dumbfounded from what he saw.

"One lies, the other is lying, the third, the fourth and so on, all over the place, I do not know what it is," says farmer Mikhail Ostapyuk.

The sheep were dead, but whole. The vet finds only two holes on the neck and a couple on the hind legs of each of them. Read more at Blood-Sucking Creature Slays Sheep in Ukraine


Hey folks...over the years that I have written the blog and provided the free newsletter, I have received suggestions that I monetize my work. In other words, charge a subscription fee. It's never been my intent to do this, and I still shy away from it. The same goes for me helping those in need with their spirit and entity issues. I have relied on donations, and I have been fortunate to have many considerate readers and fans...some more than others. But on the other side, I have received letters and messages stating that I take advantage of my readers and should be ashamed of myself. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The current campaign I am running at GoFundMe is out of need. I don't enjoy doing so, but life happens and sometimes you're thrown a raw deal. I'm sure there are a few people happy to see me in dire straits, which is their own cross to bear. I believe in karma and I have always tried to be straight with everyone I encounter. Thanks again for your consideration and support. Despite a few setbacks, I am a very lucky man with great friends, associates and followers. Lon


ARCANE RADIO IS BACK! on the Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: Joshua Cutchin - Fortean Researcher and Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome Fortean researcher and author Joshua Cutchin to Arcane Radio. Joshua is a North Carolina native with a longstanding interest in Forteana. He holds a Masters in Music Literature and a Masters in Journalism from the University of Georgia. He is also a published composer and maintains an active performing schedule as a jazz and rock tuba player, having appeared on eight albums and live concert DVDs. Joshua has written 3 well-received books, including his latest title 'Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions.' You can find his website at JoshuaCutchin.com. This should be a very informative show! Join us this Friday, August 24th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com



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UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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GoFundMe - 3 Nice Guys Looking For A Home
Your help is truly appreciated. Thanks...Lon

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