; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, juillet 31, 2018

Dark Humanoid in the Desert

I recently received the following account:

Back in the spring of 2016, a few of my friends were talking about their experience with some weird creature, in the desert southeast of Tucson near Vail, Arizona. The descriptions sounded a lot like Mothman, though this creature had no wings. I was skeptical, but I didn’t want to doubt my friends because whatever this was had really scared them. They said that they believed it was some kind of alien being.

Later on that year, in the winter, these sightings were far from my mind. I was visiting a friend who lived in Vail. I stayed over late that evening. At about 2 AM I left their house to drive about 25 minutes down I-10 towards home. Driving about 50 mph, when approaching a rise in the road, I saw a silhouette. Before I even processed that I was observing something I soon realized that I had slowed and eventually stopped on the shoulder to get a better view.

It was about 20 yards or so away, standing almost in the middle of the road. Because of the rise in the road I could only see this form from the hips up. It was very tall and looked human-like. Very skinny, with long thin arms and skin that was dark, leathery and dry; though there was a 'sheen' to the body. The eyes were a reflective red color. I couldn’t tell if it was looking at me or not. There wasn’t another car in sight at the time.

I'm usually very calm during emergency situations. I’m very interested in unexplained phenomena, but confronting this thing, the panic switch flipped. My mind is telling me to hit the gas, but I just sit there, staring at this thing. I looked down for a second, considering turning around and driving back to my friend’s house. I put the car in first gear, looked back up and the being was gone. I immediately drove towards my house. I was shivering uncontrollably the whole way home. I pulled into the driveway, walked in the kitchen door, and became violently ill. I literally passed out in my bathroom.

I didn't wake until about 1 PM that day. I dragged myself off the bathroom floor and immediately went to bed. I was totally exhausted and just wanted to sleep. I rarely left the bedroom for the next 5 days. I had no appetite and it seemed like every bone on my body ached. One of my friends eventually came over and helped me into the living room. I ate a little bit, but I was still very tired and despondent. I didn't tell her or anyone else what I had encountered. I just said that I had the flu.

Do you have any idea of what I observed out in the desert? Have you heard of similar creatures? ML

NOTE: I contacted 'ML' by email. Hopefully I can talk to her by phone at some point. She seems reluctant to discuss this event, and is somewhat fearful that this being may seek her out. The being didn't seem to be an apparition, and her description suggests that it was was an actual corporeal entity. It is interesting as to the number of bizarre cryptids and humanoids that are encountered in the desert. This event was no exception. Lon

Mojave Incident: Inspired by a Chilling Story of Alien Abduction

Encounter in the Desert: The Case for Alien Contact at Socorro

Weird Arizona

UFOs Over Arizona: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Grand Canyon State

Scare-Izona: A Travel Guide to Arizona's Spookiest Spots

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

lundi, juillet 30, 2018

Screaming 'Winged Being' Encountered in Southwest Ontario

I received the following email this morning (7/30/2018):

Sir - I heard you on 'Paranormal Horizon' radio last night, and tried to call-in but the show was ending. You were talking about inter-dimensional creatures. I believe I saw something that may fit that bill.

In July 2011 my wife and I were spending a weekend at a friend's cabin, about 15 kilometers north of Manitou Falls, Ontario, Canada. We were both sitting on the porch looking into the woods. There were two spotlights shining off the porch, so the woods and the open area in front of the cabin were well-lit. I had spent a lot of time in this general area as a boy, and I was aware of the wildlife that lived there.

It was close to midnight, as we sat and talked. It was a very mild still night, but for some reason the usual sounds of the woods were subdued. I wasn't alarmed, but it did seem strange. Sometimes when a Lynx hunts at night, things do quiet down; so I assumed that may be what was going on. I kept my eyes open just in case another predator was about. Eventually my wife wanted to go inside, so I obliged her and followed. I left the porch spotlights on. We went to bed around 1:30 AM and both of us quickly dozed off.

The next thing I remember is my wife shaking me, telling me to wake up. She said she had heard a 'scream' coming from the from of the cabin. She wasn't used to being in the outdoors, so I told her it was either an Owl or Lynx. She insisted that no animal could have made that terrible noise; that it sounded like a woman was in distress. I looked at my phone. It was 2:33 AM. I got out of bed and walked into the front living room. I looked out the window, but didn't see anything. She was right behind me. Then the scream pierced the night again. This time I definitely heard it, and it wasn't like anything I've ever heard before.

We stood by the cabin window and watched the woods. About 10 minutes later, we heard something on top of the cabin porch roof. It sounded like it was jumping up and down. It was so loud and forceful, I thought it may go through the porch roof. We continued to watch, when all of a sudden this huge winged creature jettisoned from above towards the woods. It was massive and dark in color. The wings were fully open and not moving; like it was gliding towards the trees. We caught a decent look of this creature as it sailed upwards into the dark sky, then descended back towards the edge of the woods. It performed this maneuver two more times, until it came streaming, and screaming, towards the open ground in front of the cabin; and then vanished! The wings had been tight against the body and it looked like a dark missile about to slam into the clearing, but disappeared before it hit the ground!

We both jumped and let out a huge gasp. It was the most shocking experience I had ever had. My wife was wide-eyed and had to sit down. What in the world was that thing?

I have tried to comprehend what we witnessed that night, and I still have no idea as to what it was. It had arms and legs like a human, but the body was scrawny and flexible. It's hard to describe. The head was barely visible. Overall, I'd guess it was 4 feet or so in height and the wide billowy wings spread out to at least 15 feet when fully extended. The scream was the most memorable part of this experience. It really did sound like a frightened woman, but the decibel level made our ears uncomfortable.

A few days later, I asked my friend if he had ever seen anything unusual at the cabin. The most exciting event he could recall was a Badger getting into the kitchen one night. That was the extent of it. I decided not to go into details with him, but did say that my wife and I had an eerie night and that we didn't get much sleep because of strange noises coming from the woods. He just shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

Do you believe that this flying creature actually disappeared into another reality, as you mentioned in the show? I appreciate your thoughts. JK

NOTE: I talked to 'JK' by telephone. He currently lives in North Dakota. His encounter left a lot of questions, of which he has few answers. He was positive that this was a corporeal creature and that both he and his wife were not hallucinating. Could it have been a winged humanoid or unknown flying cryptid. By the description, it seems very possible. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see if any further reports come from the general area. Lon

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

samedi, juillet 28, 2018

Weekend 2 Cents: Sudden Pain / Unknown 'White Material' on Leg -- UFO Sighting Reports Down? NOPE!

Sudden Pain / Unknown 'White Material' on Leg

Weston Supermare, UK - 2018-07-27 - 02:30: I was talking to my wife on the phone over facetime at 2:30 am. on top of the bed talking away. Suddenly it felt like I had been shot in my left leg. Great pain occurred for ten seconds then it appeared I had a white type of material appear over the pain which I have stored away. I pulled the white material off my leg taking the hair with it. Freaked out. I explained to my wife and after 3am I went to sleep. Woke up with this mark on my leg. - MUFON

NOTE: There have a been higher than usual number of unknown being and related encounters throughout the United Kingdom lately. Lon


New Hybrid Whale-Dolphin Discovered

HAWAII (CBS Local) – Last year, a team of scientists spotted what they believed was a hybrid animal off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii. A new report from Cascadia Research Collective confirms they did and the new sea creature is the result of a whale and a dolphin mating, the team’s head researcher told CBS News.

What the researchers discovered was a hybrid of a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin. In an interview with local newspaper The Garden Island, the head of the project said the discovery is their “most unusual finding.” “We had the photos and suspected it was a hybrid from morphological characteristics intermediate between species,” Robin Baird said.

During their two-week project, scientists were able to get a biopsy sample from the creature and study its genetics. They were able to confirm that the animal was a hybrid. “Based on the genetics, the father was a rough-toothed dolphin and the mother a melon-headed whale,” Baird told CBS News via email. Read more at New Hybrid Whale-Dolphin Discovered Off Hawaii


UFO Sighting Reports Down? NOPE!

The June 5 New York Skies article “Close encounters with UFOs are getting harder to find” discussed the falloff in UFO sighting reports in the United States during the early months of 2018 but only featured National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) data as a quick snapshot. At this writing, I have more interesting, and indeed serious, data to report regarding that drop-off.

Since that time, the kind folks at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) have supplied me with their data for the January through June 2018 timeframe.

The MUFON sighting numbers have been suffering as well. In 2016 their average monthly sightings were between 350 and 400 per month. In 2017 sighting numbers fell between 275 and 300 reports per month. In 2018 the sighting numbers started at about 375 and bounced between 250 and 300 per month, as shown on the chart. Read more at The decline in UFO sightings continues

NOTE: I believe this article is a misnomer, because private investigators are getting more UFO sighting reports than ever! I believe that people are beginning to understand that the reporting agencies (MUFON & NUFORC) are a waste of time and effort. Lon


Girl Victim of Bizarre Hex

A family from a village in Konoin, Bomet County, claims their 13-year-old daughter has been bewitched.

The family alleges that for the past seven months, they have known no peace after their daughter started exhibiting strange behaviour.

Josephine, the mother of the victim, said that in January, their daughter became weak and when they took her to the hospital, the doctors couldn’t diagnose what was wrong with her.

“Every time we went to the hospital, medical examinations revealed that she was healthy. It was not until she started vomiting assorted items like neckties, spoons and mobile phones that we realised it was witchcraft,” said the mother. Read more at Our 'possessed' daughter vomits spoons and phones, Bomet family claim



The 'cat (kind of) got out of the bag' during last night's Arcane Radio show. So I'm going to make a brief and general statement.

A book option for 'Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids' has been transacted. As well, Phantoms & Monsters and P&M Fortean Research case reports and investigations MAY be the basis for a media production. At this point, I can't give further details.

I've been receiving inquiries since the show aired last night, so I figured I had better make a statement before rumors start. Lon


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Each $1+ donation gives that Patron:

- a 'thank you' mention on Arcane Radio, and a 'thank you' post on the 'Phantoms & Monsters' blog and on all of our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Google+)

- a digital copy of 'Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoid.' When you become a patron, forward your email address to me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com and I will email a copy to you.

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Thanks! Lon



Multiple dead octopuses were found at Boyd Lake and no one knows why

Watch: Bizarre 'Rat Worm' Filmed

I Lost Part of My Arm and a Leg in a Shark Attack. This Is My Story

A Person Can Instantly Blossom into a Savant--and No One Knows Why

Parasite from Cat Litter May Help Create Entrepreneurs


Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past

Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact

Unexplained World of the Chestnut Ridge: A Hike through the Goblin Universe of Western Pennsylvania

The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter

More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell their Stories

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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vendredi, juillet 27, 2018

Alien Abductions / Ear Implant

El Paso, Texas - December 1, 2014 at approx. 1:30am: I was asleep in my bed on my day off from work. Suddenly, I got the sensation of floating above the bed. I awoke and instantly dropped to the bed. Upon awaking, I remembered hearing voices. I assumed that the voices were what woke me up and someone was outside (I lived on 7 acres and my house was far back from the road. In order to hear voices meant that someone was in my yard). I grabbed my gun and went to the window, which was open as it was a cool night and I didn't want to run the A/C. I sat and listened for a few minutes, but heard nothing. I decided to check on my daughters to see if they were awake, so I placed my gun on the bed and crept back to their rooms. Both girls were asleep. I returned to my bed and slept with my gun by my side the rest of the night.

The next morning I awoke with discomfort in my chest, along the bottom of the sternum. It wasn't painful, just felt like something was there. I know that when you reach your 40s the cartilage will ostracize. I felt my chest and felt a triangular shaped structure in my chest and just assumed that it had just fused strangely. I just never noticed this before as it was sticking out raising the skin around it. The discomfort lasted about 1 1/2-2 weeks and slowly dissipated during that time. I dismissed all of this as mere coincidence as I didn't believe in this sort of thing.

December 3, 2016 - 1:37am: I was asleep in my bed. My wife had moved back in with me (we had been separated for about 8 years) along with her two dogs (Chihuahuas; Alex-the white one who slept between us and CC-the black one who slept on my wife's side of the bed). I awoke suddenly to the sensation of floating above the bed. Immediately I felt the drop and landed on Alex, who was under the covers (both times, I landed above the covers). She yelped very loudly and woke everyone up in the house. My wife asked, "what happened?" "I don't know," I replied. "I landed on the dog. Was I floating above the bed?" She replied that she didn't know as she reached for Alex to comfort her.

The next morning, I felt this discomfort in my ear which lasted about 4 1/2 weeks. Once again it didn't hurt, it just felt like an earache that wouldn't go away.

November 30, 2017 - 7:30am - Tucumcari, NM: I am a truck driver and I stopped at the Loves Travel Center for the night. My younger daughter was riding with me. We got up in the morning, went in to take showers and get breakfast. We returned to the truck to eat our breakfast and as I began to say a prayer for the food, I heard this beeping noise and stopped praying. I told my daughter, "I think your watch is beeping." She looked at her watch and said, "No, my watch is on silent." I told her that I could hear a beeping noise from somewhere in the truck. She stated that she didn't hear anything. I noticed that as I moved around the truck, trying to find what was beeping, that the aspect to the sound never changed, nor the intensity of the noise. I told her, "I think it's coming from my ear." She had been getting over a cold, but still had a cough. She coughed kind of loud and my ear rang very loud. I jammed my finger in my ear while exclaiming, "Ahh!" She asked what happened and I told her that when she coughed, it made my ear ring. I told her that when she was talking, it was making my ear ring also. It literally sounds like someone speaking into a microphone while standing too close to the speakers. We had a load to pick up in Los Lunas, NM going to a Walmart in El Paso and then we were going to take a few days off. I told her that when we get to Walmart, I was going to pick up some ear plugs because the ringing was bad.

We made our delivery and went into the store to get ear plugs. As we were walking through the store, they announced something over the PA. My daughter was on my left side, and I grabbed my ear and bent down. My ear rang out really loud. My daughter asked, "what happened?" "I don't know. When they got on the intercom, it made my ear ring." She asked, "Is that what that noise was?" "What noise?" I asked, not believing she could hear the noise from my ear. She mimicked the noise and I exclaimed, "how can you hear what is going on in my ear?" she replied, "I don't know, but I heard it." I told her that I needed to buy one of those scopes that the doctors use to look in my ear. She told me that Walmart sells them over in the pharmacy section.

We bought an otoscope, and when we got home she looked in my left ear and found a very shiny metallic object just above the eardrum attached to the ear canal with three legs on each side. I have shown this to many people and no one knows what it is. I am hesitant to see a doctor for fear that they may be required to report this. The beeping is constant (24 hours a day). It is driving me crazy and I have to carry ear plugs with me in case I go to a loud area and it begins to ring. I am looking for help to determine what this device is for and who put it there. i need a better otoscope with a dimmable light source, because the object is very reflective and washes out the image on my phone's camera. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

NOTE: This report was sent to MUFON. It is obvious that the experiencer had an implant inserted in the ear. It would be interesting to interview the person in order to find out what happened later. Hopefully I will be able to obtain contact information at some point. Lon

Casebook: Alien Implants (Whitley Streiber's Hidden Agendas)

The Aliens and the Scalpel : Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants in Humans (New Millennium Library, V. 6)

UFOs and Aliens: The Complete Guidebook

UFO Hostilities And The Evil Alien Agenda: Lethal Encounters With Ultra-Terrestrials Exposed

The Authentic Book Of Ultra-Terrestrial Contacts: From The Secret Alien Files of UFO Researcher Timothy Green Beckley

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Daily 2 Cents: Malevolent 'Virgin Mary' / 'Gingerbread Man' Shadow Figure -- Whited-Faced Being in Forest -- Kecksburg UFO Festival

Malevolent 'Virgin Mary' / 'Gingerbread Man' Shadow Figure

A woman named Anna from Toronto called in to tell of her two paranormal experiences:

“I'm calling you from Toronto, Canada. I'm just gonna use my middle name, which is Anna. I just wanted to tell you that when I was young, still staying in my crib, there were these, they looked like... I think they were shadow people. They were sort of the shape of a Gingerbread Man. They were adult sizes and they were grey and you could see through them. They were quite transparent. They were standing... all those who were adult sizes were standing around my crib and there was only one that was about my size. It was a lot shorter. I remember this like it was yesterday. I screamed and punched the smaller one and when I screamed, they disappeared and my mother woke up because she was in the room with my sister. Of course, I don't think they saw anything because I questioned my sister later on and she said she did not see anything.

My second experience... I was married. I was at my sister's cottage with my husband and my first child, she was about 18 months, sleeping in a small crib. This was at my sister's cottage, a very small room and I remember waking up because there was this illuminated figure sort of the shape of the outline of the Virgin Mary and it was bright bright bright illuminating the room. Of course, I was frozen and worried for my daughter because the crib was right at the foot of the bed and there was no other room except to go through this figure to get to my daughter. I thought I was hallucinating. I tried to wake up my husband but that didn't work. I put my head under the covers thinking I was hallucinating. I peeked again and it was still there. It exuded a very malevolent vibe and I was scared out of my mind. I was so frozen I don't think I could have gotten up to get to my daughter because I was just frozen in fear.”

Source: Beyond The Darkness - July 21, 2013

Beyond Creepy


Whited-Faced Being in Forest

Saint-Jérôme, Quebec, Canada - 2012-10-14 - 13:14: I was just walking outside with my pellet gun in the forest in my backyard. I heard that weird rumble noise a little, not a big rumble and between the branched. I see this white face with no eyes and just a mouth with little teeth in it. I did not shoot with my little pellet pistol because I was horrified but amazed at the same time, It was like 20 feet off and my pistol was good to shoot at like 16 feet. 30 seconds passed and he ran away. I tried to follow him but I estimate he was going to like 30kh or something. I found a bird, dead and mutilated. - MUFON


Kecksburg UFO Festival This Weekend

Theories about UFOs, Bigfoot and paranormal activity will be in the air and on the big screen as part of the 13th Kecksburg UFO Festival July 27-29.

The annual festival sponsored by Kecksburg Fire Department and EMS includes a UFO conference at 1 p.m. July 29 that will call attention to an upcoming feature film, “Kecksburg,” about events that reportedly took place on Dec. 9, 1965, when several people said an object resembling a UFO landed in Kecksburg.

Kecksburg UFO Festival

When: 6-11 p.m. July 27, noon-11 p.m. July 28, noon-5 p.m. July 29

Admission: Free, donation requested at the door for the UFO conference at 1 p.m. July 29; entry fees for Corn Hole Tournament and Bed Race

Where: Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Dept. grounds and social hall, 5128 Water St., Mt. Pleasant Township

Details: 724-423-9540 or kecksburgvfd.com


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Each $1+ donation gives that Patron:

- a 'thank you' mention on Arcane Radio, and a 'thank you' post on the 'Phantoms & Monsters' blog and on all of our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Google+)

- a digital copy of 'Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoid.' When you become a patron, forward your email address to me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com and I will email a copy to you.

- an entry into the monthly drawing to receive a free signed copy of my most recent paperback title. The winner's Podbean ID will be announced on this site, the blog and on my social media. Simply forward your mailing address to me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com and I will send a copy to you.

Thanks! Lon



Exclusive: I-Team obtains some key documents related to Pentagon UFO study

Aliens in a Diner?

Infamous 'Haunted' Island for Sale

Mysterious Ancient Ringed Structure Unearthed by Drought in Ireland

Meet the Anarchists Making Their Own Medicine


Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Afterlife Revolution

Shadow Realms: Demonology Handbook

Monster Hike: A 100-Mile Inquiry Into the Sasquatch Mystery

Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on the Unknown

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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