The 'Hidden' Playhouse
“It was 1954 and I was a young girl. It must have been summer. Back then kids were more 'free range' and my mother had her lookouts on the block - neighbors who kept an eye out for me and then on me while I was in sight. I had a doll carriage that I pushed around the block (never crossing streets! That was naughty) going round and round and round. I don't remember the where or how of it started, but there is one corner of that block which is dark and spooky in my memory. What I remember was playing house in a small green wooden playhouse with a 'big girl' (likely the size of a girl a few years older than me) who was named Linda. I remember that playhouse more clearly than I remember anything else on the block outside the house I lived in. There is a vague implication of a 'tea party' in my mind, but I DO remember walking into my own backyard from across several other yards on the block - in a direct diagonal line from that spooky corner. We NEVER went into the neighbor's yards without invitation, but there I was in backyards walking home.
My mother was freaking out. I had been missing for hours - all afternoon, in fact. The entire neighborhood had been searched and I was considered a liar because I insisted I had been, 'with a big girl named Linda and she had a green wooden playhouse over that way...' That playhouse was never seen by anyone but me. There was no girl child in the neighborhood named Linda. And the CREEPY part is that she wanted to sing and the song she insisted on was 'Three Blind Mice'. Nasty, cruel song. I was still singing it when I crossed into my own yard.
The few times my mother mentioned it after I grew up, she was still convinced I'd been hiding - a bid for attention in her eyes.” - Avery Milieu
Beyond Creepy
A Family's Strange Experiences
I recently received the following information:
Hi Lon,
I’m writing to tell you about many experiences I shared with my family in one of the houses I grew up in. I’ve thought about doing this a few times but it’s a lot to write/admit. Not a conversation I’d usually have with a complete stranger as people will assume you’re crazy or embellishing on facts.
We moved in as I hit my teens and my sister was 18 months older, plus two younger brothers. With just my mum to look after us the house was always frenetic and full of energy. People would say I’m reporting a poltergeist but I would disagree, that would simplify it a little in my mind. It felt more like the house sat at an important centre of energy that magnified every vibration. Many, many events took place there including to family members. Complete strangers. And in front of witnesses. I’m actually writing to tell you about a private one that really freaked me out but I know you’ll be curious about all the others so here goes...
I’ll try to be brief (fairly impossible!)
These included -
“The Colorful Jumper”
My mum's an artist and loved this crazy colorful jumper. We had a knock through lounge with two doors. The amount of people who would follow my mum into the lounge only to appear confused in the hallway moments later. My sister had this particular illusion constantly to the point where she cried about it. To be clear- this happened to me once, as well as to many visitors to the house.
“The Phantom Poker”
This one used to make me laugh a lot. Like, we literally sat with a new guest waiting for it to happen to them - all of a sudden you’d feel a poke, Or a nip. Usually in the lounge although my mum got a pat on the head when she was taking food out of the kitchen oven one day!
The hallway/bathroom hot spot.
When we moved into the house the upstairs bathroom door would lock - when It slammed closed due to suction from other windows being open. My mum is a practical woman and figured the lock was faulty so she removed the door lock mechanism entirely. The door still locked. Another thing that made my sister cry and seemed to happen to her more as a consequence. Weirdly, as a teenager, I thought it acceptable to politely ask the door to unlock, and it would!!!!
Another feature of the bathroom space was If we had any sort of party people would always fall asleep there, actually on the toilet.or if they were tall sometimes Half way in and out of the bathroom door,(small bathroom) laid in the hall. Always sound asleep. Looking content. This might not seem unusual until I tell you that it happened every time. Without fail. We would wait and see who it happened to!! If someone was gone a little while we knew instantly why. Bizarre.
So finally. Onto my bedroom.
I would like to start by saying i was never particularly disturbed by the house or it’s habits before this incident. I used to laugh at my sister and talk to the house like it was an old friend. But I suppose that’s easy when most of the tricks are being played on others - I got the occasional poke, saw mum in the wrong place once or twice, nothing major - other than occasionally I’d feel a hand on my arm as I was falling asleep. But I thought it was probably my sleepy imagination.
So one afternoon after school (I was 13-14yrs old) I’m downstairs in the front lounge talking to my mum when I hear thumping coming from my room- which was above the second part of the lounge - it’s knocked through. It was obviously my brothers jumping on my bed and laughing. I was furious, so marched upstairs and sure enough, shoes everywhere and my younger brothers are bouncing on the bed giggling like mad. I physically evicted them (I’m 8 years older!) shoved them out the door. Slammed the door shut with my bum and snicked my bedroom lock across so they couldn’t get back in. After, catching my breath for a second or two I took a couple of steps away from my bedroom door and as I glance down one of my brothers shoes is slowly sliding across the wooden floor towards the door. I instantly imagined one of my brothers was dragging it by the lace from the other side of my door and grabbed it off the floor. It was only as I unbent and straightened my back that I realised the lace on the shoe in my hand was nowhere near long enough to reach under the door and out into the hallway - I panicked and I slid the lock and swung the door open. Sure enough there were no brothers on the other side of the door and I screamed and ran. Downstairs to my mum. Actually crying and screaming bloody murder. Demanding to know how long they’d been with her. She promised me she’d heard me slam the door and they’d come straight down to her but I already knew that. The whole thing just freaks me out now even writing about it. I will never forget that shoe sliding slowly away from me and me casually picking it up thinking I had it all figured out. Makes me shudder.
I’m not sure if my mum would be pleased about me sharing these experiences about our old house but I feel it’s the biggest paranormal experience I’ve had up to now and a pretty interesting one.
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