; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mai 31, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: Red-Eyed 'Bird Man' in County Kilkenny, Ireland -- Met My Father When He Was Younger? -- Thwarted Abduction Attempt

Red-Eyed 'Bird Man' in County Kilkenny, Ireland

Extremely large bird-like man with glowing red eyes on top of old abbey took flight, screeching, chased us

Thomastown, County Kilkenny, Ireland - 2018-05-28 01:15: At Green’s Bridge, walking to car. Intially felt very afraid for no reason. then we saw creature on top of old abbey ruins. Thought it was a shadow. Noticed glowing red eyes. It screeched and took flight. huge wings. Black. Bird like but 10-11 feet tall. Wingspan was huge. The shriek was ear splitting. We got into car. It flew after us, stayed with car until we got to Bishops Meadows. Then quickly turned and we lost sight of it. Both friends and I got itchy eyes, then doctor gave me drops for pink eye after it got worse today. Told Watergate Theatre director nearby yesterday and he said this was seen in the late 1970’s near Dunmore Cave. We all thought it was just a shadow. Stephen noticed the red, thought it was weird. Two glowing red intense lights. It opened wings and we realized they were eyes. Felt like a warning or a threat. - MUFON


Met My Father When He Was Younger?

“Around 2005 give or take a year, I went out at night in our village to water flower planters on the side of the road. Driving down the main street a group of teenagers laughing and walking fast had past me as I passed them. I watch them in the rear view mirror and thought about my own teenage years. Shortly thereafter I pulled my car around doing a U-turn and parked on the opposite side of the street. I unloaded some water for the planters and stepped onto the curb and the sidewalk. It was dark out and I had stepped into the light of a street lamp . Immediately I heard footsteps running towards me from over my right shoulder. It’s startled me. A young man ran just passed me stopped and quickly, and very politely asked me if I had seen some kids to which I replied yes and pointed in the direction where I saw them going. He thanked me calling me ma’am turned and ran up the sidewalk into the night. I thought about how polite he was and then remembered that he was dressed unlike any teenager that I have seen recently. He was dressed in a cat and T-shirt jeans but not mother and jeans and flannel bottoms sneakers his hair was cut in an old fashion style and I saw that it unusual. There was something about him that seemed familiar. I began feeling that I had met my father when he was that age. When I drove home the first thing I did was call my parents and tell them that I thought I met my father when he was a young boy.It was a nice experience, whatever it was.” The Other Kim

Beyond Creepy


Thwarted Abduction Attempt

Paducah, KY: On 11-14-08 at approx. 5:30 A.M. I woke up in my bed unable to move or scream. My girlfriend was sleeping right next to me, and my 93 pound Great Pyrenees puppy was asleep at the foot of my bed. I moved my eyes around to my avail on my left side I saw what looked like a rounded expandable antenna held by a white hand moving towards the side of my head. My dog was woken up and immediately jumped up off the bed and started growling and went into alert mode. (I'm a former Police Officer and K-9 Handler I work in Corrections Now and my dog is a working dog.) Then my dog got low to the ground and was out of my sight. The hand holding the antenna was now pointed at her and she stopped barking and growling. I then was able to move a little and was filled with unbridled rage. I moved my eyes to the left and saw my alarm it said 5:35 A.M. My left hand that had felt like it was being held down as I stated before being paralyzed now swung to my left with all the force in my body and made contact with a hard but latex feeling body. Immediately I jumped and looked to my left where this being was at previously and it was gone. And my alarm now stated it was 5:38 A.M. My girlfriend now woke up I told her to run into the living room and the dog followed her, I grabbed my 9mm Glock went into my living room cleared that room and cleared my apartment. I do not know what this was and why it had happened but I prayed to Jesus Christ to help me and he did. I have had many strange experiences but not on this magnitude and have always felt like I am being watched. I work 11pm to 7pm so I don't have to sleep at night. I work in corrections now so someone is always around be it another staff member or an inmate or my dog. I can never have enough weapons either I am always buying a new gun every few months, and just always feeling like some one is going to try and take me or invade my home. If someone could help me out with this please do so, or maybe just a few helpful words of encouragement from people that this is! happening to as well. Thank You. - NUFORC



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If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



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