; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, février 12, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: Watching a Cascades Bigfoot -- Sexual Visitations / Strong Psychic Abilities -- Voodoo Blamed For Child Violence

Watching a Cascades Bigfoot

Ken in Iowa called in to tell of his Bigfoot sighting:

“I made an observation of a Sasquatch many years ago. Probably about 2001 or 2002. I lived in the Portland, Oregon area at that time and I did a lot of wilderness hiking in the Cascades. I decided to go hike to a lake...it was bigger than a pond. Smaller than a lake. It was northwest of Mount Adams. Southwest of Mount St. Helens. And I had 4 wheel drive. It took me about 20 miles of driving to get up there and then a couple miles of hiking and I came in on the southwest corner of this lake. And at the very north end there was one peeling bark off of a tree. I was frightened at first but then I just got down on my knees at the shore line and drank some water. And he, I'm gonna call him a he, I didn't see his genitals, he watched me take the drink. Then I sat down and rested for awhile. Then he finished off with the bark and then he just walked away. Then it was time for me to go too. I didn't know if he was gonna charge on me or what but. That's the only story I have. (Clyde Lewis asked where this happened) It was north of the Columbia Gorge. I took I-5 up, way past (sounds like Danvers) about 20 or 30 miles north of the Columbia River and, like I said, northwest of Mount Adams and southwest of Mount St. Helens, up in the foothills of the Cascades.”

Source: Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis – August 30, 2016

Beyond Creepy


Sexual Visitations / Strong Psychic Abilities

Nags Head, NC - 2011-02-28: My husband and I were at the beach one night, admiring the stars. Having a romantic night. Then we started to notice unexplained movements among lights & stars moving in ways we had never seen before. It was so bizarre to us. Then we heard jets. It looked like stars chasing stars, but sounded like jets. We decided to just go home, it was late. All the sudden walking to our truck, discussing what we had just witnessed, my husband grabbed me and threw me down in the sand. Within that second I looked up and a fireball went literally right over top of our heads.

Since this event, I have developed strong psychic empath abilities. My husband and I share a telepathic communication. I personally have been visited through what seems to be dreams, but they leave me wondering if it was real. Also, this is very embarrassing to write but on two occasions I have seen them on top of me, sexually. Once was when I was just waking up, it was a dark grayish dwarf sized mist. Other time was in a dream but I felt a pressure (in my area) when I woke up. We were in this room that looked like it was made of sheet metal a little larger than the size if drywall, put together by these weird large screws. These screws made a pattern of sorts on the walls. Very weird & hard to explain.

Ever since the night at the beach took place, it has changed my life. It has changed my marriage (for the better) emotionally. We still find it fascinating some nights during certain moon phases to look towards the east where the ocean is and watch the lights. Doesn't happen all the time, but we still wonder and look to the stars. - MUFON


Voodoo Blamed For Child Violence

Two separate crimes against children in recent days have one haunting similarity: authorities have pointed to Voodoo rituals as a possible motive.

But practitioners of Haitian Vodou, which adherents spell differently to distinguish it from other variants, say the religion does not sanction violence and fear the crimes will spark a backlash against their community.

"We are being targeted," said Maude Evans, a Haitian native and Vodou priestess in Boston's Mattapan neighborhood. "I'm really concerned that that's how it's going to be from now on. They will do things and blame it on Vodou."

Two sisters in East Bridgewater were arrested last month after they tied down and burned a 5-year-old girl, permanently disfiguring her, in a "voodoo ritual" meant to rid her of a demon, authorities say. Peggy LaBossiere, who was arrested with her sister Rachel Hilaire, also is accused of threatening to cut off the head of the girl's 8-year-old brother with a machete.

About a week later in nearby Brockton, officials said, a mother stabbed two of her children in what she described as a ritual involving "voodoo stuff," according to court documents. Days later, at a candlelight vigil that drew hundreds of mourners to the crime scene, a local Christian bishop denounced the practice of Voodoo, to cheers from the crowd." Read more at 'We are being targeted': Voodoo believers fear a backlash


Chalk 'One Up' For the Big Cats

Police at first thought the dead man was a tractor driver who worked at the game reserve.

But when he turned up alive, they realised he may have been a poacher. A hunting rifle was found close to what was left of the blood drenched body.

Police in Limpopo have called in the Department of Home Affairs to help them to try to identify the dead man, who was not carrying documents.

Police Lieutenant-Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe said: 'The process of identifying this body has already commenced and it might be made easier as his head was amongst the remains found at the scene'.

The owner of the reserve, who identified himself as Josh, said he was told not to speak to the media because the police investigation was still under way.

A local worker, from a nearby nature reserve, described the area as lion territory and added: 'The head was still there but the lions had eaten most of the rest.

'A scream was heard and the lions were scattered by the sound of gunshots but it was too late to do anything for him. He was eaten'. Read more at Big cat poacher is mauled to death and EATEN by the pride of lions he was hunting with only his head remaining at South African game reserve



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Bigfoot: Surprising Encounters With Bigfoot/Sasquatch In The United States (Volume 1)

Valley of the Skookum: Four Years of Encounters With Bigfoot

True Bigfoot Encounters: Eyewitness Accounts of Sasquatch Saving Humans

Visits from the Forest People: An Eyewitness Report of Extended Encounters with Bigfoot

The Best of Sasquatch Bigfoot

Purchase your copy at
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