'Werewolf' Encounter Reported in Allegheny National Forest
Location: Kane, PA – Allegheny National Forest along Route 6
Date of sighting: October 20, 2017
Time of sighting: approx. 2:30 PM EST
Witness statement: I was going home from work on Rt. 6 when a very tall, massive wolf like man crossed the road in front of me. After I passed it and looked in my rear view mirror it crossed the road again to where it came from. It did not look in my direction but I saw it in full view as in entered the road at an angle facing me. (Witness referred to creature as 'werewolf')
Description: Very tall, muscular, dark hair, funny looking legs. Strange bright shining eyes.
More to follow after meeting with witness and viewing location. Butch Witkowski
Butch Witkowski / Lon Strickler - Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations
Shark in Lake Michigan?
MILWAUKEE — A woman visiting Milwaukee for the holiday weekend believes she spotted a shark in Lake Michigan.
In a message to WISN 12 NEWS, Carlin Hastings said she was walking along McKinley Beach when she spotted the big fish with what appeared to be dorsal fin resembling that of a shark.
"Everyone I showed it to said it looked like a shark," she wrote.
A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources spokeswoman could not identify the fish from the video.
"I can't say definitively what it is," Cheryl Masterson said, pointing out the fuzziness of the video and the lack of anything else in the frame to offer a size perspective.
Masterson said the fish could be a large sturgeon or chinook salmon.
Video at Is this a shark in Lake Michigan?
'Mini Ice Age' Predicted For UK by 2030
A mini ice age that would freeze major rivers could hit Britain in less than two decades, according to research from universities in the UK and Russia.
A mathematical model of the Sun's magnetic activity suggests temperatures could start dropping here from 2021, with the potential for winter skating on the River Thames by 2030.
A team led by maths professor Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria University built on work from Moscow to predict the movements of two magnetic waves produced by the Sun.
It predicts rapidly decreasing magnetic waves for three solar cycles beginning in 2021 and lasting 33 years.
Read more at Scientists predict 'mini ice age' could hit UK by 2030
Hey folks....have you read 'Mothman Dynasty?' Tell me what you think...add a review at Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids - Thanks!
Robert Goerman and others have been calling for me to disclose witness information in relation to the Chicago sightings.
This is Goerman's website...he should re-read his "My Investigator Code of Conduct", especially #3 - "An investigator will respect the wishes of witnesses, colleagues, and professionals; and shall safeguard confidences and privacy." #hypocrite
From the dazzling to the disheartening, 2017 was a remarkable year for science
Breakthrough: New Alzheimer’s Treatment May Fully Restore Memory Function
Haunted Deserts: UFOs in the Emptiness
More Strange Cases of Spontaneous Human Teleportation
Bizarre Last Transmissions from Mysteriously Vanished Planes
Answers from Heaven: Incredible True Stories of Heavenly Encounters and the Afterlife
Life After Death: An Analysis of the Evidence
Shadow Realms: Demonology Handbook
Fairies:: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk
Purchase your copy at
Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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