; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, novembre 14, 2017

UFOs Over America

David in Pearland, Texas called in to tell of his UFO sighting:

“I just want to tell you a little story. I do security and I work late, you know, into the morning, right, and I do apartments. I walk around. One night I was working, a couple years ago, and I had two guys with me and we're walking around and we see a lot of strange stuff going on sometimes. I always keep my eye up to the sky every once in a while, so we're walking and all three of us see something floating above us and we all stop and then it takes off really fast and we look at each other and we're just, like, dumbfounded and we just go silent, you know, and it was just so strange. I'm pretty sure it was a UFO because the way it was moving, the way it hovered above us, and it just disappeared into the clouds. I want to say about the size of a car and, you know, we're three tough guys, we're armed security guards and we see this and we're just, like, silent. It's just it's so strange to me how other people react.”

Source: Coast to Coast – November 10, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Jerry in Central Oregon called in to tell of his UFO sighting:

“I say those people that don't believe that there's UFOs out there, all you got to do is look up. I had an interesting UFO encounter in the later part of June (2017) and I always hear about these little green men type situations, well, this one, I was out in my front yard and coming down, I thought it was a helicopter. It wasn't a helicopter. When he got closer, it made no sound. That thing was probably about 30 foot wide. It was about 80 foot long. And it glowed a light blue. Now inside this thing was, you know those balls, you put your fingers on, electricity flows through your finger trips? This was all inside of it and it was a fluorescent blue, and like a lightning color white, and it was going all through the inside of this thing. I tried to get my girlfriend to come out. She was afraid it was gonna beam her up or something. She said she's heard stories. She wouldn't come out and she's yelling at me to get inside the house. When I step off the curb where it was going straight down the middle of, I seen this, the only way I can explain this is, it was like a jellyfish on the top of it, and you could see through it, and it had six arms on this thing, that was like an octopus and they didn't slope down there, they were the same shape all the way down it. This thing was about 7 or 8 foot tall and it was floating on the side of this box looking thing. Now, when I walked up to the house to try to get my girlfriend, I couldn't see it and I thought maybe it disappeared. So I walked back out and it was still there. It was going really slow and this thing was just... I walked back off the sidewalk and I walked about 6 foot into the street again and this octopus thing is still there. And I've never heard of anything like that before and it's just had me mind boggled since.”

Source: Coast to Coast – November 10, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Ted in New York City called in to tell of his UFO sighting:

“It would have been about 1955 and 1956. If you could imagine holding a dinner plate about a foot or maybe 14 inches in front of your face, that's roughly equivalent to what I saw in the sky. There was a white orb many times larger than the moon would have been and I was out on the back porch with my parents and my sister all of the neighbors were standing on top of their roofs, everyone was looking at this thing in the sky. This was in the Bronx New York. I have looked on the internet. I've tried to get something that reported on it but I haven't been able to find anything. I've seen that people have given me explanations, well, maybe you saw a blue moon or a harvest moon. It was many many times bigger than the moon. It could not have been the moon. We talked about it and we all kind of scratched our heads. And the newspaper, whether it was the next day or a few days later, they said it was some phenomenon to do with the moon, that it appeared larger, but it could not have appeared that much larger. I mean, you know, imagine the diameter of holding a dinner plate, a 10-inch dinner plate about a foot in front of you - the moon could never look... Enormous, you know, and it was stationary. It was there and, you know, frankly, it's a long time ago, so I don't remember how long we were out there but it had to be a good 15 to 20 minutes that we were just all, along with the neighbors, looking up at the sky and I've never been able to get an explanation to what that thing was."

Source: Coast to Coast – November 10, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Theresa in Jacksonville, Florida called to tell of her UFO sighting:

“I had this experience when people were still real skeptical about UFOs when I was just a kid. It was in 1968. I was 14. I was out in the middle out of this little where I'm living again here. This real short dead-end road in Jacksonville and I was playing badminton. That's how infrequent the traffic was, we had a badminton net across the road. He had his back to the highway. I was facing the highway but he saw the look on my face when I saw the UFO and he turned around. So we both saw it at the same time essentially. It was literally a flying saucer. It was silver. It was right before dusk so sky was a real vivid orange and it was, you could see it glinting from the orange rays of the sun. It was rotating. At first it was like it was rotating, but at first it was hovering like the way a hummingbird can hover. So we were so transfixed that we didn't even, neither one of us... One of us should have gone and got a camera from our parents but by the time we went in and came back out again, or, at least, I went in, it was just in tiem to see the craft go behind the trees, this big stand of trees because there's it still heavily wooded even now these years later but I saw it and I estimate it was about... I think it was bigger than a Cessna but it wasn't not gigantic.”

Source: Coast to Coast – November 10, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy

Charlie Red Star: True Reports of One of North America's Biggest UFO Sightings

The Day After Roswell

The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record