; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, février 24, 2018

Weekend 2 Cents: 'Gargoyle' Encountered on Nevada Ranch -- 'Desert Storm' Persian Gulf UFO -- Italy Needs More Exorcists

'Gargoyle' Encountered on Nevada Ranch

“This is the first time I have ever heard reports of these (gargoyles). I saw one back around 2005. I was walking on my grandmothers ranch in rural Nevada. We had no security lights on the property, so I carried a high powered flashlight with me. I felt a sudden compulsion to turn my head to my front right. In the beam from the flashlight, in front of my grandmother's chicken coop, about 15 feet from me, was an entity, about 7 feet tall. It had it's back to me, it halfway turned and looked over it's left shoulder at me. Turned enough that I could see it was DEFINITELY male. He had a rather long bulbous nose, large wings down to his mid calves, skin and wings that looked leathery, and was a taupe or pinkish color, no hair that I could see. He also was very thin, almost skeletal in appearance, with some sort of bony protrusions extending from the shoulders. I'll never forget it. Scared the crap out of me! I didn't notice any dead animals in the area, afterward, if there were any.”

Source: Youtube comments, PureWhiteLilly

Beyond Creepy


'Desert Storm' Persian Gulf UFO

United States Navy, during Desert Storm I was aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower attached to VF-142. I was in ordnance so I worked on the flight deck. There was no flight opps going on at the time of event. We were doing general maintenance when all of a sudden people noticed a reddish-orange object in the horizon on the port side. Everyone on the flight deck was watching it. All of a sudden the call came across to launch our Alert 7 aircraft, which are F14 Tomcats. The ufo was just hovering, never moved a bit until the two fighter jets made the left turn to intercept, it went horizontal then vertical in a second. It happened so fast I can't even explain how fast it was. It went horizontal to vertical on a dime. That was that and we were given no explanation but act like nothing happened. I will say this, nothing gets that close to an aircraft carrier without us knowing it or allowing to come in our space. Sorry but there were no spots on the question part for water or ocean - MUFON


Italy Needs More Exorcists

The Vatican hopes to step up its game against demon possessions with a week-long international conference in April to address a threefold increase in demand in Italy alone for the services of exorcists.

The church is particularly alarmed over the uneven skills of some of its current exorcists and worried about priests who are no longer willing to learn the techniques.

The assessment is a major finding of a four-day meeting in Sicily that included testimony on sects and Satanism, according to Vatican Radio.

One of the organizers of the Sicily gathering, Friar Beningo Palilla, told Vatican Radio there are some 500,000 cases requiring exorcism in Italy each year. Read more at Demand for exorcisms is up threefold in Italy, so Vatican is holding conference



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