; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mai 31, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: Red-Eyed 'Bird Man' in County Kilkenny, Ireland -- Met My Father When He Was Younger? -- Thwarted Abduction Attempt

Red-Eyed 'Bird Man' in County Kilkenny, Ireland

Extremely large bird-like man with glowing red eyes on top of old abbey took flight, screeching, chased us

Thomastown, County Kilkenny, Ireland - 2018-05-28 01:15: At Green’s Bridge, walking to car. Intially felt very afraid for no reason. then we saw creature on top of old abbey ruins. Thought it was a shadow. Noticed glowing red eyes. It screeched and took flight. huge wings. Black. Bird like but 10-11 feet tall. Wingspan was huge. The shriek was ear splitting. We got into car. It flew after us, stayed with car until we got to Bishops Meadows. Then quickly turned and we lost sight of it. Both friends and I got itchy eyes, then doctor gave me drops for pink eye after it got worse today. Told Watergate Theatre director nearby yesterday and he said this was seen in the late 1970’s near Dunmore Cave. We all thought it was just a shadow. Stephen noticed the red, thought it was weird. Two glowing red intense lights. It opened wings and we realized they were eyes. Felt like a warning or a threat. - MUFON


Met My Father When He Was Younger?

“Around 2005 give or take a year, I went out at night in our village to water flower planters on the side of the road. Driving down the main street a group of teenagers laughing and walking fast had past me as I passed them. I watch them in the rear view mirror and thought about my own teenage years. Shortly thereafter I pulled my car around doing a U-turn and parked on the opposite side of the street. I unloaded some water for the planters and stepped onto the curb and the sidewalk. It was dark out and I had stepped into the light of a street lamp . Immediately I heard footsteps running towards me from over my right shoulder. It’s startled me. A young man ran just passed me stopped and quickly, and very politely asked me if I had seen some kids to which I replied yes and pointed in the direction where I saw them going. He thanked me calling me ma’am turned and ran up the sidewalk into the night. I thought about how polite he was and then remembered that he was dressed unlike any teenager that I have seen recently. He was dressed in a cat and T-shirt jeans but not mother and jeans and flannel bottoms sneakers his hair was cut in an old fashion style and I saw that it unusual. There was something about him that seemed familiar. I began feeling that I had met my father when he was that age. When I drove home the first thing I did was call my parents and tell them that I thought I met my father when he was a young boy.It was a nice experience, whatever it was.” The Other Kim

Beyond Creepy


Thwarted Abduction Attempt

Paducah, KY: On 11-14-08 at approx. 5:30 A.M. I woke up in my bed unable to move or scream. My girlfriend was sleeping right next to me, and my 93 pound Great Pyrenees puppy was asleep at the foot of my bed. I moved my eyes around to my avail on my left side I saw what looked like a rounded expandable antenna held by a white hand moving towards the side of my head. My dog was woken up and immediately jumped up off the bed and started growling and went into alert mode. (I'm a former Police Officer and K-9 Handler I work in Corrections Now and my dog is a working dog.) Then my dog got low to the ground and was out of my sight. The hand holding the antenna was now pointed at her and she stopped barking and growling. I then was able to move a little and was filled with unbridled rage. I moved my eyes to the left and saw my alarm it said 5:35 A.M. My left hand that had felt like it was being held down as I stated before being paralyzed now swung to my left with all the force in my body and made contact with a hard but latex feeling body. Immediately I jumped and looked to my left where this being was at previously and it was gone. And my alarm now stated it was 5:38 A.M. My girlfriend now woke up I told her to run into the living room and the dog followed her, I grabbed my 9mm Glock went into my living room cleared that room and cleared my apartment. I do not know what this was and why it had happened but I prayed to Jesus Christ to help me and he did. I have had many strange experiences but not on this magnitude and have always felt like I am being watched. I work 11pm to 7pm so I don't have to sleep at night. I work in corrections now so someone is always around be it another staff member or an inmate or my dog. I can never have enough weapons either I am always buying a new gun every few months, and just always feeling like some one is going to try and take me or invade my home. If someone could help me out with this please do so, or maybe just a few helpful words of encouragement from people that this is! happening to as well. Thank You. - NUFORC



'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon



'It's a miracle': Virgin Mary statue wept at Mass, parishioners said

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Wood Knocks Volume 3: Journal of Sasquatch Research

The Black Diary: M.I.B, Women in Black, Black-Eyed Children, and Dangerous Books

Chasing the Elusive Pennsylvania Bigfoot: A Cryptid from Another Reality

Haunted Hills and Hollows: What Lurks in Greene County Pennsylvania

Black Eyed Children: Revised 2nd Edition

UPDATED WEEKLY: Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Are you an author and believe your book belongs on my 'Suggested Reading List?' Contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com in order to request a shipping address or download for my consideration. Lon


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mercredi, mai 30, 2018

Why Did This Happen To Me?

I recently received the following account:

"In the Spring of 1967, my mother and I were living in a 3rd floor apartment in Cleveland, OH. The apartment was on the backside of the building with an alley below. There were fraternity houses at Cleveland State across the alley. Around 9 pm, my mother is washing the dishes, and as I walk from the kitchen into the living room I pass the large window on the right. I wasn't looking at the window, but as I walked by something caught my eye. I turned and faced the window. There's a big huge round yellowish-white light or orb just hovering out there, probably 30-40 ft beyond, between our building and the frat houses right above the alley. The first few seconds that I looked at it my mind is racing, trying to figure out what it is. I was 12 years old and had never seen anything like that. After looking at it for a couple more seconds a strange feeling came over me. It's hard to explain but I could feel that this thing was alive and it was looking back at me. As that thought registered in my brain, it quickly flied straight towards the window and towards me. It abruptly stopped and hovered a few feet from the window. Suddenly I had a warm sensation at my feet, like it was scanning me. The warm feeling traveled up my legs, slowly through my waist, chest and shoulders. When it reached my head, I felt a sharp pain, like the thing was now inside my head and I was in there with it!

For a matter of seconds, I felt like my life was being examined by this entity. I sensed images, like they were a part of a movie of my life. I felt that it was in a hurry to do this, and that it was excited and enjoying it. Then immediately it came out of me, and I collapsed to the floor. I could still mentally communicate with it, and asked it to just leave and that I wasn't a threat. It hovered above me for a few seconds, then quickly moved through the window. I completely lost sight and communication with it.

I could hardly move, but managed to get on my feet and slowly walk towards the kitchen. I called for my mother, but she didn't acknowledge me and continued washing dishes. I tried to call out to her again, but then realized I wasn't hearing anything coming from my mouth. I reached and grabbed her by the arm. She was alarmed and we quickly moved into the living room. I sat there for almost 10 minutes, unable to speak while looking at my terrified mother. Eventually, my voice returned and I told her what had happened. She later called the Air Force. The man on the phone told her that I probably saw a car headlight and misinterpreted the event. She argued, but he eventually hung up the telephone on her.

I've had to deal with this for almost 50 years. I still don't know why it happened to me. I was a child and didn't know how to handle it. I didn't understand why it happened to me. It has affected my life and I believe I have been monitored by it or something else during that period of time since the event. I have trouble interacting with people, though I was fortunate to marry a man who helps me to get through the uncertainty I experience each day. We never had children, which was by design. I just couldn't expose them to what I have become. I don't know if I have ever been confronted by these entities since that day, but I always have a lingering sense that they will eventually show themselves." MM

NOTE: MM reached out to me in the hope that I could give her some answers. We talked through Skype for about an hour, but I'm not sure if anything I told her will lessen her burden and worry. Lon

The Complete Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)

The Day After Roswell

DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

mardi, mai 29, 2018

Missouri Duck Hunters Observe Huge Bat-Winged Humanoid

I recently received the following account:

Hello Mr. Strickler - in mid-November 2016, my son and I had been duck hunting from a blind in the Upper Mississippi Waterfowl Area, not far from West Alton, Missouri. It was about 5:15 pm and we were walking back to my truck. I had parked in a small lot off of Harbor Point Rd. and we had to walk about 500 yards.

As we walked along the road, my son noticed a huge black thing descending towards the water's edge. I had never seen anything that large flying anywhere. It definitely wasn't a Bald Eagle or a crane, and as it got closer to the ground we were both shocked that it looked like a human!

It wasn't flapping its wings, but was gliding on a slow downward angle. It was about 50 yards from us, but there was enough light that we could clearly see it. The wings were outstretched and were very wide. The wing shape was similar to that of a bat, but huge! The color was dark, almost black. The body was tapered like a well-built man with long legs. The head was small compared to the body, so I definitely knew it was not human. We were both caught off-guard and were mesmerized by what we were seeing. It landed in the thick weeds by the water and was obscured from our sight.

At that point, we both wanted to get out of there because we had no idea what this thing was. As we quickly walked along the road, we saw this thing crawling out of the weeds and into a small clearing. It was literally pushing itself forward on the ground with its legs and wings in the direction of the water. We could hear the sound it was making as it 'crawled' on the damp ground and mud. It didn't look like it was struggling, but it was an awkward way to move around. Though it had legs, I could not make out what we would think were feet. I assumed this was the way it actually moved on the ground. It slide into the water, then raised up a few times; like a swimmer doing a breast stroke. Then it disappeared into the murky water.

My son will not go to that location anymore, but I'd really like to know what we saw. I told a co-worker, who is also a duck hunter, about the incident. He seemed interested at the time, but I'm sure he doesn't believe me. I've never heard of anything similar to this thing, either around here or anywhere else. Do you have any idea of what this was? I saw your Google ad for humanoid sightings, so I looked you up. We can talk if you'd like. Thanks. JK

NOTE: I received the email late Monday night (5/28) and was finally able to talk by telephone to 'JK' late afternoon today (5/29). I asked the witness why he waited so long to contact anyone. He said that it took him a while to actually believe what he and his son had seen was real. He described the wing span as 12-15 ft. with very wide bat-like wings. He also said that the head was small and kind of shaped like a football with a slight point on the top. He did not see detached arms, but by the way it moved along the ground, the arms were most likely part of the wings. It made no sounds other than those made while it crawled. I also asked if they had a cell phone with them and why they hadn't taken photos. JK said he didn't even realize that until they got back to the car. BTW, his son refused to discuss the incident.

It's an interesting encounter and unlike anything I have heard or read before...except for some of the information I gathered from an individual in northwest Indiana, who told me that he and his wife had been observing this being feeding in the water. If this was similar to the flying humanoids seen in the Chicago area, then that may explain why many of these sightings were near water. I am curious as to it's characteristics underwater. Is it an amphibian or are there gills somewhere on the body. Then again, it may be something totally foreign. Just another question we are left with. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoMothman #ChicagoPhantom

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

vendredi, mai 25, 2018

1981 Chicago 'Mothman' Incident May Help Explain the Phenomenon

I was recently contacted by an eyewitness who, as a child of 13 years of age, had a remarkable encounter with a winged humanoid in Cicero, IL. The year was 1981 and the witness, who I will refer to as 'MR', experienced a life-changing event:

The witness MR contacted me by email and asked to speak by telephone. I instantly had the sense that this interview would be significant, so I requested MR call me at his earliest convenience. We were talking within 10 minutes.

MR introduced himself and immediately started to tell me his account. He prefaced his story by saying that he had not known of the winged humanoid sightings reported throughout the Chicago metro area, until he stumbled upon an article two days previous. He was stunned by the revelations in the article; dozens of sightings that closely resembled his encounter in Cicero in 1981. But MR's narrative was different, because his encounter with the winged humanoid altered his overall beliefs and perspective of the world.

MR was a 13-year-old boy in 1981 who, through his own description, had suffered terrible abuse during his young life. On this particular evening, like many previous evenings, he sought solitude in his backyard. For whatever reason, he was able to employ a self-taught form of meditation that helped him cope with the abuse by his parents. As he sat on the grass, he entered into a deep level of spiritual awareness that had become more heightened than he had ever remembered. He soon became aware of an unknown presence. As he exited his meditative state, he immediately noticed a pair of intense red eyes staring back at him from across the alleyway.

The being was standing against the neighbor's white garage, about 75 feet from where MR was sitting. It was a thin black human shape that stood 7-feet in height, when compared to the 4-foot high chained-linked fence at the end of his yard. There were wings folded on its back that extended above its long thin head. But those intense red eyes captured MR's concentration, to the point where he was literally paralyzed and frozen in place. The being was soon communicating with MR, in a telepathic form; more intent in garnering his attention than actually expressing information. The 5-7 minute experience was suffused with an assortment of emotions, that ranged from tranquility to terror. MR recognized that he was not dreaming or in a reflective state; this was actually occurring. That was the moment where his perspective of the world around him changed forever.

He never forgot the encounter, and it influenced his life; though he was reluctant to disclose the incident until he started college and became part of an environment that would pay attention to what he had to say and not judge his experience. But MR still did not understand why he was the recipient of the winged humanoid's scrutiny. Then one evening, while he and his wife were watching a video, MR began to appreciate and grasp what had happened to him in 1981.

'The Mothman Prophecies' is a theatrical film that was released in 2002. It is based on John Keel's book by the same title, even though the movie never really captured the full intensity of the book or the actual events that occurred in Point Pleasant, WV in 1966-67. Nonetheless, the film gave an overall impression of the story and some of the narrative that Keel expressed in the book. MR told me that he was sitting at home watching the video, when the car accident scene unfolded. The winged being suddenly came into focus and MR instantly went into sheer panic and uncontrollably burst into tears. His wife tried to comfort him, but he was beyond consolation. They continued to watch the video, but it was a terribly difficult experience for MR. Later that evening, he disclosed his boyhood encounter in detail with his wife. Since that time, he has not talked to anyone about the incident; until we talked today.

I would first like to state that my interview with MR was one of the most insightful I've experienced during my time as an investigator. We connected on a rare level, to the point where I could literally predict what he was going to say to me in each sentence. His experience confirmed to me that this phenomenon is not that of an indigenous being, but instead a flesh & blood extra-dimensional and/or extra-terrestrial entity that is either attracted to certain persons or summoned by specific forces. MR had no previous inclination of my theories, but rather defined what I have begun to believe during the course of the investigation.

He also brought up, and totally discounted, the general speculation by many that this was a harbinger of future events. I asked MR if he thought that, while he was in a state of meditation, the being could have possibly been a self-manifesting thought-form. He believes, that in his case, the being sought him out because of the abuse he had suffered through his parents. As he began to read the recent sighting descriptions in the Chicago metro area, he formulated that there may indeed be more than one winged being and that many of the witnesses came upon it by happenstance. But he also feels that some of the encounters occurred because the being sought out the witness for a specific reason. MR didn't sense that the winged humanoid was evil, but believes that it is an ancient being that has sought out others in the past, and that it is the venerable entity that people since have referred to as a 'demon.'

I forwarded my book Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids to MR in the hope that he may offer more information on this being. I'd like for him to read about the investigation that is detailed in the book, as well as understand the historical significance of this anomaly. It is my hope that MR's personal perspective may assist us in our continued desire to explain the winged humanoid phenomena. Lon

NOTE: Since this was an historical encounter, it will not be added to the Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters Interactive Map. Regardless, the significance of this encounter cannot be overstated.

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoMothman #ChicagoPhantom

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

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jeudi, mai 24, 2018

Did I Die...and Then Enter Into Another Reality?

“When I was 10 years old I experienced something extremely abnormal, strange, weird, all of those things put together. I don't know if this is a 'Mandela Effect.' I don't know if this is just a time slip, but I'm hoping that by sharing my experience maybe you could shed some light for me because again I'm ignorant to the 'Mandela Effect.' The really good thing is I actually have my best friend who witnessed this as well, so it kind of validates the fact that I'm not crazy. Here we go. Please help me.

I think I died. I don't know exactly what happened. My best friend lived directly behind me. We met when she was playing the recorder and I was playing my record in the backyard and then we kind of like, 'Hey, let's be best friends' because it's really easy to make friends when you're kid; not so much now. So we were jumping on her trampoline and I'd never really jumped on a trampoline before, you know. I was that kid that kind of always got hurt really easily, so I didn't really do a lot of active things. As I was jumping, I went really high, so high in fact, that I could see over her rooftop. It was amazing. And by the second jump where I could see over the roof, I realized I'm really, really up high. So I came back down a bit. I was going with such a force I couldn't quite slow down, you know, it takes a few jumps to kind of slow down. So I went up and somehow I accidentally flipped forward so I'm now hurtling towards the ground. Bum up, feet up in the air, head down and my hands like out in front of me. So during that flip, I had kind of moved to the side so I was falling towards the ground, like I wasn't going to land on the trampoline, I was gonna go to the ground. Literally, my feet were up in the air, my hands were like in front, so I had that moment of absolute horror and I just knew that was it. I thought I was gonna be paralyzed from the neck down or I was gonna die because I would have broken my neck. So I closed my eyes really tight and I screamed and then there was just silence.

I got goosebumps because this is really weird. There was just silence. I felt nothing. Suddenly I was kind of bouncing like really slowly, you know, when, you're just kind of resting on a trampoline and you're bouncing so I open my eyes...and I'm standing upright looking at my best friend and I'm just bouncing. Okay, this is me falling (upside down). This is me, suddenly, boom (standing straight up). I time-traveled. I'm Marty McFly, maybe? Maybe not? There's no logical explanation how I can be this far from the ground (mere inches). I kid you not, my hands with this far from the ground (inches) and then I am suddenly on the trampoline, upright, bouncing, like nothing had happened. And that my friend saw me, just appear and I looked around and I was really confused because I felt like this whole moment in time had just disappeared. And she just stares at me and she says, 'Whoa, you okay? And I said, 'What did you see?' and she said, 'I don't know,' she said, 'You were falling and then,' she said, 'And then within like a split second, I was standing upright.' Now that doesn't make sense to me.

Oh please if you're a skeptic please try and debunk this. Also, if you know a lot about time slips and the Mandela Effect please enlighten me, like, I am happy for an explanation either way. But it doesn't add up. Part of me goes, 'What if I somehow went into a different reality?' 'What if something happened to me that day and I slipped into another reality where I am okay?' 'Is that what death really is?' Holy crap, what if that's what death is? Maybe no one dies. They just slip into a different reality.” - Tyrolin Puxty (from a video titled, 'Was it a time slip or Mandela Effect?' published on 23 Apr 2018)

Beyond Creepy


Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives

The Physics of God: Unifying Quantum Physics, Consciousness, M-Theory, Heaven, Neuroscience and Transcendence

The Science of Near-Death Experiences

Alternate: The Mandela Effect

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs