; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, février 03, 2018

Weekend 2 Cents: New Winged Humanoid Sightings in Florida & Illinois -- Crypto-Investigator JC Johnson Passes Away

Winged Humanoid in Pasco County, FL

I received another winged humanoid sighting in Pasco County, Florida on Saturday. The description is very similar to the previous sightings in Pasco County, as well as the Chicago sightings. This incident occurred at a residence. I'm waiting for further information...but it has made an appearance at the location the past 2 nights, so someone will stake out the property on Saturday and Sunday nights. Stayed tuned for a follow-up. Lon

NOTE: There has been another sighting report southwest of Chicago, but I'm waiting to talk to the witness. I've been busy with other reports for most of the day, so this will be a brief blog post. I hope to have more information on these sightings this coming week. Lon



With regrets and sorrow, my friend and colleague JC Johnson passed away on Saturday February 3rd, 2018 at 12:40 PM in Fargo, ND. JC had been battling pneumonia for over a month. I am personally thankful to JC for allowing me to discuss and document his cases and encounters over the past 6 years. I got to know many like-minded people who were associated with him and considered him a confidant and true guide to the unknown. JC was a big part of what I do, and for that I will be ever grateful. Joyful pathways to the beyond, my friend. Lon

'Crypto Four Corners International' Investigations - In Memory of JC Johnson



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