; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mars 12, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: Followed by a Huge Bat -- Beware of Mystery Killer 'Disease X' -- Huge Mysterious Fish Found in Queensland

Followed by a Huge Bat

“I lived in Tennessee...we had just moved out to what I call the 'country country.' I had this minivan and I had put this red IU ball on the antenna. I had mapped my way to work the night before. I worked at the prison. If I went back into town, it would take me an extra 45 minutes just to get to town. So I mapped this way which would take me down a road where on one side was state protected land.

To make a long story short. I left for work and I got to the main road that would take me to work on my right side is the protected land and on the left is not. The trees are grown over above you and connect together. As I was driving I swore I heard something flying behind me...then that sound of my antenna going dinggggg, so I sped up to 60 mps. I felt it or saw it again that night, so I sped up to 80. Now I gotta let you know, my antenna cannot hit anything because my top of the van is higher. I heard it a 3rd time at 80 mps: dingggg! Some time had passed. I'm not sure when I noticed the IU ball missing but whenever I took that route, I did it at 80 to 100 mps. Eventually I mapped a different route. Out of all that, I swore it was a huge bat I could see in the dark behind me.”

Source: Youtube comments, Robert Collette

Beyond Creepy


'Are we being activated?'

Jonestown, FL - 2018-02-22 - 3:00AM: I have observed many reports in my area. I am a demonologist, however it has come to my attention certain things about myself being part of government testing growing up and for some reason I am being drawn to others similar to me. It seems like possibly someone is trying to activate us and its side effects are others are being set off like just a couple miles from me the man who shot up the White House lived. I have been researching this a lot lately but only in the last 24 hours have I started to see the effects. I personally have been dealing with going to sleep and waking up with open and doors that are emergency exits (fire escape) are being unlocked and baby gates left open after years of never doing that. There was also a report of something going on nearby. One client I have is reporting seeing a ball of light white with red edges in Jonesville. I have another client who has reported lights at another time and is writing a book about it and another client in the New York area reporting seeing bright ball of lights as well. These lights are in front of them. I personally experienced the balls of light which I chalked up as ball lightning for a long time. That happened in 2002 and there seems to be similarities to the others...like increased psychic abilities or in some cases none reported before but developed after. Many are close in age and or being born in an area known for government testing and facilities.

It's a long story and I could type all day the years of these things for myself. I have personally seen 2 UFO's and 1 instance of seeing small grey alien creatures when I was 12 and I am 41 now. The alien was invisible. Regardless, I am sure something is going on we should be getting prepared for. I am hoping someone will contact me. I am friends with many on Facebook who are part of your society but I recently was banned for 30 days and can't message them. Please feel free to text me. I am screening phone calls right now. - MUFON


Beware of Mystery Killer 'Disease X'

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X.

Each year the Geneva-based organisation, which is charged with monitoring and safeguarding world health, convenes a high-level meeting of senior scientists to list diseases that pose a serious risk of prompting a major international public health emergency.

In previous years the list has been confined to known killers such as Zika, Lassa fever, which is sweeping Nigeria, and Ebola, and which killed more than 11,000 people in an epidemic in west Africa between 2013 and 2016.

However, this year a mystery pathogen has been added as the ninth item on the watch list for the first time. "Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease," said the WHO in a statement. Read more at Beware of mystery killer Disease X, says WHO


Huge Mysterious Fish Found in Queensland

The huge unidentified creature has prompted an international quest over what the creature could be - with several experts saying they have "never seen anything like it".

John and Riley Lindholm came across the creature on a beach at Bundaberg in southern Queensland this week.

The couple took several pictures of the sea beast, which they posted on social media, requesting help in identification.

However, adding to the online theories, the fish had "vanished" when the couple returned to the spot the next day. Read more at 'I've never seen ANYTHING like it' Mysterious 'sea monster' sparks ANCIENT CREATURE fears


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