; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Monday, April 30, 2018

Scuba Steve

“When I was a kid, I lived in Colorado near a park called Ridgeview Glen Park. I walked by it every day on the way to school. I also used to play in it with my brother and his friends. In the middle of a field in the park, there was a large entrance to a storm drain with a pool of water in front of it. I remember once, I was walking by the storm drain and my friend Ben told me a strange story. He said that there was a kid that lived in the neighborhood near the park named Steve and one winter, he fell into the pool of water in front of the storm drain. Since it was winter, lots of snow melted and the pool was very deep. Anyway, apparently Steve drowned and now his ghost haunts the park and the storm drains, and the locals apparently call him "Scuba Steve".

I did my research and while I haven't found anybody named Steve, it's not unheard of for people to drown in storm drains in the area. Also, when I was a kid I asked Ben's dad and he said the story was true, but he could've just been humoring us. Ben was far from trustworthy; he told us stupid lies all the time, so at first I thought it was nothing more than just a story. However, there were three strange occurrences that I witnessed that made me think there might be something more to this story.

Here's the first occurrence. Me and my friend Elliot used to explore the storm drains during summer, when the water was shallower. We were obsessed with a show called "Lost Tapes" on Animal Planet, where each episode tells a story about a different cryptid. There was an episode about a "Lizard Man" that lives in storm drains and sewers, so we frequently wandered through the sewers to search for a "Lizard Man." One day, we actually found something; we were walking through and, in the dark, we thought we could see the silhouette of a person. We cautiously stepped closer and the silhouette began running towards us. Naturally, the two of us hightailed it out of there.

The second occurrence also happened to me and Elliot. One day, we checked out the entrance to the drain and found that the water at the bottom was far too deep for us to go inside. Instead of going in, we entertained ourselves by throwing rocks into the water and mocking 'Scuba Steve.' We called it whatever childish insults we could think of, when all of a sudden the water started violently splashing. We stared in awe for a couple of seconds (and to make sure it wasn't just a rock we threw splashing) and when it continued, we fled in terror. It was as if some invisible being was splashing around in the water.

The third occurrence happened at Ben's birthday party. It was late at night and me, my brother, Ben, and our other friend Preston were all begging Ben's parents if we could go out and search for 'Scuba Steve.' His parents said it was too late at night, but eventually, we convinced them to let us go. We went down to the park and there was a kid there. I don't remember his appearance very well, but I do remember that he was very skinny and though it was dark, thanks to the streetlight nearby, I could tell that he had dirty blonde hair. We ended up playing with the kid for a while, completely forgetting about our search for 'Scuba Steve', when eventually, the kid said that he needed to go home. We said goodbye, and he left. Then, something that I find very strange happened; the kid, rather than going down the sidewalk, walked into the field and into the storm drain. That was the only time I witnessed what could've been 'Scuba Steve.'

My friends told stories, but since they were children and some of them weren't very trustworthy, I didn't include them. Another strange thing about the area, however, was that the animals and wildlife acted very strangely. More specifically, the foxes, which are usually very shy animals, were very aggressive here. They even chased us from time to time. I'm no expert on the paranormal so I don't know if ghosts usually affect the behavior of animals or anything like that, but I felt like it was worth mentioning. Anyway, that's my story."

Source: YT Comments, Lerpado

Beyond Creepy

NOTE: This is near the area of the 'Lakewood Lycan' encounter...Lon

Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster

Strange Intruders and Leprechan Press

A Menagerie of Mysterious Beasts: Encounters with Cryptid Creatures

Creepy Cases: Humanoid & Cryptid Encounters: Volume One (Volume 1)

Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Frightening Bat-Winged Humanoid Encounter in Wisconsin

I recently received the following account. I quickly followed-up with a telephone interview:

In mid-April of last year (2017), I was sitting inside my car which was parked facing north in the driveway at my home, located between Eagle-Palmyra and Mukwonago, WI. I had been having an extended phone conversation with an old friend on the way home and had not gone inside the house yet, and remember looking at the radio-clock at approximately 10:45pm. It had been a dreary, overcast, misty and rainy day, one of those days where it just drizzled non-stop, but never turned into an outright heavy downpour. While shooting the breeze about the day’s events, I looked up briefly from the dash of my vehicle (a minivan) and momentarily noticed “someone” who was very, very tall, and very dark just standing in the rain, about five to ten feet (at most) in front of the vehicle, perfectly still with raindrops dripping down off their body. It was rather dark, but there is a post-lamp at the end of the driveway near the road, about forty to fifty feet from where I was parked, so I could make out the silhouette with a slight bit of back-lighting from the lamp. As I had been in mid-conversation, I looked away for one second, my brain not immediately registering or comprehending what I had just seen, so within about a second and a half, I did a “double-take,” as I suddenly thought, “Wait a minute...what the **** was THAT?!?!?”

As I forcibly directed my unbelieving gaze back up toward the front of the vehicle, I said to my friend on the phone, “You’re not going to believe this...,” and I proceeded to quickly turn on my headlamps and stare at this “thing” as I gave a concise, yet detailed-as-possible description to my buddy while I was literally shaking and scared out of my wits. I was looking at a creature, for lack of a better term, that essentially looked like a 7-foot bat / reptile of some sort. The head was at the level of the roof of my minivan, or slightly more elevated than my roof, and it was standing perfectly still just staring right at me. Its eyes were large, taking up a significant portion of the thing's head, from what I could make out, and although they were dark, like large black eyeballs, there was a glint of reflection in them which allowed me to discern that they were, in fact, definitely its eyes. It was haunting, for lack of a better way to put it. I’m actually getting super creeped-out just recalling the memory of the event! I also noticed that besides the creature’s height, it was also quite large, possessing extraordinarily swarthy coloration, though slightly reflective, like skin or scales of some kind, not feather nor fur-covered from what I could tell. It was at least as wide as a very large man, but did not seem "stocky", as it were, and as I stared at it uncomfortably. I realized that it actually had huge wings, but they were wrapped around it’s body, exactly as a bat wraps its wings around its body while sleeping upside-down. Except, this thing was standing right-side-up, looking right at me, or almost “through me” and let me just say, it definitely seemed OMINOUS.

My initial reaction was to tell my buddy on the phone that I was looking right at a giant “bat-dragon looking thing”, to which he asked if I had been drinking or something, and I assured him that this thing was really standing there, and I was looking right at it. The bottom of its face (mouth?) was completely covered by it’s fleshy-looking wings wrapped around its body, and I could tell that whatever it was, it was certainly physically powerful, as the rather wide “shoulder-wing” area appeared to show some manner of musculature. The way it was “standing” there, it seemed to likely have a general humanoid body-shape under the wrapped wings. I could not see its “feet” since it was standing too close to the vehicle, nor could I see anything below about what I imagine would be considered knee-level on the creature. That’s how close it was. I was very afraid. As soon as I had given my friend on the phone a description of what I was seeing, I noticed that it seemed to VERY QUICKLY “move”, although I did not see it unwrap its wings, or walk, per-se, but there was simply what I will describe as a brief blur in the headlights, and it was GONE. The entire time of observation before it vanished was realistically only about twelve seconds, but considering the uneasy, wayward way that thing was leering at me, even that was TOO LONG!

Now, being on the verge of panicking, my friend, who was still on the line, attempted to make light of the situation, and although appreciative of his friendly candor, I got out my trusty LED emergency flashlight from the glove box and told him that I was not about to continue sitting out there any longer, and was retiring to the house indoors for the night! The remainder of that evening was uncomfortable, but uneventful.

I mentioned the experience to one other friend, a work associate who has had a lifelong interest in such unusual subject matter, but I otherwise kept it to myself for fear of ridicule, and also because the experience, albeit brief – came across as more than just a sighting of a rare animal or cryptozoological remnant of some archaic species long thought extinct, but seemed to be something “else,” something of an entirely “different nature.”

Even more unsettling, was that about a week to two weeks later, that same old buddy I had been speaking with the night of the experience called me to inquire if I had watched or heard the news the previous evening. I informed him that I had not. After having initially assumed that I had gone completely out of my mind, for well over a week, he informed me that my sanity had been vindicated. Numerous encounters with the same creature had been recently reported in Chicago and northern Illinois, in largely populated areas.

To date, I have not had any further visits from the creature. MG

NOTE: I called the witness, and asked him to detail the encounter once again. There was very little deviation from the written report...other than that the winged being had a dark grayish color and literally vanished without unfurling its wings. The conversation was very intense and the witness was noticeably affected by the encounter...even 13 months since the incident. The event seemed similar to the Bolingbrook, IL encounter...which kind of reminded me of the Vore creatures in the 'Beastmaster' film. The witness shared his name and contact information with me...and Tobias is also making contact to make arrangements for a face-to-face with the witness. This sighting has been added to the Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters Interactive Map

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoMothman #ChicagoPhantom

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Disappearing UFO Experiencers - Part I

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising trilogy (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2015-2017). If you would like to meet the doctor in person, he will be appearing at the Wednesday, 9 May 2018, 6:30 p.m. meeting of the Science Evaluating Anomalies Research Center of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (SEARCH), held in the Lower Paxton Township Municipal Bldg. at 425 Prince Street, Harrisburg. For additional information, please contact the director, Ross Wiedler, at (717) 657-8023.

Many UFO experiencers can finally say goodbye to Earth
Photo depicts scene from movie, Cocoon: The Return (20th Century Fox, 1988)

Thousands Go Missing!

Todd Matthews, a spokesperson for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, has stated that at any given time in the United States, there are, on average, about 90,000 people reported as missing. The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System serves as a database for missing people. The organization is a component of the United States Department of Justice and works in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ National Crime Information Center.

According to Matthews, as of 1 September 2014, the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System had cataloged 83,957 cases of persons missing in the United States from just 1 January 2014. Of course, these were only the reported incidents. Of this number, 60% were adults, people over 18 years of age. That comes to 50,569 missing individuals. The other 40% were juveniles, persons under 18 years of age. This number amounted to 33,388 individuals. Of the total 83,957 cases on record at the organization, 52% were males. This cohort was constituted of 43,415 individuals, with the remaining 40,530 as female. Females, therefore, constituted 48% of all the missing persons.

Ethnically, 56% were white. These constituted 47,254 individuals, and formed the largest cohort. 33% of the missing persons were black. This was surprising, however, insofar as blacks represent only 13% of the total United States population, according to the 2010 National Census. In actual numbers, 27,676 missing individuals were black. 5,503 cases involved individuals not specified as to ethnicity. This constituted 7% of all missing persons.

Missing persons are a universal phenomenon. Cases are reported in the thousands from nearly every country.

Accounting For Disappearances

There are many and varied reasons why individuals go missing. These may include escaping domestic violence, mental illness, misadventure, miscommunication, or even being the victim of a crime. Other cases may involve individuals living with an intellectual or physical disability, but finding themselves without lifesaving medication. Many persons expressing suicidal thoughts often follow through with their voiced intentions; but their corpses are never discovered. No doubt, there are some who are just tired of their life and want to start anew somewhere else. These are the ones who just walk away from everyone and everything in their lives, going “walkabout,” as they say in Australia.

But how do we account for the emergence of flying saucers and the purported disappearance of contactees and other UFO experiencers, both known and silent?

The Vanishing Experiencers

In my book, Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2015), the histories and subsequent “translations” of both the Idaho mystic Annalee Skarin and the California fashion designer and friend of the renowned contactee George Adamski, none other than the beautiful and enigmatic Dolores Barrios, are explored in great detail.

In the Bible and other inspired works considered as scripture by various world religions, there are references to a unique class of beings, individuals whom the Lord or some other divine entity has “translated,” or changed from a mortal state to one wherein they are temporarily exempt from death; and neither can they experience pain nor sorrow, except for the folly and sins of the material world. Enoch and John the Beloved are good examples of translated beings from the pages of the Bible.

Apart from the Judeo-Christian references, however, it should be noted that many allusions are made to the ascension of human beings to the status of demi-gods in the history and traditions of the Roman Empire. Throughout the empire, the gods were plentiful and their assumed forms many. The citizens and subjects of the empire were well aware that gods came in many forms, but assumed a human appearance for our benefit. Roman historian Harold Mattingly noted that, “When fully realized, the gods came to us as persons, and, as the only real persons in our experience are human, they were therefore represented in human form. They had their own houses, their temples and images (idols) that attested to their presence there.” That these demi-gods once trod the Earth as real men and women is attested to in the writings of Virgil and other Roman historians and poets. Their heroic deeds and acts of valor won them a place among the gods via ascension into the celestial realms. On many occasions, they would return to the planet to assist us in our righteous endeavors.

Let us examine a few cases of contemporary disappearances associated with UFO events.

Granger Taylor with UFO he built in parents’ backyard. See https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/803839/Granger-Taylor-missing-UFO-alien-abduction-unsolved-Vancouver-Island-Canada.

Granger Taylor: The Celestial Mechanic

Always fascinated by UFO reports and wondering how these mysterious craft were powered, Granger Taylor was a skilled mechanic who built a replica of an extraterrestrial spaceship in the backyard of his parents’ home in Duncan, British Columbia, Canada, out on Vancouver Island. After public claims that he was in constant and mentally telepathic communications with space aliens, Taylor was never seen nor heard from again. At the time of his disappearance in 1980, Taylor was 32 years old. The case of Granger Taylor remains one of the most bizarre and unsolved missing persons accounts to date.

Taylor, somewhat of a recluse and a bit anti-social, dropped out of high school when he was but 14 years old. However, when truant officers came out to his home to discover what might be the problem with young Granger, they found him putting the final touches on a revolutionary one cylinder car that he had constructed in his parents’ garage.

Nevertheless, his most famous invention was the UFO-like shelter that he assembled from two satellite dishes that he managed to fit with furniture, a television set and a cooking stove. Taylor was always thinking about extraterrestrials and constantly pondered the possibility of alien visitations and the most likely date of their arrival here on Earth. The more that Taylor focused on the extraterrestrial hypothesis, the more he began to experience psychically enhanced contacts with alien beings, all promising him a one-way trip to their home world.

From time-to-time, various cosmic conspiracy websites and UFO blogs run stories about the mysterious Granger Taylor. All reports, however, and regardless of their source, are all in agreement on just one thing: “…..that no trace of him was ever found.” But this isn’t to say that these bloggers have not tried to debunk Taylor’s story, even though they have no clue on where to find his body. It was five-and-a-half years after his disappearance that the 31 March 1986 edition of the Montreal Gazette ran an article on the Granger Taylor case. In this article, it was reported that two pieces of bone had been found in the area where Granger disappeared. In addition, parts of what was believed to have once been parts of his truck had been found up in a dynamite blast site on Mount Prevost, not far from his home, about a distance of four miles to the northwest on a somewhat round-about path.

The Montreal newspaper reported that Granger had removed some dynamite from his parents’ tool shed the night before he disappeared. Also, readers were informed that, “Two pieces of bone were found at the blast site and that a pathologist had confirmed that these fragments were of definite human ancestry.” The medical specialist was unable to determine if the bone fragments belonged to Granger Taylor, however, so the case of his disappearance still remains unsolved in the files of the Canadian Royal Mounted Police.

Photo depicts a Boeing B-47 Stratojet being refueled by a Boeing KC-97 tanker. See http://www.theoccultmuseum.com/7-mysterious-disappearances-time/.

United States Air Force Bomber Disappears in Flight

Back in 1956, when the two nuclear superpowers, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, were vying one with another for political hegemony among the nonaligned countries of the world, a lone Boeing B-47 Sratojet Bomber took off from MacDill Air Force Base, about four miles outside of Tampa, Florida, bound for the Ben Guerir Air Base in Morocco, a nation in northwest Africa. En route to Morocco, and during the last leg of a long flight, the bomber was scheduled for some refuels from an airborne tanker deployed out over the Mediterranean Sea. However, after its successful first refueling, the aircraft descended through a thick cloud bank to initiate its second refueling at an altitude of 14,000 feet. The Stratojet, however, never made contact with the tanker for the second refuel. In fact, it went completely off the communications and radar grids. Despite intensive Air Force and North Atlantic Treaty Organization searches and investigations, neither hide nor hair of the aircraft ever turned up. There were two nuclear payloads aboard that bomber, so the disappearance of the aircraft along with its highly trained and specialized crew has remained one of the most worrisome cases on record.

Spanish UFO clubs were chronicling numerous reports of flying saucers and a huge mothership passing across northwest Africa from Morocco to Central Libya during the time that the Air Force bomber had vanished. It also seems that extraterrestrials have shown an interest in the varied activities taking place at MacDill Air Force Base. As early as 1 August 1946, the pilot and crew of a C-47 aircraft reported a “cigar-shaped object with luminous portholes” flying over the then Tampa Army Air Corps airfield. Numerous reports of mysterious aerial objects have accumulated in the files of local UFO groups in the Tampa area over the years. During the 1950s and 1960s, UFO reports especially intensified when MacDill was designated as a Strategic Air Command installation for deployment of the B-47 Stratojet bombers.

Extraterrestrials Exhibit High Interest in Nuclear Weapons

In September 2010, an unusual press conference was convened in Washington, D.C. At this conference, a prominent UFO researcher Robert Hastings and a half-dozen or so former United States military airmen asserted that, “The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it.” The military personnel maintained that since the mid-1940s, extraterrestrials in spaceships have not only been visiting Earth but hovering over British and American nuclear missile sites and temporarily deactivating the weapons.

Ufologist Hastings, the organizer of the conference, emphatically declared, “I believe — these gentlemen believe — that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race.” The UFO expert insists that a global conspiracy exists in which all major governments have been covering up evidence of UFOs for decades.

American contactees such as George Adamski, Truman Bethurum and Howard Menger have been telling us the same thing since the 1950s. The extraterrestrials from Venus are the most concerned with our nuclear weapons development and deployment precisely because they hail from the closest planet to the Earth, only 26 million miles distant at its nearest approach.

The “Cosmic Ray” (center), noted authority on the mysteries of the planet Venus, autographed his books at the recent Fairmont, West Virginia, Literacy Fair, held Saturday, 21 April 2018. One of Dr. Keller’s fondest wishes is to redeem the ticket given him by Commander Aura Rhanes for a one-way trip to the Venusian space base Clarion on the far side of the Moon. “I might take her up on that mighty fine offer following my presentation at the Mt. Shasta ‘From Venus with Love’ world conference, 27-29 July of this year,” said Keller.

(Note: Keep checking this website for Part II of III of Cosmic Ray’s intriguing “The Disappearing UFO Experiencers.” The doctor will examine yet more amazing cases in this same genre. In addition, you’ll learn about a more sinister agenda of the “powers-that-be” in UFO one-way abductions taking place behind the scenes. – The Editors)

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

Passport to the Cosmos

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Monster Down the Trail

Scott told of his encounter in Everett, Washington in the mid 90s:

“I was younger, about 14 years old and we all decided to go for a little ride on our dirt bikes. I think there was Jason, Chad... there was probably about five of us, me being the youngest. Well, Chad was same age as me and there's another guy, Jason, he was about 18 years old. My brother is three years older than me. He was there too and Trevor, Eric, yeah, there's quite a few of us. So we're out riding dirt bikes, you know, and, of course, we want to find a place where we can smoke cigarettes because we're young and we want to hide. Jason bought the cigarettes because, you know, he's of age. So I was on my mom's four-wheeler and my brother and them they were on their dirt bikes.

We lived out in a long road, farm fields, out in the middle of the woods, pretty far out of town - our house was on the river. So we find this trail back behind this old abandoned barn and we go down it and then we come to this big clearing. There's like a big open area, it looks like a pit kind-of - a perfect spot! So, you know, we all jump off our motorcycles and we're chilling, talking, bullshitting and walking around smoking cigarettes and we see a little trail. Well, it wasn't too little, I mean, it was probably, I don't know, three people could stand side-by-side, you know, next to each other and walk down this trail. It was pretty beaten down. We didn't think about that it was obviously way too big for like a deer or like that. So we get walking down this trail and Chad's like, 'Oh dude, what the hell, look at this sh*t!' So we all walk over there you know and we look and there's a cow, a dead cow, and it's off in the bushes and it's got the head ripped off and some of the stomach, it wasn't all ripped open but some of the stomach was. It had been there awhile. We walk down a little bit farther and we found a deer head. We didn't find the body. It had antlers on it and that was a weird thing and then Jason's like, 'Holy sh*t, you know, I wonder if a bears been back here or something.' But, you know, all the years of living out there, I seen one bear. It was across the river in there, a black bear and I've never seen a bear or heard of a bear ripping a deer's head off. I haven't. But we thought, 'Oh yeah, it's a bear, right' and now that I'm older I think that was stupid.

So we're walking down this trail, thinking, 'Wow, this is crazy' and all of a sudden we hear these big thuds like BOOM BOOM. Now that was weird. We're like, 'Whoa, what was that?' I mean the trees are probably about that big around – 15 inches - you know, they weren't huge trees, but they're about that big around, you know, tall skinny ones. I forget what kind of trees they are, maybe old cotton or rather little baby cottonwoods. I don't know, but they're pretty tall and we're standing there we heard these big thuds. We're looking, of course, you'll be looking around if you're in the middle of the woods. All of a sudden just BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. I mean, it's loud. It's big bangs coming through the woods and then all of a sudden you could see the trees coming from a distance they're moving over like, you know, they're not falling down but they're moving out of the way like something's like running through the woods and all we see coming through the bushes was this big black thing and I'm gonna tell you my friends, this was no bear. This sumbitch was tall, huge and the running it was making, I mean, these were goddamn thuds BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM and you could hear trees crashing, pushing over and we hightailed it. We ran so fast, we ran past the motorcycles and left them in the woods.

Yeah, it was ridiculous. So we ran home. We tell my dad, you know, there's something in the woods. It's huge, you know, we didn't tell them it was Bigfoot or whatever. We were thinking, 'Oh my god this thing's huge!' and my dad's like, 'I can't believe you idiots left your dirt bikes in the woods. I don't know what the hell you guys are dreaming or smoking.' So anyway, we tell him, you know, we are not going back into those woods and, you know, we got Jason and he's way older than us and he's telling him, 'Hey man,' he's on my dad, 'There's something in them woods! Something huge is back there!' There's dead sh*t everywhere!' I mean, it was ridiculous, and the way these trees were moving to the side BOOM BOOM BOOM what else would it have been? I mean this thing was huge. It was big, black, we didn't, you know, get to see the face, obviously.

We're not going back into the woods by ourselves, you know, we were scared. So my dad gets his rifle and we go down there and we show my dad the trail and he was like, 'Wow, this is weird!' Nothing came back out. We didn't see anything else. We walked my dad down the trail and, yeah, the trees were pushed to the side. There was this log about the same size as the trees, it was falling down in between the stump and the riverbed, broken. It was broken in half, like something ran right through it because there's a tree it was just like laying across the ground. It's probably about three or four feet in the air how it came across and landed on the stump. So it must have been a tree that fell or whatever. It just ran right through that son-of-a-bitch. I mean it ran right through it and the trees were kind of bent like, you know, like they got bent over a little bit and you can see that the dirt was a little bit up. It was pretty bizarre. My dad did say 'I wonder if it was a Bigfoot.' Then, you know, we thought, Hmm, oh yeah, you know, being kids, Bigfoot, but we did here at my dad's house, even the neighbors had said sh*t about it, about you could hear this screaming. It wasn't a cougar. It was the weirdest noise and now that I'm older, I guess, that was probably Bigfoot screams.

I haven't been back there in years and it's right next to my dad's house. I've often thought, hey, maybe it lives back there... maybe it's still there. It's an old abandoned barn right there deep in the middle of the woods. So obviously this Bigfoot has killed people's cows in their fields and ate them. I mean, I don't know what the whole head ripping off thing is. I don't know if that's a thing or if anybody else is witnessed this, but it's pretty bizarre.”

Source: Youtuber scollardmaniac from a video titled 'Story time / bigfoot encounter' published on 3 Jul 2017

Beyond Creepy


The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates

Bigfoot: West Coast Wild Men: A History of Wild Men, Gorillas, and Other Hairy Monsters in California, Oregon, and Washington state.

Living Among Bigfoot: Unexpected Visitors

Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide

Daily 2 Cents: Buffalo, NY Suburb Sasquatch -- Strange 'Dots' -- Dangerous Asian Tick Found in New Jersey

Buffalo, NY Suburb Sasquatch

Lon, first off, great website you have. This can be a long email but I will try to keep it reasonably short. I saw a UFO in 2013. A few weeks later I was talking to my ex-wife and told her about my sighting, since I know she saw one as a child. That's when she mentions that she saw a Sasquatch in the field behind her house early one morning. I absolutely believed her from the get go. But because of where she saw it I was thinking that she saw one that was passing through. Too many houses around there for them to be living there.

Just for the heck of it, I started taking walks in the woods near the field where she had her sighting. Long story short. I've found many stick structures in the woods around there. I've also been snorted at, barked and growled at, have had sticks and rocks thrown near me. I've also found footprints that I cast, one with dermal ridges. Very amazing stuff. My son was with me when most of these events happened. So it's not my imagination or anything like that. I've since been to other areas around western NY and have either found evidence of sasquatch being there or have heard tree knocks and things thrown near me. I'm now absolutely positive that Sasquatch are living in our suburbs, full time, year round. Thanks. MG


Strange 'Dots' Reported on Hands and Legs

Ogdensburg, NJ - 2017-09-13: I was sleeping. Woke up and noticed 3 dots on my hand. Recently like 4/15/18 I had 3 dots on my ankle after I shared the photo of my hand on Facebook they are hiding the marks. I'm afraid of what they are doing to me because I'm exposing time travel. I don't remember anything about the actual abductions. Some strange dreams maybe about going extremely fast. In fact the Santa Claus commercial about "wanting to go to space" (on ESPN) (was in the winter) and I was sometimes excited to go. If I was abducted. But that was strange because I literally asked them that. In my unconscious state. What made me notice it was... looking at my hand... but Youtube recommended a spider on someone's hand to me that day. I knew right away.

I saw Mothman in 2015 on my deck.

I am scared/mad which is why I'm telling you but mostly want it documented by people.

Also I had a bald spot on my head. Thought I was going bald for a few months. And my hair grew back. Like a nickel sized circle on my head. My ex knows about the bald spot but I don't talk to her. She would think I still have it. - MUFON

Reported at the same time:

Garner, NC on 2018-04-22: I woke up to a strange pattern of dots on my leg in a circle. Almost like I had been probed. I have no recollection of anything happening and I no explanation of how they got there. I was shocked and afraid. - MUFON


Dangerous Asian Tick Found in New Jersey

HUNTERDON COUNTY, N.J. (CBSNewYork) – A tiny parasite could become a big problem this year in New Jersey.

It’s an exotic tick that’s never been seen before in the United States. It was first spotted on a sheep in Hunterdon County, and efforts to wipe it out have failed.

New Jersey has always been home to different species of ticks – five to be exact. But a new variety of the bloodsucking bug is now in the mix.

It’s the East Asian tick, sometimes called a longhorned or bush tick. Originally found in Asia, thousands of them are now in the Garden State. Read more at Exotic Tick Species Arrives In Garden State


Deadly Bridge Cleansing

- The elders and witchdoctors performed the rituals in a bid to curb accident at River Kamukuywa

- A bull was killed and it's intestines used to cleanse the scene

- Another witchdoctor from Tanzania had also visited the scene earlier over the same

- The rituals elicited mixed reactions from the metropolitan region with some condemning it Luyha elders, witch doctors from Bungoma County performed rituals they believe will completely end frequent accidents at River Kamukuywa along Bungoma. Kitale highway. As part of the rituals, Luyha elders killed a bull and used the blood and undigested intestine stuffs commonly known as buse to cleanse the scene. Read more at Bungoma elders, witchdoctor perform rituals at notorious black spot where accident claimed 9 relatives



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