New Leads...Todd Sees Investigation
Todd Sees Investigation (Ongoing)
In the early morning of August 4th, 2002,Todd Jeffrey Sees rode his ATV, starting at his home at the base of Montour Ridge in Northumberland County, PA. (Point Township), on a short jaunt up a mountain trail adjacent to a sprawling high power line. After he failed to return home by noon, the family became concerned and notified the authorities.
A massive search effort ensued...which included search & rescue personnel (with search dogs and helicopters), local & state police, as well as an organized search team that numbered 200+ volunteers. The entire area from the top of the ridge, adjacent woods and the family property was explored...including a small pond located 70 feet from the Sees house. Divers and dogs searched the area in and around the pond...without success.
The effort continued for approximately 36 hours...until the second morning of the search, a family member noticed something in the bushes around the fore-mentioned pond. Todd Sees body had been an area that was heavily searched the previous day.
Since that time, there has been very little information released to the public. The death was ruled as 'fatal cocaine toxicity'...despite evidence suggesting that something else most likely occurred. The circumstances involving the recovery, handling, autopsy and final arrangements with the body are also mired in controversy.
A joint investigation by Butch Witkowski / Cold Case Unit of the UFO Research Center of PA and Lon Strickler of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team has uncovered previously undisclosed information in regards to this incident.
UPDATE: New leads are being followed...including officials who were at the scene. So far, much of what has been disclosed by UFORCOP and P&M Fortean Research has been validated. Butch & I still maintain that we are more positive, than not, that an otherworldly influence was involved and that an intense government cover-up took place. Stay tuned for further updates. Lon
Strange Untanglement
“My grandfather stated,” that back when he was in the Navy during the Pacific war. Him and some of his Navy friends would throw a 100 foot rope or longer out into the water but before threw it out into the water, they would tie it up into like really, really tight knots. Something would untie the knots every single time. He said they threw it out several times and from that point on afterwards. My granddaddy said,” you couldn’t pay him to swim in the ocean like sailors did on occasions. I always thought it was BS until like 5 years ago. Just sharing.”
Frightful Supernatural Occurences
I recently received the following account:
Hi Lon,
I live in South Africa and have experienced a lot of supernatural occurences since I was a small child. Two experiences have stood out and totally freaked me out.
The first happened in my twenties. I was visiting a farm and went outside to get some fresh air around 21:00. As I was idly walking around, I suddenly felt a rubbery entity trying to enter my body through my solar plexus. I got such a fright, that I jumped and ordered it to go away and it did. I have no idea what it could have been.
The second experience happened about two years ago as I was driving alone down a gravel road in a rural area. It was around midnight when my car suddenly lost speed going downhill - as if a giant magnet was pulling it. I tried to accelerate, but the car didn't respond. The radio then turned on, the aerial came out and the side mirrors turned in on their own. The lights didn't dim though. I then heard a loud choral hum like the singing monks in my left ear before a sudden jolt of static electricity jumped from my head to the ceiling of the car and everything returned to normal. I don't know what caused this electromagnetic field, since there wasn't any power lines in the area and it was a clear night. LM
Your Amazon review of Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids and my other books is truly appreciated. Thanks...Lon
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Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past
Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact
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The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter
More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell their Stories
Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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