; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, décembre 12, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Have Extraterrestrials Entered Our Solar System? -- Painful Abduction Experiments -- 'Hawkesbury River Monster' Seen Again?

Have Extraterrestrials Entered Our Solar System?

- Astronomers are set to scan an 'alien' comet for signs of extraterrestrial signals

- The cigar-shaped object, named 'Oumuamua, sailed past Earth last month

- The mysterious comet is the first interstellar object seen in the solar system

Astronomers are set to scan an 'alien' comet for signs of extraterrestrial technology.

The cigar-shaped asteroid, named 'Oumuamua by its discoverers, sailed past Earth last month and is the first interstellar object seen in the solar system.

A team of alien-hunting scientists, led by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, will scan the comet this week before it sails beyond the reach of Earth's telescopes.

They say they are looking for radio signals, claiming the mysterious visitor could be an alien spaceship. Read more at Has an alien probe entered our solar system? Cigar-shaped interstellar 'comet' Oumuamua is being investigated for signs of extraterrestrial technology


'Hawkesbury River Monster' Seen Again?

Seems something unusual has once again been seen in the Hawkesbury River in NSW, Australia. Check out the video at Mystery giant 'HUMAN-LIKE creature' spotted poking head out of river

Here is a link to an older report pertaining to the Hawkesbury River Monster


Painful Abduction Experiments

Eminence, KY - 2017-12-11: Sleeping at home, aliens entered my home and took me. I did not see outside of craft but very large inside. Aliens appeared to be humanoid but looked like an apparition. I was pissed, they regularly ruin my sleep. In my mind they call me a '1957 baby.' They used our date because they have a different understanding of time which I can’t grasp. The f**kers experiment on me and it really hurts. I have learned much and have been threatened by phone from some group to keep my mouth shut, but I have to tell someone - MUFON


Taken While Asleep

West Columbia, SC - 2017-12-07: I was asleep, and then I could feel something around me. I slowly opened my eyes, everything was very blurry and I could see three figures. One was standing directly over me, looking at a big wall of different colored lights in front of me. As I open my eyes and saw the figure standing above me. I felt thrown back and then I was back in my bed. I could not move my body and I looked around the room with my eyes. I tried to open my mouth and call my girlfriend who is laying next to me. The only thing I could make was a small sound. Then my eyes shut and I was back asleep. She can confirm that I made a weird noise that night. The next day we saw on the news that there were several unidentified flying objects over Lexington County. - MUFON



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