; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, juin 29, 2018

Turkey Creek Flying Humanoid

Sheila in Humansville, Missouri called in to tell of her weird creature sighting:

“I was driving back from Kansas City, it's about a two hour drive. I get to the wooded area near my place, there was a farmhouse with a sodium light. At first I saw the shadow of something with wings about the span, or length, of my Town & Country van and it had human-esque looking legs hanging down. I completely freaked out. I was speeding all the way back to the house which is still in the woods and I have to get out of the car to get into the house. I go in the house and tell my husband about it and he's like, 'You're crazy!'

A few days later, there was a thing on 'Destination America' about the Turkey Creek Monster (the episode aired the second week of February in 2014 on 'Monsters and Mysteries in America') and it looked just like what I saw. To me, it had really long muscular legs with really big feet. It was night-time, by the way, about 2:30 in the morning, and the wings were huge. It was about ten feet above where I was at. It was in the air. (Lewis compares it to the Mothman) Yeah, exactly like that! And when I saw that thing on 'Destination America', that is exactly what I saw, the same look. (Lewis asks what it was called) The Turkey Creek Monster. And we live...our house out there in the woods, Turkey Creek runs right down past our property but I was about four miles away from our home. (Lewis describes the creature after looking it up) And it had a kind of white head. Its head was very white. And the thing on 'Destination America', it showed that it had flipped a car over because two guys were sitting out hoping to see it. I don't want to ever see it again, thank you very much. When I saw it, it was quite horrifying and nobody in my family believes me.”

Source: Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, June 15, 2018

Beyond Creepy

NOTE: you can find the episode teaser here - 'Monsters and Mysteries in America' - Flying Humanoid. While your at it, you can find the teaser to my episode here - 'Monsters and Mysteries in America' - The Sykesville Monster. Lon

Weird Missouri: Your Travel Guide to Missouri's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Weird Winged Wonders: The Twilight World Of Cryptid Creatures

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

The Night Has a Thousand Wings: Based on the Legend of the Missouri Flying Humanoid

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Daily 2 Cents: 'Supernatural' Big Black Cat Vanishes -- PA Mysterious Explosions Suspect Arrested -- D.B. Cooper's Identity

'Supernatural' Big Black Cat Vanishes

Victor in Texas called in to tell of a bizarre experience he had:

“I was going through my property here in Hopkins County and I'd been hearing these stories about my neighbors seeing a big black cat. Not a house-cat. A big cat. I was carrying a gun. It was a 22 - 250 with a 3.9 scope. I was driving by this huge... Well, it's a 100 acre hay field, and there the son of a gun was, right in the middle of this hay field. So I stopped, got my gun and raised up to shoot it. It was a predator. There's a lot of calves in the area and I shoot a lot of coyotes. So, anyway, I get a good aim on it. I shoot. It disappeared! And I'll swear on a Bible, to our Father in Heaven that it disappeared. I even went over to where I thought I had hit it and it was gone. It did not take cover. It didn't run for cover. It disappeared. It was in the middle of the field. I would have seen it. It had plenty of time to get cover. I would have seen it. It disappeared. There was no holes where it could seek refuge. I thought it was pretty unusual. It was supernatural. That's the only way I could put it. I know I can hit a target at 100 yards. It did not have a reaction. It did not have time for a reaction. It disappeared. And I swear to the Father in Heaven that it was the real deal. That's the only way I can put it.”

Source: Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, May 24, 2018

Beyond Creepy


Pennsylvania 'Mysterious Explosions' Suspect Arrested

BUCKS COUNTY, Pa. (CBS) — Police made an arrest Thursday in a series of mysterious explosions that have rocked Bucks County for months. Law enforcement converged on two locations in Quakertown as part of the investigation – a chemical company on Old Bethlehem Pike and the home of the owner of that company on Spinnerstown Road.

David Surman Jr. is being charged with possession of weapons of mass destruction. He would not speak when entering for his arraignment and made no comments about the disturbing finds in his home.

“This was what we believe to be a large bomb that was capable of mass destruction,” said Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub. Read more at Bucks County DA: Suspect Charged With Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Connection To Mysterious Explosions


Codebreaker Claims to Know 'D.B. Cooper' Identity

The infamous skyjacker known as D.B. Cooper revealed his real identity through a hidden message in a letter to The Oregonian in March 1972, just a few months after he parachuted from Northwest Orient Flight 305 and disappeared.

That's the conclusion of a longtime Cooper-case researcher who recently examined the letter with a former Army code-breaker.

For the past couple of years, TV producer Thomas Colbert has been trying to convince the FBI that he and his team of retired law-enforcement and military officers have figured out who Cooper is -- a former paratrooper and Vietnam War veteran named Robert Rackstraw.

Colbert is the author of the 2016 book "The Last Master Outlaw," in which he lays out his evidence against Rackstraw, and producer of the History Channel documentary "D.B. Cooper: Case Closed." Read more at Skyjacker D.B. Cooper revealed real identity in 1972 letter to The Oregonian, code-breaker claims



The Obsessive Search for the Tasmanian Tiger

The Bizarre Flying Humanoids of Mexico

Johnny Cash’s White Witch of Montego Bay

Official DNA Results for Peru’s Three-Fingered Alien Mummy

Why Nikola Tesla's greatest achievement may be in Niagara Falls


Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3

Fairies: Real Encounters With Little People

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel’s Prophecy)

Haunted Hills and Hollows: What Lurks in Greene County, Pennsylvania

Underground Alien Bio Lab At Dulce: The Bennewitz UFO Papers

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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jeudi, juin 28, 2018

Two Reptilian Abductions in 48 Hours

I recently received the following information from Reptilian abductee Matt R:

On the Sunday morning of 6/24/18, I woke up feeling completely wiped out. I rarely drink, and certainly didn't do so on this past Saturday night.

When I looked in the mirror while brushing my teeth, I noticed a nearly 2 inch long scratch on my face. It was unusually painful to the touch. I do own 1 cat, but it is declawed. The cat has never walked on my face, and does not even sleep in my bed. Even if she somehow had, with rear legs, there'd be at least one other parallel scratch from the closely adjacent other claws. I'm a very light sleeper, and the pain of this should have had me jumping out of bed, if it was them.

I sleep stomach down. And, my fingernails are all well trimmed, with absolutely no sharp edges that could produce any sort of sharp scratch. There was nobody sharing my bed, last night (that I'm yet aware of). This was one extremely sharp object swiped across the area. Similar to a large single clawed index finger, swiped at me with a straight down striking trajectory. It looks like I was standing at the time, facing whatever being swiped down at me. Had they struck me while I was face down in bed, the angle would have been horizontal, or at least diagonal, on my face. Based on my long history of Reptilian abductions, which I have discussed in Lon’s blog before, I presumed that this is Reptilian in origin. What's odd is, my pants were also unusually loose after this. As if I lost fluid, overnight. Or, maybe involuntarily donated some blood? I certainly felt like a truck had hit me, in terms of fatigue.

I don't recall anything from the experience, so far.

And, then, I woke up Tuesday morning (6/26/18) with a painful bruised middle knuckle, with a small cut on its front. I have an elevated queen sized bed, without a headboard. There is nothing within reach that could have been struck with such force, while flailing in some dream. There was absolutely no cut or bruise, when I was preparing to go to sleep, the night before. I clearly punched something with a great deal of force.

This is extremely reminiscent of my Christmas 2016 abduction. http://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2017/01/the-pathology-of-reptilian-alien.html Specifically, in terms of some details I wasn't yet comfortable sharing at the time.

In that experience, I found myself awakening while laying on a large diamond shape stone table, with wood trim around its edges. It looked like a large boardroom conference table, although I saw no chairs nearby. I couldn't make out details of the ceiling or room. It was dark, but seemed cavernous. There was a wingless female albino Reptilian standing directly over me. She wasn't very tall, compared to most Reptilians. Only about 6ft. She looked extremely similar to those infamous Sumerian statues of Reptilians, although without whatever head dress they used to wear back then http://www.crystalinks.com/anunnakifigurine.jpg. Maybe, because they only need it when in strong sunlight. Next to her was a larger male Reptilian, who was brown scaled. As soon as I awoke, she rolled her eyes over to the guard, and excitedly said "Oooo, I should eat him". And, I just reflexively jabbed at her with my right hand. The guard intercepted and grabbed my right forearm. That's where that deep inner forearm bruising came from.

Now, she was obviously joking. But, that's really hard to process when it's the first thing you see and hear, upon waking. What is interesting is, she was squinting just like the Sumerian statue. Although, only during the joke. Female reptilians do tend to be more sarcastic than males. At least, in the experiences of abductees like Ken Bakeman and David Eckhart. The males joke around often, as well. But, not quite as consistently as the females.

She did some energy work on me, after that. And, then had me do about 15 minutes of psychic energy tuning with a male winged albino Draco. I don't want to get too far into that, because their techniques aren't really supposed to be shared. He only gave me some training on her referral. He was extremely business-like, and I got the impression it's a bit frustrating for him. Because, the abductees he is given to train are so far beneath his skill level, and he only has a few minutes to try and improve them.

I can say that I've developed a very strong "presentiment" ability since then. That is, I can feel emotions. I will have at least 3 days in advance, almost to the hour. I've also been picking up premonitions of events much more often than normal.

At present, I recall absolutely nothing from my Saturday and Monday night abductions. I must reiterate that I was on absolutely no medication, drugs, or alcohol. I strongly suspect there has been a burst of MILAB training abductions recently, like the one I was involved in, in 2005. According to Joe Montaldo ("Ancient Aliens" guest, and head of ICAR), there have been many crowd control type training sessions, involving Reptilians and abductees. These are performed in places like malls, sports arenas, after dark. The abductees often play the role of rioters or looters, who the Reptilians need to properly corral and subdue. And, according to Mr Montaldo, they have continued to occur sporadically, in multiple cities.

It would be consistent with the injuries I've received in the past week. The fights I was in were certainly not life or death. These are mild injuries, which are more consistent with training. For some background on that, here's one of the most recent interviews I did with Joe. Its broken into two parts, because someone knocked the station offline, part way through.
1-- https://youtu.be/wqreJNcw0R0 2 -- https://youtu.be/5yyC8UUaDZM

Additionally, here is a link to James Bartley's discussion of Reptilian / MILAB joint training, where he discusses my case and other similar ones: https://youtu.be/qOoJofA1ZXI

I do think it's possible that my memory was intentionally blanked, because of my history of sharing details of these encounters. So far, I have no memory fragments. I will keep you updated if any return. If you’re interested in further context, here is a link to my last article here. It contains links to my previous posts http://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2017/12/crossed-lines-reptilian-espionage.html

Addendum: Starting yesterday (6/27/2018), I began having an unusually strong feeling of dehydration and dry mouth. That's extremely unusual for me. It's even worse this morning. And, drinking water doesn't seem to be helping. I know this is a side effect of several types of drugs, but I don't take any. Not over-the-counter, or prescription. This seems to be some kind of delayed hangover effect from whatever procedure or drug was used on me, in the abduction that happened overnight on Monday. I'm including this detail, in case it comes up in any similar abductions. I presume whatever was done to me wasn't an isolated case. This has never happened to me, after any of my previous abductions. - Matt R.

Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race

Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica

Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past

The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Daily 2 Cents: Large Dark-Winged Creature -- Flying Humanoid Observed -- 'Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research' Team Meets

Large Dark-Winged Creature Encountered in Michigan

I recently received the following account:

In response to the large winged creature spotted in Lansing, MI last year. My husband and I also had a very brief encounter in about 2009. We were on Vermontville highway in the country heading west. It is nothing but farmland and rolling hills between Potterville and Vermontville. As we were driving some dark-winged creature with a wing span bigger than our car, bigger than a full sized couch flew 10 feet over our car. Both my husband & I sat in silence trying to put together what in the heck we both saw. It seemed like eternity before my husband broke the silence first, but it was probably only 10 seconds. It happened so quick we couldn't get any more details than that, but it was unlike anything we had ever seen. The only comparison I can relate it to would be the Mothman. This occurred about 30 miles southwest of Lansing, MI. Spooked the heck out of us. - SD


Flying Humanoid Observed in Hudson, Illinois

5/22/2018: Three friends of mine and I were watching the sunset on Evergreen Lake in Comlara Park in Hudson, Illinois about ten miles away from our college campus. As the sky is getting darker, two lights appeared out of nowhere (literally in the blink of an eye) directly above the lake. The red light was above the green light and they were obviously attached to something in which the outline slightly resembled a human with his arms a bit out. It flew towards us, evident by how the lights were getting larger as it flew closer, flew backwards (without the lights turning away from us) and then disappeared just as fast as it appeared. The lights did not blink once. We immediately left. - MUFON


'Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research' (Pennsylvania) team - left to right: Troy Noll, Timothy Renner, Lon Strickler, Sean Forker, Butch Witkowski standing with the R-5 research van

On Wednesday June 27, 2018 the 'Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research' (Pennsylvania) team gathered in Hanover, PA to begin work on a new project. When a formal announcement is made by the parties involved, I will release the details of the project. This will be a presentation of actual anomalous activity reported to us within the state of Pennsylvania and other investigation locations (including the Chicago Phantom sightings & encounters). Thanks again for your continued support. Lon


Lon Strickler - Phantoms & Monsters

Butch Witkowski - UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania

Sean Forker - Keystone Bigfoot Project

Timothy Renner - Seekers - South Central Pennsylvania Paranormal Investigations

Tobias & Emily Wayland - The Singular Fortean Society

Troy Noll - UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania

Rob Shaw - Fortean Investigator - Point Pleasant, WV

Brett Butler (psychic medium) and Deleece Cook (remote viewer) also assist the team in various investigations


Mass Hysteria Grips Filipino School

Classes in Ronda National High School were suspended yesterday morning after some 30 female students were reportedly possessed by evil spirits, causing panic in the school.

It started when a student reportedly saw a faceless man with half of his body missing inside her classroom in Barangay Palanas.

Students from other sections in Grades 8, 9, and 10 reportedly suffered from the same demonic possession.

They began shaking and some reportedly had trouble breathing, according to school officials who had to bring some of the students to the health center. Read more at Students ‘possessed’ in Ronda school



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



'Time warp' discovered by paranormal investigator outside of Las Vegas

Loch Ness DNA Tests Could Justify Harmful Hydro Plant Construction

Mysterious Encounters with Bigfoot at Military Bases

Costa Rica: CE-2 - UFO Kills Car Engine, Tampers With Odometer and Clock, Leaving Numbers 3-3-3 Behind

Alleged Haunted Doll Caught on Camera in Scotland


Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Alien Abduction of The Wyoming Hunter: First person story of Carl Higdon, October 25, 1974

Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel

Occulture: The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward

Shadow Cats: The Black Panthers of North America

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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mardi, juin 26, 2018

Wookies in Illinois

The following bizarre, but somewhat similar accounts, occurred in and around Geneseo, IL at different periods. I had posted the 2nd account several months ago, but later found the other incident. Both were reported to NUFORC:

I want to report something which happened to me many years ago. The problem with this is that I am not honestly sure that I did not dream these events. When I was going into 6th grade, which would have been the summer of 1959 I had an event happen that happened at night and I was supposed to be in bed sleeping. At this time we lived on a farm with our house surrounded by thick woods. Our closest neighbors lived about a quarter mile down the road on the other side of the road.

I recall being in a compartment or room and there was an adult male there with me. I believe that he was about 25 to 30 years of age. He just sat there on the bench which was attached to the wall with his head down, his legs spread slightly and leaning over with his elbows resting on his knees not moving nor talking at all. I recall looking around wondering what I was doing there since I was supposed to be in bed sleeping. My bed was in the basement of our home and I shared the room with my two younger brothers with my younger sister sleeping in the next room. I stood up and walked around the compartment and thought it was strange since I was supposed to be home sleeping but I found myself in this compartment. Three walls appeared to be made of a metal and the other wall had a very large window in the upper half which covered about half the length of the compartment in which we were. The door into the compartment was between the window and the bench also under the window the bench continued on the other side of the door, I think anyway. The bench which I had been sitting on and which the man still was sitting on was attached to the wall with the window in it.

The window looked out into a passage way and was slanted outward. I was just a little afraid at that time and was looking at the window wondering why I was there and most of all wondering where "here" was since I had no memory of going to this place or even leaving my bed. I was watching the window when this being walked by. It was taller than I was at the time. It was NOT the grey or whatever people normally think of as being involved with UFO’s. This thing more resembled a "Wookie" as pictured in the star-wars movie. This thing was not wearing any clothes or have any type of equipment on it that I recall seeing. I seemed to remember that the color of the hair or fur was a dark brown. I remember then I became very afraid and was scared that that thing would come into the compartment in which I was located along with the man. I yelled and screamed and ran and jumped onto the window, using of course the bench under the window. I kept yelling and clawing at the window while laying against it deathly afraid that thing would come into the compartment. I was totally amazed that all throughout this incident the man in the compartment did not even raise his head or show any interest in anything happening.

I recall nothing more and later in the night I woke in my bed, raised up and looked around then lay back down and tried to go back to sleep which I did. To this day I am not sure this really happened. I have told my wife about this "incident" several times but I never had the nerve to tell anyone else.

I should tell you now that I WILL NOT submit to anyone trying to hypnotizing me.


I experienced a strange event in the summer 1970. I was 15-years-old and lived on a farm with my parents, grandparents & siblings. We lived near the town of Geneseo, IL. Our house was almost completely surrounded by woods.

One night, about 2 AM, I awoke and became aware that I was not in bed in the basement of the house. But rather I was sitting on a bench in an unknown room with one young adult male. The room was constructed of white-colored metal with benches. There was a door in the room and on either side of the door were windows from which I could see a passageway going to the left and right. The other person in the room with me sat on the bench to the left side of the door and completely ignored me even when I shook him and tried to get him to look at me. He just sat on the bench with his elbows on his knees gazing downward between his legs at the floor. He was oblivious of me. I tried to open the door but it was locked and I got up on the bench to the right side of the door and leaned against the glass trying to see something. It was just an empty passageway. The room was brightly lit, but no source of light was noticed.

I again tried to get the man in the room to pay attention to me and help me understand what was happening...but still he just sat there. I looked up at the window and saw a bizarre 'creature' about 4 feet tall, covered with reddish-colored long hair, but the face looked human-like. It did not pay any attention to us in the room, slowly walking by the window. I was very scared. I jumped on to the bench and them beat on the plexiglass and screamed. The being just kept walking by. That was the last thing I remember.

I woke up in my bed about 5:00 AM when it was time to go do my chores. I did noticed red contusions on the palms of my hands and my arms were very sore for days. Did this really happen to me? I never told my parents or anyone else because I was sure that they would not believe me. I have never had another incident like this that I can recall. As far as the creature that I saw, I have never seen anything like it again until the time I watched the movie 'Star Wars' and that “Wookie” had some resemblance to the being. Anonymous

Communion: A True Story

The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee

Aliens: The World's Leading Scientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported

DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs