Strange Sounds and Lost Time
Huntingdon, UK - 2009-05-31: I was fishing at the end of May beginning of June 2009. Where I was fishing was the middle of nowhere the odd farm but no shops or pubs. I settled down for the night about 1:30 / 2am in my bivvey / tent when a strange thing happened. I heard like a chitter-chattering (talking but loads of voices at same time). I couldn't make out what was being said but it scared the crap out of me. My brother was in the next swim so I went to see if he knew what it was but I couldn't move for the life of me. It was like I was frozen to my bed chair. I couldn't shout or anything. I've never felt like this ever before or after. It was like time had flashed by as the next thing I remember it was 6am and was just getting light.
Now I have started to have dream like flash backs and see things I cannot explain. The main vision is of a 3-fingered hand pointy finger like a lizard claw. But the strange part is what would be the palm of the hand is an opening with tiny wiggley things going all the way around it !!! And more recently I've started seeing an eye. It's jet black teardrop shaped and like a greenish brown skin tone. I don't know if this is linked, but me and my Mrs were trying for another baby since 2005 without joy then my partner fell pregnant within two weeks of this happening and my babe was born with a rare genetic disorder (only 80 case in UK). I don't know if it's anything to do with this or not. In fact I don't even know if anything really happened to me. But it is playing in my head. I don't drink or do drugs. I don't think I'm going mad but do sometimes wonder. Any help or advice would. Be great please. Anon carp fisherman - MUFON
Man Rigged Front Door to Electrocute Pregnant Wife
A Palm Coast man rigged the front door of his home with wiring attached to a car battery charger in an attempt to electrocute his pregnant wife, Flagler County Sheriff’s investigators said.
Michael Wilson, 32, is accused of trying to kill his wife after he attached electrical devices to the inside of the deadbolt lock and the door handle of their Palm Coast home, according to a charging affidavit. The ploy, which could have easily led to her death, was to have her insert the house key and then grab the handle, completing the circuit and sending a jolt of electricity through her arm, chest and heart.
Fortunately for Wilson’s wife, who was in Knoxville, Tennessee with family at the time, she never took a hold of that door knob. Her stepfather, Jon Flositz, became suspicious after she told him Wilson had warned her not to let a child touch it. Flositz went to examine the house with his wife, Alissa, and they found the word “Hi” and a drawing of two eyes in what appeared to be lipstick on the back sliding door, according to the deputy’s report. Read more at Palm Coast man rigs door to electrocute pregnant wife, deputies say
Be Wary Of Who You Help
'The hits keep on a comin' Sigh. Another hit-piece in reference to the Chicago sightings has surfaced. This time from Allison Jornlin, who was producing YouTube videos on the sighting locations and directly quoting the reports from Phantoms & Monsters on the video. I allowed the videos to be linked to the interactive map...which, of course, she also cashed in on through YouTube. I also took the time to participate on her podcast. I was just trying to be a nice guy. Allison was allowed to participate on the Chicago Phantom Task Force Facebook messenger thread...that is until I removed her for demanding that I give her witness information and for other statements and actions on the thread that were unbecoming of an investigator. After that, she began a campaign to discredit the Chicago sightings...all in an attempt to garner notoriety as a skeptic. It's also interesting that the push-back from her other associates kicked into full gear as soon as my book was released. The vindictiveness in the paranormal community is shameful...and will continue until the hacks are exposed. Mothman Problems: An Interview with Allison Jornlin. (NOTE: the witnesses who contacted me were independently verified by a well-known & respected paranormal investigator. There are others on the task force who will confirm this. Lon)
Phoenix man turns to social media for help with paranormal activity
The Chupacabra: Not Just A Goat-Sucker
Cryptozoology And Failing Cameras
Haunted Hospital to be Turned into Haunted Bed and Breakfast
Mystery as BLUE snow covers St Petersburg with locals fearing bizarre phenomenon is due to toxic chemicals
Owl Medicine
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure
Powwowing Among the Pennsylvania Dutch: A Traditional Medical Practice in the Modern World (Pennsylvania German History and Culture)
Energy Essentials for Witches and Spellcasters
Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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