; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, février 26, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: Aussie Military Encounters Yowie -- The Arcturians Came Back Again -- Bookstore Doppelganger

Aussie Military Encounters Yowie

“I had an experience out bush near Nowra (in New South Wales). On gun picquet we saw a human shape about 25 meters from us. Both of us looked at each other and thought it was our eyes playing tricks and that our night vision hadn't kicked in. (Human night vision, as this was the early 90's). Before we could challenge it, it had moved off and it moved quick. We were in the middle of a change over when a trip flare went off and auto and rifle fire went nuts. Firefight lasted about five minutes and we stood too for the next two hours. (sweet F$%k all sleep that night). The next morning our CO ripped us a new one and wanted to know who set the flare off. Six of us came up and reported seeing someone out there and that he was big. As you can guess we were told we were stupid boys playing dumb games. I laugh now about it but for the rest of the week, the CO didn’t stay in camp with us. Guess he sort of believed us. (FYI we only had blanks as it was training). The image this left is still quite vivid and now, 20 odd years later, and from what I have read, I believe it was a Yowie.”

Source: Youtube comments, JM

Beyond Creepy


The Arcturians Came Back Again

Vincennes, IN - 2018-02-24: The Arcturians came back for me again last night for the first time in 2 months. They came for me so I could do work for them, I feel almost in a trance as I type this summarization of events that happened to me last night. My back and legs hurt from all of the big heavy crates I had to lift for them in the warehouse of the Arcturian triangle ships they operate. There was a bad rain storm last night in my area that I live which is perfect cover for them, so they can slip in and out. I woke up feeling disconnected from reality and myself and even kind of scared, this has been going now ever since I was 5, I am 36 years old so do the math.

Arcturians are skinny "gray-green aliens" with "cat eyes" that are peaceful and they speak via telepathy they can mimic human voices, sometimes their voices are male, sometimes female. They probably came back to monitor to me to make sure that chip they placed in my ankle is working, since last January 2017 I had ankle surgery after a break, and they moved the chip from my shoulder to my ankle, and then moved it somewhere else. I do a tingling in my ankle from time to time. I remember their triangle ships and all these lights and even seeing Earth from the circular viewpoint of their ship. That's all I remember, if you want to know more about all of this, about all of my experiences get a hold of me. - MUFON


Bookstore Doppelganger

“I remember years ago I went to the bookstore to purchase a new book. The lady at the counter said 'You were just here'. I asked the lady what she meant, and she said there was a man that looked just like me who had just been there a few minutes ago. I told the lady she must have mistaken me for someone else, but the lady was quite adamant that she had seen me a few minutes ago. The odd thing is I was walking very slow to the bookstore, and I had a clear view of anyone leaving the bookstore. I didn't see anyone who resembled me. A glitch in the matrix perhaps.”

Source: Youtube comments, David Smith

Beyond Creepy



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