; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 03, 2018

New Co-Hosts Announced at 'The Existence of Strange Things'

Good afternoon everyone. Today we would like to announce the new co-hosts of 'The Existence of Strange Things.' After a long and thought-out process, the decision has been made.

At this time, we would like to welcome Sean Forker, Lon Strickler, and Butch Witkowski to the show. These three co-hosts will bring a variety of things to the show. From working on investigative teams to being in the field researching leads. So at this time we would like to welcome them aboard. Now that Sean is going to be a cohost we have picked a new newsperson. Vance Nesbitt will be the paranormal news person. Vance has also been doing different investigations and research.

As the days follow we will release more information about the new T.E.S.T. crew. Producer - 'The Existence of Strange Things'

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Please check out the show Facebook page and give us a 'LIKE'. Much appreciated...Facebook - The Existence of Strange Things


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