; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, décembre 05, 2017

Never Bother 'HIM'

I recently received the following information:

Dear Lon,

I messaged you these pics earlier this year - just have not had time to sit down and write this before now.

Every Summer we would go stay at the family farm of my Aunt Harriet & Uncle Paul. We would help feed their animals. We would help them harvest their garden. It was an old farm. Old buildings and a very old two story wood frame house. Tons of big tall windows and a driveway that seemed like a mile long off the main road. Being city kids we had a blast building good memories, eating our meals at the dinner table and sharing our day.

There was only one thing we had to promise never to do while there..."Never bother HIM". There was a room on the second floor over the kitchen. We were never to knock unlock or touch that door. We must talk low while on the second floor as not to disturb HIM.

Once I asked my father who HIM was...My father told me the place was haunted by HIM that HIM had been there when they purchased the farm. My father told me one winter morning he was getting ready to go out to feed animals. That there were foot prints in the snow leading from the kitchen door that went about 10 yards then just stopped. There was never any return tracks.

The house and land have since sold. The house had burnt down about 8 years ago. One of my students took me past the old place. He told me the place was haunted. That the entity inside the place got really angry when the current owners let some druggies rent it. I asked him why they just didn't doze the house under. He told me the new owners were afraid HIM would get angry and follow them home. I told the boy well I used to live there in the Summers - nothing mean or angry ever happened when our family owned it. I figured I would never hear another word about HIM. It has been 40 years. I had never seen anything all the time I was growing up. Or felt threatened in any way.

So 8 years forward one night, all of a sudden a friend of mine (who is a Deputy Sheriff) sends me these pictures. Zoom in on the tree line. It was taken by the guy who now owns our old family farm. My Dad said the place was haunted even when he was a kid. It was taken around 2:30 pm in April 2017. Brown County Ohio.

It appears to be a picture of HIM. Thank you Lon. Truly yours. J. Becker

Ohio's Historic Haunts: Investigating the Paranormal in the Buckeye State

Weird Ohio: Your Travel Guide to Ohio's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets

It Came from Ohio: True Tales of the Weird, Wild, and Unexplained

Ohio Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff, 2nd Edition