; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mai 07, 2018

The Disappearing UFO Experiencers - Part II

The Disappearing UFO Experiencers, Part II

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising trilogy (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2015-2017). If you would like to meet the doctor in person, he will be appearing at the Wednesday, 9 May 2018, 6:30 p.m. meeting of the Science Evaluating Anomalies Research Center of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (SEARCH), held in the Lower Paxton Township Municipal Bldg. at 425 Prince Street, Harrisburg. For additional information, please contact the director, Ross Wiedler, at (717) 657-8023.

In outer space, you can never be sure what time it is. An extraterrestrial mothership returns some United States Navy pilots that were previously beamed up, along with their individual aircraft, over the Bermuda Triangle back in 1945, whence they were reported missing. This scene was powerfully depicted in Columbia Picture’s 1977 movie classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind

More than a Fantasy

The truth behind the UFO enigma may be as close as your nearest video rental. My, how time flies! Last year we celebrated the fortieth anniversary of visionary director Steven Spielberg’s movie classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Even in today’s digital age, one must admit that the technical quality and awe-inspiring story of the film still evoke a strong feeling that the government has been applying the “mushroom principle” with regards to disclosure concerning the real nature of the phantom objects and their mysterious occupants. In other words, all along the “powers-that-be” have treated the American people like mushrooms. They continue to cultivate our minds and ways of thinking about the flying saucers by constantly keeping us in the dark and feeding us a lot of manure.

The unusual circumstances surrounding the production of Close Encounters have led many to believe that the movie may have been portraying actual events. Replete with conspiracy theories surrounding it, freak storms, threats from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and other government agencies against the producers and Columbia Pictures, it seems the truth may be far stranger than the science fiction that Close Encounters purportedly portrays.

When Spielberg was a boy in elementary school back in New Jersey, his father took him outside one evening to watch a meteor shower. Ever since that fateful night, Spielberg wondered if there was anything else out there beyond some very remote twinkling stars and flickering orbs. In other words, he pondered the existence of life beyond the Earth. By 1964, at the age of 17, the aspiring Spielberg directed a low-budget science fiction film, Firelight, but it attracted little attention. However, by 1975 and the astounding success he had with Jaws, the world beat a path to his door and offers quickly piled up. This made it possible for the young director to make a big picture about any subject that he wanted to pursue. Naturally, he turned his attention to his first love of extraterrestrials visiting the Earth in their interplanetary spaceships.

Spielberg wanted to create an informed movie about the reality of UFOs as piloted extraterrestrial spaceships. To this end, he hired Northwestern University astronomer, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, as his technical consultant. While most astronomers generally attract little notice, Hynek gained quite a reputation worldwide while serving in the capacity as a scientific advisor to the United States Air Force on UFOs from 1947-1969. Spielberg reasoned that if anyone knew the truth about the elusive flying saucers, it was Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

Movie Depictions Based on Fact

In the most astounding of films, Close Encounters of the Third Kind reveals the existence of an ABOVE TOP SECRET interplanetary exchange program. In the last scenes, the moviegoer notes twelve highly trained people preparing to board the mothership as the extraterrestrials are releasing back to the custody of United States authorities sundry individuals from the past that had been abducted by them and allegedly transported to distant worlds in outer space. That this scene is in the movie causes one to speculate what Hynek must have told Spielberg about any real such projects undertaken by the United States government in the past.

As the owner of five acres at Tee-Pee Ranch on Horse Mountain, outside of Datil, New Mexico, I can look down into the Plains of San Agustin and see the massive radio telescope array below. This is a site of the National Radio Observatory where the high resolution microwave survey of the universe is being conducted, and the radio astronomers search the heavens for distant signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. But fellow land owners and residents of Datil, Magdalena, Pie Town, Socorro and other small towns in the area have confided to me that sometime back in the mid-1960s there did, indeed, exist some kind of an ABOVE TOP SECRET exchange program of the United States government with the emissaries of another planet; and that the exchange took place on the Plains of San Agustin.

Allegedly, the exchange was code-named OPERATION CRYSTAL NIGHT as was carried out as part of PROJECT SERPO. According to Alex Nelson, an independent investigative journalist in the United Kingdom, “The story goes that a team of twelve humans travelled to Serpo (a distant planet) with a survivor of the infamous Roswell flying saucer crash, after the establishment of a relationship between the American government and the people of its home world. The closing scenes of Close Encounters depict twelve people trained and ready to board the mothership, ten men and two women. The numbers match the original story, which claims the personnel visited the planet between 1965 and 1978. All of them have since allegedly died, due to exposure to high radiation levels during the trip.”

Nelson tells us that PROJECT SERPO was not widely known until 2005, when a group of “former military insiders” testified that such an exchange actually did occur out in New Mexico. But Spielberg apparently knew all about it from Hynek back in 1977; and he customized his movie to match the real scenario. Wow! This movie has proven to be a thorn in the side for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ever since.

The investigative journalist further explains: “Some say Dr. Hynek passed information to the director that NASA did not want made public. Interestingly, in a 1978 edition of the now defunct Cinema Papers magazine, Spielberg said: ‘If NASA took the time to write me a 20-page letter, I knew there must be something happening. When they read the script, they got very angry and felt that it was a film that would be dangerous.”

Close Encounters opens with a scene where a group of five Grumman TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that had disappeared out over the Bermuda Triangle on 5 December 1945, suddenly reappear in perfect condition in the middle of a sandstorm on the Sonora desert in Northern Mexico, but minus their crews. The planes, collectively known as Flight 19, lost contact during a United States Navy overwater navigation training flight that deployed from the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Naval Air Station. All fourteen of the Navy airmen on the planes were lost, along with thirteen crew members of a Martin PBM Mariner flying boat that followed up on the missing Avengers, being launched from the Banana River Naval Air Station on the same day. The Banana River station was also located in Florida and was turned over to the Air Force in 1948. It is now known as Patrick Air Force Base. Navy investigators have never been able to explain what happened to these planes or their respective crews. It’s interesting that Hynek did not object to Spielberg making the disappearance of Flight 19 the key element in his cinematic masterpiece.

Valiant Thor and the Missing Inuit Village

Contactee Howard Menger informed Valiant Thor about an abundance of UFO sightings over Hudson Bay on the night an entire Inuit village disappeared into thin air. See http://thinkingsidewayspodcast.com/anjikuni-lake/

Recently on the Rense Radio website, I posted a series of photos taken by the prominent New Jersey photographic journalist, August C. Roberts, of those in attendance at a 13 July 1958 meeting of the Highbridge, New Jersey, Flying Saucer Club, where the famous contactee Howard Menger was presenting a lecture on his encounters with Venusians and other extraterrestrial visitors throughout his life, as well as some of his conjectures on the nature of various UFO events taking place around the world. All of these photographs included the official seal of August C. Roberts on the back side of each, together with his typed comments about who and what was depicted in each respective photograph. Along with the photographs, I posted an article written by August C. Roberts following the event, “The Val Thor Story,” that ultimately made its way to the files of comic book, science fiction and UFO writer, Otto Binder, who Roberts was co-producing a series of flying saucer books with.

After the meeting ended, however, Roberts collected various pages of notes left by the mysterious Valiant Thor, who presented credentials as a South African journalist. Thor had written down the highlights of Menger’s lecture; and I published all of the pages with the exception of two, due to their sensitive nature, also on Jeff Rense’s site. There was one account in the notes that really caught my attention, however; and that concerned the disappearance of an entire Inuit village up in the far north of Canada. For a copy of the notes on Howard Menger’s discourse by Valiant Thor, please see http://rense.com/general96/valthornotes3.html.

The following is my transcription of the same, with respect to the disappearing Inuit village:

Page 5 (unmarked at top of page)

Frank Edwards

34 or 35 Eskimos discovered before November 1930

Empty vil. (village) Joe Labell (according to….)

Huts were empty

Dogs starved- Kayaks on beach bottoms out

Pots had food in them

Even a fresh grave - body removed

What became of them nobody knows

Lake Atchakohee Churchill Can (Canada)

9 years to find trace

Never found no traces

Nobody knows

Flourish stroke across middle of page.

It seems that back in November 1930, Joe Labelle, a fur trapper quite familiar with the Canadian North country, walked into an Inuit village on the edge of Lake Anjikuni. But this was unlike any other day that Labelle had experienced in this frozen land, for the entire village of Anjikuni had been suddenly and inexplicably abandoned by its inhabitants. To our neighbors to the North, this Inuit ghost settlement has earned itself the title of being the “Roswell of the North.” Labelle discovered a recently abandoned stew and piles of clothing. He also came across food stored in huts. This gave him every indication that the local inhabitants never intended to leave. And even more puzzling, as the fur trapper dug deep beneath the snow, he found a burial ground with disturbed and empty graves, along with a pack of buried sled dogs that appeared to have been starved to death. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have continued their search for answers, up to this very day. Numerous Canadian ufologists attribute the sudden disappearance of the Inuit villagers to the reports of UFOs seen over Hudson Bay on the very night the First Nation peoples of Anjikuni vanished into thin air.

Canadian UFO investigators are asking, “To what extent will ET go to get a Klondike Bar?”

(Note: Keep checking this website for Part III of III of Cosmic Ray’s intriguing “The Disappearing UFO Experiencers.” The doctor will examine yet more amazing cases in this same genre. Following the lead of former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, you’ll learn about a more sinister agenda of the “powers-that-be” in UFO one-way abductions taking place behind the scenes. – The Editors)

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

Passport to the Cosmos