; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 10, 2018

Update: 'Bat-Winged Man' Hit By Delivery Truck

I recently received further information on the following account:

'Bat-Winged Man' Hit By Delivery Truck

Summer 2016 - Chesterland, Ohio, USA: “I had a very similar encounter with the winged creature myself and even posted the story of what happened to a group on Facebook that talks about things. I’m 32 years old and had never seen anything supernatural or alien in my life until last summer. I had always been and still am very much a skeptic, and to this day I try to convince myself that what I saw was actually a really big hawk or something...but I know I'm lying to myself.

It was around 3:45 AM, I'm driving west on 322 towards Chesterland, Ohio. I'm driving a Freight-liner box truck with a load of newspapers. In the summer time at night, there's always a layer of fog hanging down around the ground, and the moon was bright and the stars were out. Going about 50 mph through the hills I see this dark figure in the moonlight that was coming right at me. It looked HUGE so I slammed the brakes and actually ducked down instinctively because I was driving right towards it at windshield level. I heard a big THUD as the figure had gone over the cab and smacked right into the flat aluminium box right behind the cab at probably 40 mph. I kept my foot on the brake and came to a stop on the side of the road probably about 75 yards from where the impact happened. Wondering if it had smashed in the top of the box and thinking maybe I could see what it was I hit, I got out looked around. The box wasn't smashed in so I walked around to the back of the truck and that's when I saw it in the moonlight almost as clear as day.

This things was HUGE. I thought for sure it was dead, but all of a sudden it rolled over and that's when I saw it's "bat-like" wings, not bird shaped. It rolled over and stood up on 2 legs and was at least 6 feet tall. The thing looked right at me with it's red/orange eyes and I was literally frozen in fear. I could not move at all. Then it spread it's huge wings out, jumped up and flew off. I ran back to the truck and took off towards Chesterland as fast as I could and spent the rest of the night on edge and trying to rationalize what I had just saw. The closest thing I could describe it to is the Jeepers Creepers monster, but I wasn't that close to it that I could see facial features and much detail. Just the 6 foot tall bat winged man with orange-red eyes. I do that route for work every week and every time I go through that stretch on 322 I get uneasy. It freaks me out almost 6 months later.”

Source: Youtube Comments, Ryan Winkelman

Beyond Creepy

The witness responded to our inquiry:

“The truck wasn't damaged, but when I got to the gas station in Chesterland you could see that something huge had just hit the box because there was like an imprint in all the dirt and dead bugs and griminess that collects on the front of the box. I wanted to try and crawl up on top of the cab to get a better look and possibly see if there was any sort of blood or hair or anything that would possibly show evidence of whatever it was but I would have needed a ladder and someone helping me. I looked it over with a flashlight really well but didn't see anything other than the imprint.

As far as the creature itself, basically the thing that stood out to me the most were it's eyes. I'll never forget how much they mesmerized me with that fiery orange color. It was almost like it could see into my soul. It only lasted for a couple seconds before it jumped up and flew off but I did feel some sort of connection with it. I was very much afraid of it though. I'm just about to leave for the same route I was on that night when it happened. I still remember exactly where it happened. when I go through there tonight I'll try to find the closest cross roads or something that I can pinpoint exactly where it was on a map.”

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

Mothman: Real Life Sightings