; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, avril 21, 2018

Weekend 2 Cents: 'They' Looked Human -- Strange Series of Events -- Seeing Into Another Dimension?

'They' Looked Human

Manchester, NH - 5/30/1997: I awoke and found five people in my bedroom. All wearing white coats, human in appearance. One female four males. Four of them were standing side by side watching the examination from the man behind me. I was laying on my stomach naked and was unable to move at all. It was like I was frozen.

Now I'm a big man, and I was bench pressing 385 lbs, and with all my strength I could not move, and yes the man in back of me put a long metal something in my ass. He made a motion to the female of the group, and the female said to the tall male who was in charge (THIS IS NOT A GOOD SPECIMEN FOR A HUMAN)

They then touched my head to try to erase my memory of the event, but it did not work.

The next night three came back to try to erase my memory, and again I was frozen, and again they failed to erase my memory of the event.

I'm real glad I'm a bad specimen! I don't think they can control animals yet. Since I got my dog and cat, they have never come back.

NUFORC Note: We spoke with this witness, and he sounded quite credible to us. He aunt may have had similar experiences.


Sky Glitch

“When I was around 14, my mother, her friend, and I were sitting at a bank drive-thru, waiting for our turn. I, growing bored, began to stare up at the sky and daydream. Eventually, I noticed something. The clouds were...off. They weren't moving, even slightly. Next to one of the clouds that I was viewing, was what I remember to be a dark, rectangular patch, almost looking pixelated. I decided to tell my mother's friend, as my mom would just dismiss it as imagination, and is hard of hearing, so it would be hard to get it all out anyways. The friend looked up and said something along the lines of "that's weird." Nothing else really happened, and I don't know whether or not it can be easily explained. If you have an explanation or comment, feel free to say it. My mother's friend still remembers this event, despite it being around two years later. At the time, no one else seemed to notice the "sky glitch" This happened around two years ago, so my memory of it is still relatively fresh."

Source: YT Comments, Me Me

Beyond Creepy


Strange Series of Events

Portland, OR - 2018-04-20: I was outside enjoying the reasonable weather tonight, when I saw something on the horizon. I thought it was a comet or something at first, then realized that it was several objects. I assumed it was a military thing at first but then I realized it was way too weird. I'm a huge skeptic, but I have to say, these things were flying around erratically, like they were surveying, and then they landed and I saw someone in what looked like a really advanced space suit get out. It sounds crazy to me but IDK. I remember seeing some guy drive by the other day and throw some weird metal cube out of his window and then drive off. It had a ton of weird markings on it. I didn't touch it but the things seemed to land right where it was and when I checked the cube wasn't there. there was some really strange footprints though. Now there are a bunch of military looking people there, and they look like they're leaving. I'm not sure what happened. All I know is I felt pure dread when I saw the thing land. And when the 'creatures' got out, one of them looked at me and it felt like my heart stopped. I also lost about five minutes on my watch. - MUFON


Seeing Into Another Dimension?

“I once had a panic attack. I laid down in bed with eyes shut and I started looking at the shapes you see in the darkness when your eyes are closed. I don’t know if it was blood circulating or what but when I focused a certain way. I could see like a group of people milling around just like if you went into a bar but with the lights switched off so you could only see shadows, like a full on interaction. After awhile, I started just watching these scenes which aren’t very clear because they are in darkness. Then, all of a sudden, I had a panic attack. I thought, there is actually a full on dimension of people and their lives I can see when I close my eyes. I can still see them to this day but I put it down to blood circulating in my eyelids or something and my active imagination but sometimes if the room is at the right lighting level, when I close my eyes. It's pretty clear. Just lots of shadow people milling around living their lives but surely it's just blood circulating in my eyes and retina that I can see...who knows.”

Source: YT Comments, rundown thomas

Beyond Creepy


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