; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 31, 2018

Update: Chicago Phantom Reports

Hey folks...I believe it has come to a point where any future witness information pertaining to these flying humanoid sightings in the Chicagoland area needs to be kept within our task force. There are others who continue to track down the witnesses and harass them...and I can't have that. All future posts will be kept to a minimum...description and general area only. There are so-called paranormal investigators in the Chicago area who feel that it is their right to get as much information, regardless of their methods, in order to gain notoriety as a result of these sightings. I'm sorry it has come to this, but I'm not going to endanger the privacy of those witnesses who come forward. It's a damn shame that people have to rely on other researchers in order to get their name out in the public. Lon

NOTE: Any use of witness information, which includes any attempt to contact a witness or persons involved in an event, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of 'Phantoms and Monsters' and/or its associates.

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

Daily 2 Cents: Siberian 'Dragons' -- Bizarre Footprint Found Near Cape Canaveral -- California Overdue For Major Earthquake

Siberian 'Dragons'

Pike with primeval horns from River Irtysh puzzle experts: did rocket pollution lead to mutant fish?

Fisherman Alexey, 25, pulled two fish from the river last autumn, but his bizarre catch is only disclosed now.

He was puzzled as one pike weighing 12 kilograms had two horns, and the second - 7 kilograms - had four horns. Both fish were immediately nicknamed dragons by fellow anglers.

Alexey ate the fish, despite warning of them being potentially poisonous, with no ill-effect.

Alexey kept and dried the heads, preserving them in his garage.

‘I was impressed with the catch', said Alexey. 'One of the pikes was 14 kilograms, another one was 7 kilograms.

'They had horns bent back towards their tail; the smaller fish had four horns.' Read more at Underwater ‘dragons’ caught in Siberian river


Bizarre Footprint Found Near Cape Canaveral

Mims, Florida - 2018-01-28: I was walking the property of my farm as I always do, just a check to make sure everything is okay. As I made my way up the dirt road I couldn't help by notice a deep indentation in the mud that was not there the day before, or before I turned in for the night. It was the shape of a small foot sunken into the fresh mud from the evening rain. I think it was some kind of print from a flexible boot. It measured about seven inches in length and at its widest point (what would be the ball of the foot) 3 inches. I was taken back, almost like an excitement of shock. You see we have no small children on our farmland, and I don't think a very small child would come in the middle of the night on dark farmland during heavy rain showers. I also know for certain it is not an animal track. Within the print you can see the edges are 100% smooth (edge of boot) what would be the sole, one can see like one solid marking from heel to toe, it has a curve as like your gym shoe along the side the side, and it also has lines almost like a strange traction. Immediately I called my wife out, we began to take photos and videos. We then went to a hobby store and bought plaster cast material. I was able to pull a mold of the print, the ball of the foot, arch and heal is able to be easily seen. Almost as if it was a highly flexible boot or something. We are located very, very close to the Kennedy Space Flight Center and launch pads. A lot is seen and heard in these skies and I have never thought twice, but with this print, we have an uneasy feeling. I feel certain the print is from something we have not seen on this earth. We definitely are cautious on our farmland at night now. (no images provided) - MUFON


Free Kindle Book Giveaway - Feb 2-3, 2018 - 'Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters'


California Overdue For Major Earthquake

California earthquakes are a geologic inevitability. The state straddles the North American and Pacific tectonic plates and is crisscrossed by the San Andreas and other active fault systems. The magnitude 7.9 earthquake that struck off Alaska's Kodiak Island on Jan. 23, 2018 was just the latest reminder of major seismic activity along the Pacific Rim.

Tragic quakes that occurred in 2017 near the Iran-Iraq border and in central Mexico, with magnitudes of 7.3 and 7.1, respectively, are well within the range of earthquake sizes that have a high likelihood of occurring in highly populated parts of California during the next few decades.

The earthquake situation in California is actually more dire than people who aren't seismologists like myself may realize. Although many Californians can recount experiencing an earthquake, most have never personally experienced a strong one. For major events, with magnitudes of 7 or greater, California is actually in an earthquake drought. Multiple segments of the expansive San Andreas Fault system are now sufficiently stressed to produce large and damaging events.

The good news is that earthquake readiness is part of the state's culture, and earthquake science is advancing – including much improved simulations of large quake effects and development of an early warning system for the Pacific coast. Read more at California overdue for a major earthquake



Flying Creature Witness in Wilmington Reports UFO Activity in Same Area

Zachary Quinto to explore UFOs and such for HISTORY's In Search Of series

Win Big Money Finding Bigfoot, Nessie, Chupacabras and More

Cryptozoology: What It Is & What It Isn’t

Mexico: Egg-Shaped UFO Over Mexico City Airport


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Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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mardi, janvier 30, 2018

Wilmington, IL Follow-Up: UFOs & Strange Lights

On Sunday I posted Unknown Winged Being Encountered in Wilmington, IL. I had mentioned that there had been a lot of UFO and flashing light activity in the same area...as well as other locations throughout Chicagoland. The original witness (who encountered the flying being in Wilmington, IL) compiled a report describing what she has noticed:

The date of my first Wilmington UFO encounter is hard to pinpoint exactly due to my shock, but the few people I had told right away brushed me off, so I just let it go and locked it in my mind. I do know that it ranged between December 10-Dec. 15 2017. Time of sighting I do recall, it was about 9:30pm and I froze locked on this object until it was gone without a trace. The UFO was here for a solid 7-10 minutes actually, so there was no denying what I believe to have seen first hand. Sadly I was home by myself so I had nobody to force outside to see for themselves.

Now this one is interesting because like I mentioned in my reply email I am surrounded by heavy wooded area. Lighting in my town is extremely sparse so the sky on clear nights is incredible, and usually carries an extremely eerie vibe to it because to the east and west of my home lie 2 massive power plants, and a semi-secret helipad and private (I think its private at least) airport are hidden within a few openings in the wooded area unseen from the main road, known only based off of seeing them ascend from strange areas seeming to be right smack in the middle of the trees.

Before I move on to the UFO details I wanted to make you aware of what I believe may be an important detail about this secretive helipad. My husband worked nights and didn’t come home until 11:00 pm usually so I felt sort of helpless and even began wondering if I was being irrational of my fear and discomfort I would endure every single night from April through the end of September 2017. Each night around 9:30-10:00 pm (varied by the day) I would hear a helicopter flying too low for comfort above my neighborhood in particular. It would fly this low in what sounded to be circles until about 11:00 pm and then seriously come back out at around 1:00 am and stay out low flying circling around until 2:30-3:00 am! No exaggeration here. I finally chose to go out and see this copter and sure enough it is all black and appears to be some type of military copter. I have seen it flying low in fields during the day in my previous town in the exact area of my very 1st UFO sighting in Channahon, IL 6 years ago; so I found that very strange. Spotlight was on and always seemed to be searching intently for something, and of course that’s unnerving. I think it’s connected to the encounters around here to an extent.

So back to the actual UFO. I happened to be looking in the general area of the arsenal location (US Army Ammunition Plant in Wilmington, IL) and in the distance a little further away you can see the orange light from the plant. I was just scanning as usual and suddenly I saw a VERY large triangular craft that was seemingly out of nowhere just hovering over the area. I know for sure it was far enough to be near this arsenal if not directly over it, but I couldn’t physically see what it was for sure hovering over. I saw a total of 3 lights on it, one light on each corner of the triangle. The lights looked to transition from red, blue and green smoothly. I believe I saw a white beam of light underneath the craft from my position on my steps and it wasn’t your text book abduction beam where its light is moving down to the ground, but I do know I caught a glimpse of white light in that area and it was bright enough to give me a feeling like it was scanning the premises for something or maybe even just taking a look around at my strange town? Either way it sat there in silence (I feel like I was 1-2 Miles away at the most as a reminder so I couldn’t see as much as I would’ve liked to, but I think I should’ve heard noise for how large it was!) it then started moving very slowly westbound for about 2 minutes maybe three, it hovered for 4 or 5 easily. It crept and then just flew out of the area in a split second like it just teleported to another dimension. I was on Cloud 9, and didn’t really feel any fear or anything this time. I was a little anxious but more frozen with excitement and shock. I attempted numerous pictures zoom on, off, filters for more light and I could NOT capture this craft with my phone cam at all, not even a glimpse which I found very creepy. I also want to add that the weather was very obviously cold, but there was not even a tad bit of breeze, and it was uncomfortably quiet that night as if a storm were about to hit us or something along those lines. Nothing was strange that night from what I recall with the lights in the sky upon the UFO arriving.

This next sighting happened on December 18th, 2017 and it was again to the east of my home, but it was much closer more visible and it was more southeast rather than northeast. It actually appeared right by the water tower I can see very clearly from my step even sitting down.

The time was 10:15 pm approx. I was actually on the phone with my husband during this one. I was just looking over in that vicinity for no particular reason at all while telling him a story I was excited about, when I started to notice what at first appeared to be those slow moving Christmas light laser things that people project on their house. I thought it was the house a block over but for some reason couldn't stop looking at the green lights moving around. I started to lose my excitement in my voice while talking because I was feeling weird, almost uncertain I suppose is the best way to describe it. My husband got really concerned because I fell completely silent a few moments later and I literally could not speak and actually started tearing up and to this day I don't know why I would cry. I don't just tear up in that way. But as I'm frozen I'm seeing a craft that looks pretty identical to the previous one but this time it was rising up like it had been on the ground prior to this moment.

Again very large, like there's no mistaking this for an airplane, and if neighbors were out I know they would've saw this all happen as well. It rose up at a fairly quick rate, not speed of light type but just a smooth unnaturally advanced rate no doubt. It just kept rising and by this time about 30 maybe 40 seconds have passed and I finally was able to let out an 'OH MY GOD'... and then I felt fear yet excitement and ran in the house and locked my door. I don't know why. I wanted to watch it go, but something was telling me to get inside and I can't figure out why. Probably wise I suppose, but still! As for it seeming to be near the house a block away it definitely was much farther than that once I realized what it was, but still much closer than the previous encounter. This was a quick one. After this happened I decided to check out MUFON and research sightings out here and I did find one maybe 2 in April of 2017 of almost the same description UFO!


Ive only noticed the lights for about 2 weeks maybe 3 tops. I feel like it's closer to 2 weeks. I've been describing to my family what look at first to be a "new star" but they're just way too large and they glimmer very beautifully to be honest. They glimmer white in the middle always but outlining the white it sparkles bright purple very bright green and to me it looks like a small sparkle of red but red isn't the dominant outlining color at all. I've discovered about 4 or 5 of these all more southeast from my sky view, and 3 of them I know for sure appear in a large triangle and look like a constellation. The problem is I love space and constellations and I own many books on these, but this particular triangle is something I've ever ever seen in the sky until very recently. I'll say January 21st was when I noticed first and they appear clearer and more vibrant the later it gets - 1 am through 4 am they're incredible! Very unnatural in my opinion and sometimes appear to be slowly moving or bouncing. Hardly noticeable.

The lights seems to be moving much more this morning but with my flying humanoid sighting I firmly believe my vision was distorted moments before the creature appeared so I don't want to confirm wholeheartedly that they were in fact moving at a pretty noticeable pace for sure.

That's what I have on the crafts and lights. Any questions feel free to ask of course. CH

NOTE: The witness' descriptions are very similar to other sightings throughout the area (reported to MUFON, NUFORC and other forums). The Chicago Phantom Task Force is going to investigate these anomalies, and the possible connections to the flying humanoids. Lon


Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Nostradamus: The Complete Prophesies for the Future

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record

UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs (Volume 1)

Weird Highway: Illinois

Daily 2 Cents: Reptilian Abduction Attempts in Ocala, FL -- Prove Cryptids Exist...Collect £50,000 -- UFO 'Landing Lights'

Reptilian Abduction Attempts in Ocala, FL

Ocala, FL - 2017-12-31: Reptilian aliens repeatedly descend in a cloaked spaceship resembling an alien head or dragon head. (no images were attached to report) They project light sources that resemble fireballs, cartoon characters, snakes, rabbits, dogs, bears, etc., with faint images that mutate/change. This appears to be one of their cloaking devices. The actual reptilian aliens (multiple) can be seen behind the glowing bright lights and images as they are on foot. The lights are able to travel into the home. Some fireballs manifestations are unseen with the naked eye, but seen through the lens of a cell phone camera and photographed well. The activity is increasing and the activity is becoming aggressive (after approximately 2 months of activity). Focus appears to be my brother, male 38 years old, high testosterone, and fearless. I've attached 2 pictures, but there are endless photos and videos. - MUFON

NOTE: Ocala, FL and Marion County, Fl are well-known for anomalous activity...cryptid, UFOs, alien, ghosts, unknown flying beings, etc. Lon


UFO 'Landing Lights'

Cabo Frio, Brazil - 2015-01-09: Well, I'm an aero-modelist and I was practicing on the beach, towards the sea. That's when I saw two lights that looked like the landing lights for landing an airplane. These lights approached a certain port and as we were near an airport, we lowered our model airplanes as a measure of security that we always adopted. It turns out that after some time and proximity, the lights "returned" and "returned", uniting in only one light that soon disappeared, as if they had returned at high speed, to a place a little below where they came. I wish someone could draw a picture of what I have in mind. We realized that it was not an aircraft known, because it never arrived or passed through us. - MUFON


'Jack the Ripper' Writing Analysis

A forensic linguist from The University of Manchester who analysed letters supposedly signed by Jack the Ripper has concluded that two of the most famous examples were written by the same person.

The Whitechapel murders that terrorised London in 1888 are still remembered thanks to the legend of Jack the Ripper, who was never caught.

In addition to the gruesomeness of the murders, Jack the Ripper’s name and persona were popularised by more than 200 letters which were received following the murders. These letters are essentially what made him famous, and it has often been suggested that they were written by journalists to sell more newspapers.

Most of the letters signed ‘Jack the Ripper’ were – and still are - regarded as hoaxes. After the first four were received, the police decided to publish them, after which hoaxers began to send copycat letters claiming to be written by him. Therefore, forensic linguist Dr Andrea Nini decided to focus on two of the earliest letters - the ‘Dear Boss’ letter, in which the Jack the Ripper name was first written, and the ‘Saucy Jacky’ postcard. Read more at Jack the Ripper letter mystery solved by Manchester researcher


Prove Cryptids Exist...Collect £50,000

The Loch Ness Monster, Yeti and Bigfoot are creations of legend and myth but a real-life monster hunter has partnered with Capcom to uncover concrete evidence of their existence.

Hopeful monster hunters all across the globe have until June 30, 2018, to collect a staggering £50,000 bounty for genuine evidence of the world’s most talked about beasts.

The bounty was put up by veteran games developer Capcom to celebrate the release of its latest title Monster Hunter: World.

The Japanese company behind Mega Man, Street Fighter and Resident Evil is certain that renewed interest in real-world monsters could lead to exciting new discoveries.

This is why Capcom partnered with Jon Downes, director of the world’s leading research centre and authority on cryptozoology – The Centre for Fortean Zoology in North Devon. Read more at Yeti? Loch Ness Monster? This monster hunter will pay you £50,000 to prove they are REAL



nside the bizarre world of human-chimp hybrids known as HUMANZEES – as a renowned scientist claims one was born in a Florida lab before being killed by panicked doctors

The Magnetic Field Is Shifting. The Poles May Flip. This Could Get Bad.

10 Suspected Cases Of Real Political Cannibalism

What a Relief Our Doctors Aren’t Bodysnatchers Anymore

Forget Ebola, Sars and Zika: ticks are the next global health threat


Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race

Ancient Serpent Gods: The Alien Connection to Reptilian Dinosaurs

The Secret History of the Reptilians: The Pervasive Presence of the Serpent in Human History, Religion and Alien Mythos

The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities

Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past

Purchase your copy at
Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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'Phantoms and Monsters' was establish in September 2005 as part of PM Media
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dimanche, janvier 28, 2018

Unknown Winged Being Encountered in Wilmington, IL

I received the following email on Sunday January 28, 2018 at 6:50 AM ET:

I live in Wilmington, IL, about 15 mins south of Joliet. I frequent my outside steps in between 1-4 am pretty much nightly for a smoke or two, and I'm constantly observing the skies out of pure fascination. I only mention this because I have never in the year and 1/2 of living in this home experienced anything as incredible, yet terrifying, as this sighting!

At exactly 4:36 am CT (Sunday January 28, 2018 local time) I was sitting on my step and I, of course, was looking up at the sky, when suddenly my eyes were immediately drawn to what appeared to be a weird hybrid mix of an owl and a bat. To me the size was approximately that of a large raccoon...I even would go as far as saying it was a bit larger. For some reason, I was frozen solid with my eyes locked on this thing. I found it weird that even with how dark it was outside it seemed close enough for me to notice details of it to the point of realizing that it appeared brownish/greyish in color and the wings had a bat like feel to them. I felt a little weird explaining to my husband that it was triangular and resembled the biggest moth ever. Instantly my head went to the Mothman no doubt! It was shockingly fast and it never made a sound...nor did it flap its wings. It just glided west and disappeared as fast as it seemed to appear. This creature even looked to have passed through a very old and very tall tree in my yard, and even though it was hard to obviously tell whether it went above my tree or literally through the branches, I still never heard even a small rustle from the breeze it would've created due to its speed. I apologize for the novel I am clearly writing, but I want to give you as many details as possible as I also have a couple questions about details from other noted sightings of this.

The most interesting part of my experience is that I felt and still currently feel a sense of dread and impending doom, similar to anxiety but at the same time it felt like this creature perched itself onto my roof and was just glaring at me until I went inside. Whether this is true I don't know for sure, but I've never felt watched like that before. After it had essentially disappeared into the night and I was in disbelief I started to hear what sounded similar to a bat screech but with a lower tone, and definitely sounded much larger than a bat. It happened twice within about 5 seconds apart from each screech and I then booked it inside to explain it all to my husband. It is currently 1 hour since the sighting and I still feel as if I'm being almost preyed upon. I am very curious to know if others who have contacted you have had similar dreadful feelings and/or heard these screeches?

Please get back to me at your earliest convenience, and thank you so much for taking the time to read this! CH

NOTE: Fortunately, I was awake when the email reached me. I immediately contacted the witness by email and then left a note for the Chicago Phantom Task Force. I received a telephone number and called the witness at 8:38 AM ET. The description of the winged being was that it had a triangular shape...reminiscent of the 2011 photo from 8/22/2011 at 63rd and Pulaski Rd in Chicago, IL. The witness says that the being was flying at an altitude of approximately 50 ft. and anywhere from 4-5 ft. in length. The wingspan was approximately 5 ft. on either side of the body, which was thin and dark in color. She also noticed a sheen on the body...like it may have had reptilian-like skin and wet. The wings were membraned like a bat, but shaped like that of a huge owl. She was amazed at how quickly it glided and that it did not flap its wings or make a sound.

Shortly after the sighting, the witness heard screeches that sounded like children. She was sure this being was watching her and that she reacted like something sinister was about to occur. She went indoors and told her husband. She then found the descriptions of the Chicago sightings and contacted me.

It must also be noted that the witness and others in her neighborhood have experienced UFO sightings and flashes of light since December 2017. The location is just east of the Kankakee River surrounded by several nature preserves...situated between power generating stations and a chemical plant. There is a lot of wetland throughout the area. As well, the weather has been unseasonably warm the past few days, possibly prompting the reappearance of these winged beings.

Any updates will be included with this post. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map...Lon

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoPhantom

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

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Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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